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  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview
  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview
  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview
  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview
  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview
  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview
  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview
  • HUNT SR, CHRISTOPHER M vs LEE, HELEN M Other-Other document preview


35-2024-CA-000959-AXXX-01 Filing # 198690422 E-Filed 05/20/2024 12:43:28 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA § CHRISTOPHER M. HUNT, SR § & On Behalf of EDITH W. LEE § § Plaintiff § CASE: § HELEN. M. LEE § JURY TRIAL § Defendant § ____________________________________ INITIAL VERIFIED COMPLAINT EMERGENCY INJUNCTION TO STAY ALL ASSETS OF EDITH W. LEE WITH CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ELDER ABUSE HELEN M. LEE COMES NOW Rev. Christopher M. Hunt, Sr. Ph.D., pro se “Christopher” and files this INITIAL VERIFIED COMPLAINT EMERGENCY INJUNCTION TO STAY ALL ASSETS OF EDITH W. LEE WITH CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ELDER ABUSE HELEN M. LEE and avers: 1. JURISDICTION Court has jurisdiction over defendant Helen M. Lee “Helen” resides at 307 Del Mar Dr. Lady Lake Florida 32159. 2. HISTORY Helen will be proven a psychologically troubled individual who basically kidnapped our mother Edith W. Lee “Mother” “Mrs. Lee”. Helen is incorrigible in her elder abuse of our Mother who is* was 88 years old. Helen psychologically and 1 FILED: LAKE COUNTY, GARY J. COONEY, CLERK, 05/21/2024 12:41:57 PM is emotionally severely abusing* abused Mrs. Lee in violation § 39.509 & § 825.102 by cutting off all contact from Mrs. Lee’s six other children, more than ten grandchildren and six+/- great-grandchildren for almost two years! NOTE: *I started this filing in desperation due to feeling something was wrong with Mother so drafted Emergency Motion TPO to end the abuse and sent a draft demanding Helen open Mother up for communication for Mother’s Day or I filed lawsuit and get Helen put in jail! It was only then that Helen invited family to a special Mother’s Day event on Monday 13th, but then informed us on Friday 10tthe 10th that it was a Celebration of Life funeral for our mother who had died May 1st!!!! I cannot type without crying… it has taken five days to process heartache and mental rage. Mother was dead ten days as I had felt in Spirit something seriously wrong and only proof of lawsuit and jail got truth out! I did everything I could with filings in probate that illegally rejected my requests for TPO to end abuse. I tried hiring an attorney, but none would help with only a TPO with us as family would care for mother because attorneys would only take case if we made mother a ward of state which violated our promise and wastes assets because assures attorneys for funding – like attorneys for divorce are known for “conflict for cash” strategies! Hence is becoming popular to end the child abusive (il)legal monopoly of $Billion divorce industry. Instant case will prove there needs to be an overhaul of court and government bureaucracies and law enforcement implementing existing good elder laws! It is the system that not only failed our mother Mrs. Lee but also thwarted my intervention so enabled Helen’s abuse and Mrs. Lee’s death as they chose to believe Helen despite Christopher’s evidence!! Christopher finally found an attorney but then his wife died and of course he quit all work for weeks. This initial filing will have an attorney but must be filed before Helen’s diabolical finance plans in violation to mother’s known desires. Christopher initially supported Helen relocating Mrs. Lee back to the 2 Villages. But then Helen in breach of agreement with Christopher made herself guardian of person “guardian” and Power of Attorney “POA” instead of agreed and Mrs. Lee desired two independent local experts. Helen then misused her self appointed positions to elder abuse Mrs. Lee and family in her passive-aggressive mental illnesses to illegally cut off all family communication and then alienate and Stockholm Mrs. Lee from her children! Despite Christopher’s many appeals to Helen with links to psychological articles about elder health and need to loving family support Helen’s abuse led to breaking mother’s mind and will so as Christopher forewarned Mrs. Lee’s psychological and health deteriorated rapidly with end result of loss of five+/- years good life. It was double pain for mother of loss of