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  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Christopher Cook vs. Avanyan Armen Kamoyevich Unlimited Civil document preview


Robert L. Starr (183052) = Adam M. Rose (210880) NY Theodore R. Tang (313294) FILED/ENDORSED WW THE LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT L. STARR, APC Fe 23901 Calabasas Road, STE #2072 AUG - 2 2023 Calabasas, CA 91302 nN Telephone: (818) 225-9040 By: H. PEMELTON Facsimile: (818) 225-9042 Deputy Clerk DWN Attomeys for Plaintiff Christopher Cook oN SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA Co COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO hl ES CHRISTOPHER COOK, Case No.: 34-2023-00335351-CU-BC-GDS Sl Plaintiff, DECLARATION OF ROBERT L. SO STARR IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S SFO Me MOTION TO DEEM FACTS BY FAX AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH d/b/a ADMITTED KF SACRAMENTO LUXURY MOTORS; WESTERN SURETY COMPANY; and DOES 1} Date: November 1, 2023 F- through 100, inclusive, Time: 1:30 p.m. Dept: 53 | Defendants. ID#: A335351-003 | | NO I, Robert L. Starr, Esq., declare as follows: NHN 1. I am resident of Los Angeles, Califomia at all times relevant. I am acting counsel NO for the Plaintiff in the above-captioned matter. If called as a witness, I could and would testify NO competently to the following facts, all of which are within my own personal knowledge. NO 2. Attached hereto as Exhibit 1 is a true and correct copy of Plaintiffs First Set of Requests for Admission which were served on May 15, 2023. 3. Defendant Kamoyevich has completely failed to respond to Plaintiff's RFAs. // = ak DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO DEEM MATTERS ADMITTED 4. A total of $700.00 in attorneys’ fees have been incurred in association with the — preparation of this motion. The amount requested is based on the following facts: NO (a) Having practiced law for 25 years, my customary hourly rate exceeds $500 per hour, WW however I am agreeable to demanding $500 per hour for my fees in bringing this motion. My &- paralegal, Ralph Sasson, bills at a rate of $200 per hour. UW (b) I spent a total of 0.5 hours preparing this motion. This time includes researching and DB drafting this motion. I expect to spend at least another 0.5 hours on any reply to an opposition. NY (c) Iam familiar with the billing rates of other attorneys in this area of similar education co and experience, and the rates I charge are within the range of rates typically charged by other Oo attomeys for similar work in this area of law. hl (d) The total number of hours that were expended by my paralegal, Ralph Sasson in connection with this motion amount to 1.0 hours at a rate of $200 per hour, which is the normal eES|llOOO ES rate at which my firm bills for Mr. Sasson’s time and is typical for paralegal services charged by other firms in this area. Mr. Sasson has completed law school, passed the July 2022 Califomia Bar SEO S| Exam, and is awaiting a positive determination on his moral character application. Mr. Sasson has 13 years of experience working in the legal industry. ES (e) In total, my costs associated with this motion are expected to amount to a total of YS $500, while Mr. Sasson’s costs amount to a total of $200—thus rendering the total costs to be SYS $700.00 in conjunction with pursuing this motion. - 5. I have made a reasonable and good faith attempt at an informal resolution of each NO issue presented by this motion. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States and the State of Califomia that the foregoing is true and correct, and that this Declaration was executed on this Ist day of August 2023, at Calabasas, CA. Date: August 1, 2023 ROBERT L. STARR -2- DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO DEEM MATTERS ADMITTED Robert L. Starr (183052) Adam M. Rose (210880) Theodore R. Tang, Esq. (313294) Nn THE LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT L. STARR, APC wonn 23901 Calabasas Road, Suite 2072 Ww Calabasas, California 91302 Telephone: (818) 225-9040 & Facsimile: (818) 225-9042 vu Attorneys for Plaintiff CHRISTOPHER COOK SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO uo El CHRISTOPHER COOK CASE NO. 34-2023-00335351-CU-BC-GDS aES|lUc a ESESellll Plaintiff, PLAINTIFF CHRISTOPHER COOK’S V. FIRST SET OF REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION TO DEFENDANT OSU AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH d/b/a AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH SACRAMENTO LUXURY MOTORS; D/B/A SACRAMENTO LUXURY WESTERN SURETY COMPANY; and DOES 1| MOTORS SESE through 100, inclusive, FEF Defendants. F|- YF