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  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview


\a \z F I L SQPER'OR COURTEFDCALIFOHMA “(‘UNW‘T‘F 9W . lmlu . . , , . ‘ BFRNARDINO S. While. SBN: 207434 LAW OFFICE ()F TWILA S. WHITE MAR O T‘J 2”“ Floor 4 202‘} 2447 Pacific (‘mlsl Highway. Lu Hermosa Beach. (‘A 90254 , 'rcl: (213) 381-8749 BY . ABR'ANNA Rommel}, Fax: (2 3) 38 -8790 I I .ngpury Attorney for PLAINTIFF ESPERANZA PEREZ UI SUPERIOR COURT ()F THE STATE ()F CALIFORNIA 6 COUNTY ()F SAN BERNARDINO ESPERANZA PEREZ. (‘asc N0; (‘I\"l)$l920836 ((‘asc Assigned t0 tho Hon. Judge Thomas S (.‘arza. Department $27) Plaintiff. VS. PLAINTlFl-"S MOTION T0 COMPEL (‘()\ll’LF.'l‘li WITH A (‘().\IPI,IAN(‘E KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS a Sl‘BI’UICVA TU THE ('USTODIAN ()F Calitbmiq (‘Orpomlimr KAISFR RECORDS STEELW/ORKERS ()F l'NlTEl) ‘ ,. H ‘ . L()(I\l, 760“; DECLARATION ()F TWILA S. P‘OI'J‘NQA ION HIEAI. H HAN: IN‘( a SOU HLRN ( alltorma Corporation: I I and I .. WHITE IN. 8“”ka THEREOF CALIFORNIA PERMANEN’I‘E MEDICAL |(‘uncurrcmb filed with Declaration ofTwila S. GROUP. INC. California 21 Corporation: \\ hm. pmlmwd ()rdcrl TAWNA BRUUN. an lndi\ idual: und l)()IIS l through 50. lnclusiw. Dale: .lum- l8. 202-8 'I‘imc: 8:50 mm. [)clbndunls ('ompluinl Filed: March 20. 20l9 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE IhuI PLEASE TAKE NOTICE [hut on Ihc date and Iimc to bc dccidcd b} Dcparlmcm 27 ot‘lhc ubuw—cmillcd ( nurl. l’Ininlil‘l' l-spcrun/u Percy (“Plaintiff- and/ur "Pcrcf') \\i|| and hcrcb) don mmc lhix ('uurl Ibr am order that UNI’I'IiI) STIil-ILWORKI‘IRS LOCAL 7600 bc cmnpcllcd Io prm idc ducumcms pursuant Io subpoena dated December 5. 2023. This motion is based upon Ihc altuchcd mcnmmmium ui'poinls and zlulhoritics. Ihc records and files in this action. and any oral or “rillcn ducumcnlur} c\ idcncc Ihul ma) be presented a1 Ihc hearing. Date: March 4. 2024 Rcspccll‘ull} Suhmillcd. LAW ()I'I‘|(‘I ()I‘ l\\ ll...\ S. \Vlll'l'li 'I’WIIA S. \\ I || H Allm'nu) lm' I’luinlil‘lficcl} I Icming ' ' PIXIN'I‘IE‘TG MOTION 'r(i’(‘i’)"fii3lcll (‘()&I'I’L|¥:'I‘Ic ('(MIPLIAM'E WITH A Sl'BI’OlCNA T0 THF. (‘l'S'l’ODIAN ()l’ RECORDS ()H'Nl'l‘l’.” S'IVICI‘ZIAVORKERS |.()(‘,\I‘ “'60” .\lli‘\l()RA-\A\'l)l’.\l ()F POINTS AND Al'THORITIES IN SUPPORT ()F MOTION [J l. lN'I‘R()l)l'("I‘l()N ’4) ()n Deccmlwr 5. 2023. Pluinlifl‘x counsel issued u subpoena forlhc production ol‘rccm‘ds onl} Io 'l hc (‘usmdiun ol‘Rccordx ol‘lhc l 'NI l H) S'l Hil .\\'()Rl\’[iRS LOCAL 7600 ("l 18W- 7600"). 