her lifeblood and inspiration of loving family and daily abuse from psychotically sick Helen. Helen was known to overrule Mrs. Lee’s desires to extent Mrs. Lee was yelling at Helen to listen to Christopher because she wanted to do what Christopher was suggesting and asking. We even had a code phrase when Helen would get irrational stubborn, “Listen to mom yelling.” At funeral service Helen told Christopher to officiate the service and she was sick to her stomach and needed to go home. Before leaving Helen told Christopher. “Mom died from dementia and heart attack.” Christopher replied, “So you psychologically and emotionally abused mom so she lost her mind and then you broke her heart removing family, so she died of a heart attack.” Helen had no words and left the funeral service. Christopher twice drove down from Atlanta to visit his Mother. First time no one knew where Helen had relocated Mrs. Lee. Christopher was the only remaining family member able to have communication with Mrs. Lee and Helen and was bringing Mrs. Lee her car that a daughter had borrowed and needed to be returned and sold for money for Mrs. Lee’s care. Mrs. Lee per affidavits Exhibits 2 was happy and excited to see Christopher. When Christopher was thirty minutes from The 3 Villages Helen interfered and refused to allow Christopher to visit his mother at the unknown senior living facility and refusing to disclose location. After prayer Christopher found the facility housing his mother so he drove there. Christopher instructed staff to only share with his mother a beloved friend was visiting. Mrs. Lee showed deep love and excitement when she saw Christopher and started a wonderful visit. Helen was visibly shocked and upset that it was Christopher and then disclosed she had illegally in breach of agreement made herself POA and guardian and trespassed Christopher! Christopher had to leave but did have a phone conversation with a detective who later shared that during his interview of Mrs. Lee she seemed confused. When the detective made a request to ask for family services to interview Mrs. Lee, Helen refused to allow. Later when judge in probate violated cited laws to work with pro se per probate court guidelines he referred Christopher to family services. Christopher complied and called a couple times leaving voice mails. No reply was ever given. Later about that failure of incompetent, callous agency. After trying to other legal means and calling attorneys to help open mother up to family visits and remove Helen as POA and guardian, Christopher visited again but Helen had secretly relocated Mrs. Lee again from what was per Helen “Excellent facility that mom loves.” Christopher called more than twelve law firms for obtaining a TPO to end mother’s abuse and get court ordered mediation. Attorneys kept giving referrals. One attorney offered consultation of an hour for $849! Mother’s Day is this weekend and Christopher has a recording of mother early 2023 with tears wanting a family reunion birthday party and Thanksgiving celebration. Court please think if your mom... Helen’s is hurting so is hurting others after refusing to get therapy. Helen’s illegal elder abuse is hastening hastened our mother’s mental and emotional decline. Helen is alienating and Stockholm Mrs. Lee who used to love getting calls and visits from family. Helen sent an obviously coerced/coached video of mother stating she 4 wanted no contact or visits by anyone! But Helen shares not to worry because she see mom every day! Entire family will testify to Court that Helen is elder abusing Mrs. Lee in alienation and Stockholm and violates Florida law. Christopher has warned Helen for twelve months if she does not stop elder abusing our mother she will be criminally charged and be jailed with a TPO preventing any interference with family calls and visits. Despite only three days notice, Christopher drove down for funeral and was only person other than Helen to attend funeral as everyone was so upset at Helen and refused to enable her fake propaganda. Mrs. Lee was a sincere Christian who was no longer Catholic. Helen has made a false reality and imposed on Mrs. Lee her religion, etc. At funeral mass Christopher learned that he was correct about Helen had taken Mrs. Lee into her home and had asked sheriff/police to accompany but they refused! This was a disastrous as Helen had tried caring for Edith Lee at her home before and it was not good for Mrs. Lee so family intervened and got their mother into an assisted living facility. Christopher learned at funeral that there was an intervention for Mrs. Lee due to Helen’s inability to