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  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUFORNIA COUNT^^^F SACRAMENTO ORDER - COVID 19 PROTOC^k^ STIPULATION YES K NO OPPOSITION YES NO TRIAL DATE MSC DATE //y/~? Case Name Case Nur 'OSP^ 7lAJ( Ek PARTE APPLICATION: EX ^ j• By Date cb^T&MOT njTkJ-rD/McUL Name of Appearing Party Representing A. The Court, having considered the above entitled ^ w i t h o u t a hearing • after hearing with appearance(s) as noted above, rules as follows: u^nrtequest for OST/Applicatlon is Granted. • Request for OST/Applicatlon is Denied, t l ^ r i a l date Is vacated. [Zl^^^Mandatory Settlement Conference date is vacated, a ^ e Triaidate Is reset for ^ " H I ^ / ' ^ ^ The Mandatory Settlement Conference date is reset f o r ' ' / A / 9:30 a.m./X:30 p.m. in Department 59. This case is referred to the COVID-19 Trial Setting Process (TSP) for selection of trial and Mandatory Settlement Conference dates. Available dates can be obtained on the court's web site at All counsel (including parties appearing in pro per) shall confer and agree upon trial and settlement conference dates. Plaintiffs counsel must notify the court ofthe selection of Mandatory Settlement Conference and Trial dates no later than 160 days from the date of this order, by completing the request form at If the parties have not agreed on dates before the due date, court staff shall assign Mandatory Settlement Conference and Trial dates that are next available, unless an extension of time has been granted by the appropriate Case Management Program Judge. • The matter Is set for Short Cause Trial on. _at 9:30 a.m. In Department 47 for assignment via remote appearances. ^ j T|ife>nriatt^^^ H—J 9i30 a.nNiQDepartm^pt-trTTTVtQving papers^^ befjJa€l-anB"seQjed on/or efoi^' R^spiuttfing Part/sbisiraSmons to be fil^thend'^erved on/oro^fecct > Reply waived. A tentative ruling will be Issued 2 court davs prior to hearing. To request oral argument, vou must call Dept. 47 at (9161874-5487 and opposing party bv 12:00 p.m. the court dav before the hearing. No In-person appearances are allowed until further notice. Department 47 Zoom Link: To appear on Zoom bv phone, call (8331 568-8864 Itoll freel and enter the Zoom ID: 16173813009. The moving party must proceed by noticed motion. The application is denied on the merits of the papers presented to the Court. 'Oyi^x (ll trial related and discovery deadlines are to be based Counsel is direj^ted to serve a copy of this order Counsel for thi /ched CI-150 as modified 3/21/22 (SAVED IN D47 FOLl RDER DAY OF TRIAL OR LAW AND MOTION-BLANK CI-150)