'l‘hia subpoena “as sen cd on l)cccmbcr 5. 3023. (Da'lumtitm Qf Twila S. White {[3 (“While DcclflT'): Exhibit l) Custodian ot‘Rccordx ol‘lhc UNITED S'l‘liElWVORKl-IRS LOCAL 7600 responded Io the subpoena \\ilh fur less Ihun a full) rcxponsiw prnduclion. Specifically. Ihc list of‘panicipzlting uniom per Ihc mcal and rcsl hrcuk policicx “hcrc thc cmplo) ccs could combine meal and rcst periods “as non produced. (White [)('('I.1]4) ()n l’chruun Z l. 2024. [NI l‘l-,[) S’I‘IililNVORKI-IRS LOCAL 7600 responded “ith a scl 0t documents. lkmcxcr. Mx. White pointed out that 5m crul documents “ere missing 21nd that shc nccds Ihc list 0f pzmicipuling unium pcr mcul and rcsl break policies regarding meal and rest breaks. cspccizull}. “hcrc Ihc cmplo} ccx could combine meal 21nd rcsl periods since that has hccn a ccmral issue in Kaiscr‘s cuxc . \Ix. \\ hilc cwn 51:1ch that shc \umlcd Io cnsurc documents. including Ihc staffing uhicclionx. mud h} lhc nurxcs. us “ell us am} grievances that mobility Icchs filed. including Peru. Shc rcinslzncd lhul \hc nccdcd Ihoxc documents as soon as possible. (White DecMIS: E.\'IIi/)it3) Funhcrnmrc. in lhc December l. 2M7. Step II (iricumcc Response. Li/ (‘ucxas identified that l’lainlil‘l's uninn prcwnlcd mulliplc :u‘glnncms in suppon ofPIuintitTuguimI Ihc allegation oI‘Iimc card fraud uguiml hcr. lhc \uppm‘ling documcnlx med I0 pl‘cscnl Plaintiff‘s case in this matter is imponant Io address Kuixcr'x dcttnxc uI lhc trial. (White I)a’l.1]6: Exhibit 2) ()n .lunuar} I(x 3024. u dcpmilion \uhpocnu “us sent nut 10 lili/ubcth ('uculs. I’luinlifl‘x l’nion rcp 10 prmlucc rclcuml documcnlx :11 Ihc deposition. “hich she did not pmducc during hcn dcpmilinn m1 .lzmuun 3 1. 302+ (H'hin' Dc('l.1]7) l’crw “11.x rcprcscntcd b} cuumcl. w [his \ulx Ihc fault ot‘hcr wumcl. .|;1_\ Smilh. I’luinlifl‘x motion In mmpcl Ihc documents requested in Ihc subpoena dated December 5. 2034 should bc grunlcd. ll. ARGUMENT l‘Nl'lH) SII l l \\'()R|\’| RS |()(‘.‘\|, 7()()() has nul produced adequate documcms in rcsponsc In Ihc \uhPocnu \crwd on lhcm. lhc Custodian 0f Records 01‘ lhc UNI'l'lil) S’l‘lilil.\V()Rl\'l RS | ()( .\l 7mm lllilcd Io produce zlll oflhc rccm'ds sought h) subpoena. l’uirncxs and gum! cuuxc mililulc in llnor ul‘wmpclling lhc (‘usludizm of Rccm‘ds of Ihc l‘Nl'l'lzl) S l l.l,|.\\ ( )RKI R\ l ()('.r\l, 7600 Io pmducc Ihc missing records as won 21.x pmsihlc Io q 7 IiAifi‘fi‘r‘s \IU'I‘ION‘I‘O (0311*ch (immJe'l‘lc COMPLIAM‘IC \VI'i‘H A sunmn-jxx 'm 'I‘me (‘1 s'l'nm‘xx m: RI‘:(‘()RI)s ()H'NI'I‘ICI) S’I‘I‘JilAVORKIaRs l.()(1\l. 7600