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  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Public. Resource.Org, Inc. vs. California Office Of Administr... Unlimited Civil document preview


ROB BONTA State of California Attorney General DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 13001 STREET, SUITE 125 P.O. BOX 944255 SACRAMENTO, CA 94244-2550 PubUc: (916)445-9555 Telephone: (916) 210-6504 E-Mail: April 4, 2022 Hon. Steven M. Gevercer Gordon D. Schaber Sacramento County Courthouse 720 9th Street Dqjartment 27 Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: Case No. 34-2021-80003612-CU-WM-GDS (Public.Resource.Org. Inc. v. OAL. et al) Dear Honorable Judge Gevercer: Enclosed, please find a Proposed Order and Proposed Judgment as requested by this Court in its Tentative Ruling. Petitioner recommended additional language be added to the judgment to clarify how the Judgment does or does not apply to Respondent BSC. Respondent OAL did not agree that the additional language was necessary and declined to make the addition. Enclosed is correspondence between Respondents' Counsel and Petitioner's Covinsel which more fully expresses each parties' position regarding the language of the Judgment. Sincerely, LAURA A. RANDLES-LITTLE Deputy Attomey General Attomey for Respondents Office ofAdministrative Law and Building Standards Cpmmission