care for Mrs. Lee so she was removed from Helen’s home and put into a hospice after “a serious fall that resulted in severe injury with sutures” and “Helen was not able to care for your mother.” Mrs. Lee died within two weeks of being in hospice! Mrs. Lee died not knowing how hard Christopher had tried to end Helen’s abuse so all family could give their love and support to their mother. Mrs. Lee most likely had a dementia due to stress of Helen’s mental and emotional abuse and heart attack due to broken heart thinking family did not love her!!!! At the funeral Catholic church 8:30 am service for honoring Mrs. Lee, Christopher had arrived in Villages at 3AM, slept in car a few hours, changes into suit at Chick-Fil-A and got to church early, but Helen did not know. Christopher had been talking with several people who were learning Helen was a slanderous elder 5 abuser. When Helen came into the area of church where casket was unaware Christopher was there, Helen loudly said, “No one from family is here. Praise the Lord!” The chaplain with whom Christopher had been talking lowered his head and looked a ground he was so ashamed at Helen’s sinful, sick attitude. Helen had created a false reality and persona that no one loved mom! That is a goddammed lie! 3. LAW § 39.509 Grandparents rights.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a maternal or paternal grandparent as well as a step-grandparent is entitled to reasonable visitation with his or her grandchild who has been adjudicated a dependent child and taken from the physical custody of the parent unless the court finds that such visitation is not in the best interest of the child or that such visitation would interfere with the goals of the case plan. Reasonable visitation may be unsupervised and, where appropriate and feasible, may be frequent and continuing. § 825.102 Abuse, aggravated abuse, and neglect of an elderly person or disabled adult; penalties.— (1) “Abuse of an elderly person or disabled adult” means: (a) Intentional infliction of physical or psychological injury upon an elderly person or disabled adult; (b) An intentional act that could reasonably be expected to result in physical or psychological injury to an elderly person or disabled adult; (c) Active encouragement of any person to commit an act that results or could reasonably be expected to result in physical or psychological injury to an elderly person or disabled adult; or (d) Intentionally, and without lawful authority, isolating or restricting access of an elderly person or a disabled adult to family members for any length of time which could reasonably be expected to result in physical or psychological injury to the elderly person or disabled adult, or with the intent to promote, facilitate, conceal, or disguise some form of criminal activity involving the person or property of the elderly person or disabled adult. It is a defense to a violation of this paragraph that the defendant had reasonable cause to believe that his or her action was necessary to protect the elderly person or disabled adult from danger to his or her welfare. A person who knowingly or willfully abuses an elderly person or disabled adult without causing great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the elderly person or disabled adult commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. 6 Hopefully Court sees per law § 825.102 (d) that the TPO is warranted to end possible felony crime abuse and per law immediately issues the Emergency TPO. FLORIDA ELDER LAW Verbal and Emotional Abuse Emotional abuse can severely damage an elderly person’s mental health and general well-being. Seniors may experience emotional abuse from caregivers who ignore their wishes, use derogatory language, or humiliate them in public. Verbal abuse of another kind includes: • Seniors being yelled at or screamed at (Helen has yelled at mom and caused mom to yell her wishes at Helen who was disregarding verbal requests) • Posing threats (Causes Alienation Stockholm “family will not care for you!”) • Seniors aren’t included in activities (Mother’s desire family reunion etc.) • Denying a senior the opportunity to meet family and other visitors (almost two years!) Your loved one may be experiencing emotional or verbal abuse if they suddenly experience anxiety, despair, or social isolation. Passive elder abuse occurs when a caregiver’s negligence, illness, disability, stress, lack of maturity, or lack of financial resources results in elder abuse. Active elder abuse occurs when a caregiver intentionally fails to provide care to an elderly individual whom they are responsible