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  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview
  • Roth & Roth, Llp v. New York City Transit Authority, Metropolitan Transportation AuthoritySpecial Proceedings - CPLR Article 78 document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/20/2024 02:05 PM INDEX NO. 154660/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/20/2024 Exhibit G FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/20/2024 02:05 PM INDEX NO. 154660/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/20/2024 Guerra, Carlos 6219 foil 23621 rlos Guerra L Train at Halsey Street 9/10/18 Console B10 Penta a 10: 14:13 AM 96th Person A: Southbound, southbound and approach to 144...inaudible...9...49...inaudible...from street 6-Wire a 10:15:03 AM Person B: 31 come into maintenance. Person C: 31 Person C: 31 Person B: back up 95th street train Came, in Contact,Wi_th automatic F2625. Uh, signal person I let check out signal, no defect...stop front repair engage. working at.this.tirne. Person C: 31 Console CBTC1Penta-a 10:15:10 AM Nothing Console B10 Penta a 10:15:16 AM -inaudible- Person D: Goahead...inaudible...106 you got uh 926 UVS...inaudible... -inaudible- Person E: Onthe 1 flag to 109 take the next train to...inaudible... Person D: Okay, thats a copy. Next train coming on 1 Person E: Okay thats copy. Thank you. Person D: Copy. Person E±inaudible...That's the last one, next one, 101 flag...Thats the last layup coming in light on 1 flight Person D: Yes, copy. Thank you...inaudible...and thank you so much for your help. -inaudible- Person F: come into 1-11...inaudible...come in to 1-11 tower. -inaudible- Person G: Yeah 2-10, 11 plain, thats the last stop, last stop on that train. That train is going to the service yard. Conductor make sure he calls the yard...inaudible... -inaudible- 86th Person hinaudible...Silver tower you got the 833...833 whiskey dropout at street-inaudible- Person G: Copy that whiskey drop out. Console CBTC1 Penta-a 10:15:19 AM -inaudible- Person H: Go ahead 106, you got uh...926...inaudible...from parsons to broad...inaudible... Person 1: 926...inaudible...that is a copy for...inaudible...towers. Thank you. Console CBTC2 Penta a 10:15:20 AM -inaudible- Console CBTC2 Penta a 10:16:16 AM -inaudible- FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 05/20/2024 02:05 PM INDEX NO. 154660/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 9 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/20/2024 Console CBTC1 Penta-a 10:16:16 AM 34th Person J: ...inaudible...7 train in Queensborough 03 out of 5treet Coming into 1-11. -inaudible- 34th Person J: 10-03, 10-03 out of street, COmein 1-11 tOWer. -inaudible- 34"' Person J: 10-03 out of street Person K: 1]h-hh, this is 1-11 tower...inaudible...first train up the middle track from Queensborough...inaudible... Console CBTC1 Phone X-4268_a 10:16:24 AM -dial tones- Console CBTC2 Penta a 10:16:26 -inaudible- Person K: 10-03,10-03 uh this is 1-11'll be the first train up the middle track from ggggg gWggygh,..inaudible... Console CBTC1 Phone X-4268_a 10:16:30 AM -ringing...inaudible- Person L: Jenny! Person M: Hey Tom what's up? Person L: Nothin much, um I got fan plant uhm 5123 charter under the 24-hour rule. Uhm service doing some construction they're on the grating top the chambers, and it makes it unsafe to operate the fan. Person M: Okay, so when do they expect it back? Today? Person L: uhm, yes. Person M: Okay, cool. Person L: Alright? Person M: Alright. Thank you. Bye-bye. g Console CBTC2 Penta a 10:17:10 Person N: 1,5,4 go Person 0: 54 broad AM -inaudible- Console CBTC1 Penta-a 10:17:10 AM Person N: 1,5,4 go over Person 0: 1,5,4...inaudible...parking -inaudible- 6-Wire_a 10:17:13 AM Person P: B2 come in the 1017. Person Q: B2 Person P: Carol Street on a Frank. A female dropped a toy to the middle of the northbound Nancy 535 Maintenance operator 24 was notified. roadbit. Please caution. Person Q: Yeah B2 cautioning