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  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/20/2024 02:05 PM INDEX NO. 154660/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/20/2024 Exhibit I FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/20/2024 02:05 PM INDEX NO. 154660/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/20/2024 FOIL 201221-000238 MTA Audio FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0912hrs 2 Person 1: Uh, what is your running route? Person 2: Uh, run 704. Uhm BX27 -static- FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0912hrs Person 2: Hello yes uhm this is uh bus 3397. I was involved…inaudible…I was involved in a one two minor hit FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0913hrs 2 Person 2: Uhm he said he wants NYPD here. Person 1: Operator, what happened? Person 2: Uhm, the guy…I tapped the guy just a little bit. I tapped the guy but no damage to his vehicle or the bus, nothing man. The guy came out, videotaped. Walked around the car, videotaped everything, and then got back in the car. Person 2: Alright, so what happened? While you moving? He was on your left, right? Tell me what happened. Person 1: We were at a stop sign…it was at a red light. Person 2: You were at a red light; you tapped the back of the car? Person 1: Yeah. It was just like how you move up just a little bit. I tapped. That’s all it was. -static- FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0913h Person 2: What’s your B O? Person 1: 11 17 Person 2: What’s your location? Person 1: Uh, 1 2 4 and 2nd Avenue. Person 2: And what happened? Person 1 : Uhm…the guy claimed…static… FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0914hrs 2 Person 2: You copy that? Person 1: Yeah Person 2: Alright I’m calling in…inaudible…I’m coming your way. EMS shows up get their name and badge and uh, where they’re from and truck number. FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/20/2024 02:05 PM INDEX NO. 154660/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 19 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/20/2024 FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0914hrs 3 Person 1: Copy that. FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0914hrs Person 1: The guy claiming he got back pain and all that but uhm they’re going to see that…I got witnesses that said that he came out of the car, videotaped everything, and then sat back in the car. Now he’s claiming with the EMS that he got uhm, you know like back problems. Person 2: Alright no problem. We’ll send EMS over there. Person 1: EMS is over here already. He called PD they said. But the supervisor here said he want PD on the scene too. FOIL Audio EC 3397 11-4-20 0915hrs Person 1: Okay copy. You got dispatch on his way? Person 2: Yeah I do. What’s the make and model of that car in front of you and how many people in it? Person 1: It’s a Chevrolet Suburban Person 2: Alright, copy that. Okay, one driver that’s it? Person 1: Come back? Person 2: How many people in the car? Person 1: Just the driv…uh 2. Person 2: Two. Alright copy that...inaudible. Person 1: One left. The passenger left. The driver is claiming injury.