for. Helen participated in corporate misdeeds in Momoo’s Cabin LLC (Mrs. Lee’s nickname is Momoo) that resulted in loss of $200,000 for Mrs. Lee’s care. Helen hates her siblings to extent she elder abuses Mrs. Lee for her own agenda’s but when it comes to money she participates with them. 4. MOTIONS Christopher is worthy of being appointed temporary guardian and POA as proven ethical, altruistic Christian minister with MA counseling and Ph.D. in theology with business acumen. Christopher will have six months POA and guardian with Helen as caretaker provided that per TPO she is in weekly therapy for her to have in person contact with Mrs. Lee. Christopher is to submit to Court within six months whom the family agrees will be the two different, independent 7 professionals as permanent POA and Guardian. Mrs. Lee is not to become a ward of state or be declared incapacitated. The family only wants to care for their mother Edith Lee and needs Court per law avail Mrs. Lee to calls and visits and have objective experts look over Mrs. Lee’s assets and person while she enjoys loving, health benefitting family relationships the law mandates is availed. NOW WE NEED A TPO OVER MRS. LEE’S ASSETS AS APPEARS HELEN HAS MANIPULATED MRS. LEE TO SET UP A NEW TRUST AND HERSELF AS EXECUTOR! HELEN IS NOT DUE ONE PENNY AND ACTUALLY OWES MONEY AS PARTICIPATED IN UNETHICAL BUSINESS ON A PROPERTY DEDICATED TO MRS. LEE LOST $200,000+ CHRISTOPHER HAD FOR MRS. LEE’S CARE. TPO against Helen preventing any interference from family enjoying a loving positive relationship with their mother/grandmother/great grandmother Mrs. Lee. Helen is incorrigible, delusional and psychologically unstable. The TPO needs to include Helen goes through counseling to maintain contact with Mrs. Lee. HELEN NOW NEEDS TO SPEND THIRTY DAYS IN JAIL AND GO THROUGH COURT ORDERED THERAPY! Wisdom “she” of Proverbs as Solomon was the wisest judge in history as proven by famous case that every law student should know “Dividing the Baby/Solomon’s Sword”. All parties caring for Mrs. Lee need to be competent, have a compassionate heart and high EQ - no typo as my custom EQ>IQ=<3∞. Court is warned that Helen is intelligent and can put a false persona for maybe fifteen minutes but under direct questioning the truth will reveal Helen is a psychologically troubled elder abuser, liar and manipulator. Christophers’ second 8 visit he got police involved but despite Christopher showing police the law of elder abuse Christopher called bother Rick Lee who affirmed the abuse they refused to make criminal charges and stated a civil matter! When Christopher was going to visit Helen’s home after prayer thinking mom was there the police intervened and refused to allow Christopher stating that Helen had trespassed and had a TPO against Christopher despite he never yelled or cussed Helen and mother wanted visits!! All of this is in police reports and with promised police cams. Christopher is going to show police their error to believe Helen’s lies instead of first-born son who is ordained minister with Ph.D. Theology and MA Counseling! Police told Christopher that the family services did an interview and Helen showed them the report. Incompetent idiots at family services never told Christopher they acted on Christopher’s calls nor asked for his concerns and results. Family services must be ignorant about alienation and Stockholm and cannot discern clues from victims. It is inexcusable the system failed mother and now she is dead so the police and judge will know! These people are over the world’s largest concentration of elderly population on earth but are derelict egotists instead of world’s best by extra training and procedures in place. NOW mother is dead because Helen’s illegal abuse broke our mother! Ms. Lee should have had five more years of good health. As Christopher wrote Helen many times and Mrs. Lee vocalized desires wanted family visits and communication. Mrs. Lee asked with tears hoping for a family reunion birthday. Elderly need emotional support and purpose for enjoyable life and longevity. Helen knew to take Christopher seriously after she rejected all God’s appeals and grace when he sent original draft of instant lawsuit and email that had link: YouTube: The REAL F Around and Find Out Graph IN CONCLUSION Mrs. Lee and entire family are being have been abused by 9 Helen. Christopher is forced to legally intervene, and Court is mandated by cited laws to grant TPO against Helen and new estate, have Helen criminally investigated and jailed for a month, replaced by Christopher. This is not an elder case law but a civil lawsuit