PROPOUNDING PARTY: CHRISTOPHER COOK | RESPONDING PARTY: | AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH D/B/A SACRAMENTO NO LUXURY MOTORS NO SET NUMBER: ONE NHN TO DEFENDANT, AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH D/B/A SACRAMENTO Nw LUXURY MOTORS and its ATTORNEY OF RECORD: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that PLAINTIFF, CHRISTOPHER COOK, requests DEFENDANT, AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH D/B/A SACRAMENTO LUXURY MOTORS, answer under oath, separately and fully, the following requests for admission and produce such answers in writing at 23901 Calabasas -]- REQUEST FOR ADMISSION [SET ONE] Road, Suite 2072, Calabasas, California 91302 on June 23, 2023, at or before 5:00 pm pursuant to = Code of Civil Procedure § 2033 et seq. NO DEFENDANT is directed to produce, at the aforesaid date and place the answers to the oN WW Plaintiffs Requests for Admission which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this F&F reference. Wn DEFENDANT is requested to serve a written response, in compliance with Code of Civil BAO Procedure § 2033.220, within thirty (30) days of service of this notice. Failure to respond to any requests for admission hereinafter set forth or any part thereof, may cause Plaintiff to move for sanctions pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 2033.280. Oo DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS eee A. As used herein, the term “PLAINTIFF” means “CHRISTOPHER COOK,” and any agents, employees, attorneys, and/or other PERSONS acting on his behalf. B. As used herein, the term “DEFENDANT” means “AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH D/B/A SACRAMENTO LUXURY MOTORS?” and any agents, employees, attorneys, and/or other PERSONS acting on its behalf. we Cc. As used herein, “YOU” or “YOUR” means “AVANYAN ARMEN KAMOYEVICH D/B/A SACRAMENTO LUXURY MOTORS,” and any agents, employees, attorneys, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or other PERSONS acting on YOUR behalf. D. As used herein, “SUBJECT VEHICLE” means the used 2014 BMW 5-series Identification Number WBAKN9C54ED680908,” which was previously purchased by RN PLAINTIFF. RN E. As used herein, the term “DEFECT” or “DEFECTS” means all or any of the NO following nonconformities which were reported by PLAINTIFF: NNO i. The vehicle was sold in a state of disrepair. F, As used herein, the term “DOCUMENTS” includes any “WRITING” as defined by Evidence Code § 250 and also includes all memorializations of whatever kind and nature and however stored or recorded, including but not limited to, any writing within YOUR possession or control or known to YOU — whether printed, a reproduced by any process, or written by or REQUEST FOR ADMISSION [SET ONE] produced by hand ~ including, but not limited to, all records, reports, papers, contracts, = instruments, checks, agreements, financial statements, lists, forms, maps, diagrams, telegrams, Nn cables, illustrations, microfilm, microfiche, photographs, books, letters, notes, emails, memoranda, WY statements, calendars, diaries, telephone messages, minutes, dictation, tape recording, video tape, F&F digital video recordings, correspondence, computer disks, and computer tapes, and includes, Hn without limitation, graphs, charts, drawings, exhibits, records, invoices, receipts, and all file copies nN and all drafts prepared in connection with such DOCUMENTS or records, whether used or not. N The term DOCUMENTS also includes all electronic documents, including emails. mem G. As used herein, the term “PERSON” means any individual, entity, or Oo association of individuals or entities of any kind, and includes partnerships, limited partnerships, eet corporations, joint ventures, joint enterprises, trade associations, regulatory bodies, govermnent agencies, or govermnent entities of any kind. H. As used herein, the term “REPRESENTATIVE” means any officer, director, eee owner, shareholder, partner, joint venture, associate, employee, employer, servant, agent, subsidiary, or affiliate of the PERSON; and any other PERSONS or legal or business entities acting for, on behalf of, or in concert with the PERSON, including consultants, advisors, lawyers, and anyone else engaged, retained, or employed by the PERSON. I. As used herein, the term “COMMUNICATION” means any contact whatsoever or any mw transmission or exchange of words, numbers, graphic material, or other information, either orally, electronically, telephonically, or in writing, whether made, received, or participated in, and NO includes, but is not limited to, any conversation, correspondence, letter, notes, memoranda, NO telephone call, telegraph, telegram, telex, telecopy, facsimile, email, internet communication, NO telefax, cable, electronic message, text message, tape recording, discussion, face-to-face meeting, NO or conference of any kind (whether in person, by audio, video, telephone, or in any other form). J.“RELATING TO,” “REFERRING TO,” and “CONCERNING” are used in their broadest sense, and shall mean anything that, directly or indirectly, generally or specifically, regards, relates to, refers to, concerns, contains, constitutes, contradicts, evidences, embodies, comprises, reflects, N mentions, identifies, states, deals with, comments on, responds to, describes, analyzes, or is in any 3. REQUEST FOR ADMISSION [SET ONE] way, directly or indirectly, relevant to the subject. — K. “INCLUDING” and “INCLUDES” shall mean without limitation. monn NO L. “ANY” and “ALL” shall mean “any and all” or “each and every.” & W M. “AND” and “OR” shall mean “and/or.” The term “and/or” shall be construed so as to require the broadest response. vn N. The past tense shall include the present tense and vice versa. O. Terms in the singular shall include the plural, and terms in the plural shall include the singular. P. Terms not defined in these discovery requests shall have the meanings used in the oOo pleadings or, if not used in the pleadings, their usual and ordinary meaning. ADRESS meet REQUESTS FOR ADMISSION ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 1 Admit that YOU received written notification that PLAINTIFF no longer wanted to retain ownership and/or possession of the SUBJECT VEHICLE. ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 2 Admit that YOU have not offered to repurchase or replace the SUBJECT VEHICLE. RPNRRRSKHSSGCedW ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 3 Admit that YOU are unaware of any evidence which would demonstrate that PLAINTIFF had neglected the SUBJECT VEHICLE. RO ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 4 DR Admit that YOU are unaware of any evidence which would demonstrate that PLAINTIFF had misused the SUBJECT VEHICLE. ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 5 Admit that YOU are unaware of any evidence which would demonstrate that the SUBJECT VEHICLE was fit for its intended purpose at the time it was sold to PLAINTIFF. ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 6 Admit that the SUBJECT VEHICLE has been required to undergo repairs which have substantially -4- REQUEST FOR ADMISSION [SET ONE] impaired the SUBJECT VEHICLE’S value. = ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 7 eonnun Nn Admit that the damages alleged in PLAINTIFF’S Complaint were the result of an defects and & W damages which were present prior to PLAINTIFF’S ownership of the SUBJECT VEHICLE. ADMISSION REQUEST NO. 8 Admit that the SUBJECT VEHICLE was not free from defects at the time of its delivery to PLAINTIFF. Date: May 22, 2023 LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT L. STARR oO eet /s/ Robert L. Starr Robert L. Starr meee Attomey for Plaintiff CHRISTOPHER COOK NO RO NO -5- REQUEST FOR ADMISSION [SET ONE] PROOF OF SERVICE 34-2023-00335351-CU-BC-GDS ND WY STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES fF I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the action; my business address is 23901 Calabasas Road, Suite 2072, Calabasas, Nn California 91302. Dn On May 22, 2023, I served the following document described as set forth below on the interested parties in this action by placing true copies thereof enclosed in sealed envelopes, oN addressed as follows: Document(s) Served REQUEST FOR ADMISSION, SET ONE uo et Party(s) Served: SO LAW OFFICES OF JOHN L. F ALLAT em | JOHN L. F ALLAT (State Bar No. 114842) TIMOTHY J. TOMLIN (State Bar No. 142294) 68 Mitchell NY Boulevard, Suite 135 te San Rafael CA. 94903-2046 Ww Telephone: (415) 457-3773 Facsimile: (415) 457-2667 eke DOWNEY BRAND LLP KH MATTHEW J. WEBER (Bar No. 227314) HN 3425 Brookside Road, Suite A Stockton, California 95219 Telephone: 209.473.6450 ON mm Facsimile: 209.473.6455 XX (BY EMAIL) I served the above document(s) to the email address listed above. A true mw OO and correct copy of transmittal will be produced if requested by any party or court. NO __ (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) I personally delivered by hand to the offices of the SK§e NO addressee(s). Nn NO XX (STATE) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. Ww NO Re __ (FEDERAL) I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this NO court, at whose direction the service was made. HO NO EXECUTED at Calabasas, California on May 22, 2023 NWN NO /s/ Vanessa Cuellar NO oN Vanessa Cuellar NH -6- REQUEST FOR ADMISSION [SET ONE]