with jury trial against Helen that includes actions to protect our mother Mrs. Lee. Mrs. Lee is not to be evaluated mental competency etc., but will be psychologically evaluated for Alienation and Stockholm. Family can care for Mrs. Lee perfectly well without her becoming a ward of state, etc. Helen refused to tell Christopher if mom was being buried or cremated and the funeral home refused to disclose “Helen Lee is our customer and we are not allowed to share anything with anyone.” Christopher will be subpoena the medical records and autopsy. Helen said she made choice to honor Mrs. Lee’s request to die and not have any life prolonging medical treatment. What the hell?! How bad is Helen? Mrs. Lee’s only sibling David Woodall who was able to see and visit his sister, our mother, spent two hours praying and talking with Mrs. Lee before her death. He refused to attend the funeral! Helen illegally abused Mrs. Lee and Christopher but then has Christopher officiate funeral so only saw mother’s embalmed body!!! Not one priest attended the chapel visitation. Mrs. Lee had Spiritually grown in Christianity beyond Catholicism and used to pray with Christopher weekly and say, “May we never be separated from you Jesus Christ.” Christopher made his mother’s saying into worship song lyrics. IN CONCLUSION Helen is being processed served and immediately emailed so knows to not do anything financially in violation to Mrs. Lee’s family known desires that Helen previously affirmed, not give money to Catholic church as Mrs. Lee had not given money to Catholic church for many years. Christopher is sending the priests of St. Timothy Catholic Church so priests know truth and refuse to accept any monies until after instant case. Christopher will be retaining counsel FYI: 10 YouTube – GodIsLove.chURch “Living Free of Manmade Rules in Catholicism” THEREFORE, Christopher prayerfully asks Court: 1. Grant an immediate hearing via Zoom for all family to testify mandating TPO/TRO to end Helen’s elder abuse so all Edith Lee’s children/grandchildren and great-grandchildren can freely communicate via phone and personal visits commencing Mother’s Day weekend. A TPO to prevent all assets and any will that was created in last two years to not be honored. Mrs. Lee had all assets going equally to all children. Helen to be in therapy to continue to have in-person contact with Mrs. Lee. When jury rules Helen committed elder abuse, she is to spend thirty days in jail and have court ordered therapy, Christopher will pay from $200,000. 2. Christopher is temporary POA and Guardian for estate with open transparent accounting and 10% of estate go to family agreed charity. 3. Review of Mrs. Lee’s Will that was known all family receives equal inheritance to ascertain if Helen has manipulated Mrs. Lee to change Will. 4. Helen to pay $200,000 damages and attorney fees to Christopher for her elder and family abuse and participation of improper business practice that resulted in $200,000+ loss Mrs. Lee’s care and Christopher who used to enjoy a loving relationship and prayed weekly and mom wanted visits. Any and all other rights and benefits this honorable Court may grant per discretion. Respectfully, //Christopher M. Hunt, Sr.// (electronic signature) Christopher Hunt, Pro Se 5456 Peachtree Blvd. 410 Chamblee, GA 30341-2235 (770) 457-3300 11 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LAKE COUNTY, FLORIDA § CHRISTOPHER M. HUNT, SR § On Behalf of EDITH LEE § § Plaintiff § CASE: § HELEN. M. LEE § JURY TRIAL § Defendant § ____________________________________ CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This certifies that today I served a copy of the foregoing INITIAL VERIFIED COMPLAINT EMERGENCY INJUNCTION TO STAY ALL ASSETS OF EDITH W. LEE WITH CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ELDER ABUSE HELEN M. LEE by court electronic system, email and if requested first-class USPO this 16th day of May 2024 to: Process Server EDITH W. LEE UNKNOWN LOCATION – 90% Confident Helen’s Residence that Helen put a trespass. Helen Marie Lee 307 Del Mar Dr. Lady Lake Florida 32159 727-688-6826 And via email the file stamped copy to Mrs. Lee’s children: Andrew Hunt, Howard Hunt, Richard Lee, Regina Little, Teresa Lee Kay and Mother’s brother David Woodall, grandchildren Michael Hunt II, John Hunt, Christa Hunt, Great- grandchildren Cooper Hunt, Grady Hunt, etc. Respectfully, //Christopher M. Hunt, Sr.// (electronic signature) Christopher Hunt, Sr. Ph.D. Pro Se 5456 Peachtree Blvd. 410 Chamblee, GA 30341-2235 (770) 457-3300 12 Exhibit 1 13 EXHIBITS 2 A & B AFFIDAVITS WITH MORE COMING 14 Exhibit 2B 15