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  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • UMANA, NELSON vs CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CO Circuit Civil 3-C document preview


Filing # 198413782 E-Filed 05/15/2024 05:03:14 PM DIN: 6 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 6TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PASCO NELSON UMANA, COUNTY, FLORIDA Plaintiff, CASE NO.: Vv. CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CORPORATION, Defendant. PLAINTIFF'S FIRST REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS Plaintiff, NELSON UMANA (the Insured"), pursuant to Rule 1.350 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, hereby requests that Defendant, CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CORPORATION (the “Insurance Company”), make available for inspection and duplication, in response to each numbered paragraph, all documents specified herein which are in its possession, custody or control or in the possession, custody or control of its agents, accountants or attorneys. Defendant is requested to make such production within the time period prescribed either by the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure or by order of the Court, at the offices of Your Insurance Attorney, PLLC., 2601 South Bayshore Drive, 5" Floor, Coconut Grove, Florida 33133. I DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 1 The terms "you won > 'your(s)", “yourselves”, “defendant”, and/or “Insurance Company” means the party or parties to which this request is addressed, and any agents, representatives, attorneys or other persons acting or purporting to act, on its behalf. Electronically Filed Pasco Case # 2024CA001316CAAXES 05/15/2024 05:03:14 PM 2 The term “person” means any natural person, individual, proprietorship, partnership, corporation, association, organization, joint venture, firm, other business enterprise, governmental body, group of natural persons, or other entity. 3 The “Complaint” means the Complaint filed by the Insured in this action. 4 The term "document" shall mean any written or graphic matter and other means of preserving thought or expression and all tangible things from which information can be processed or transcribed, including the originals and all non-identical copies, whether different from the original by reason of any notation made on such copy or otherwise, including, but not limited to, correspondence, memoranda, notes, messages, letters, telegrams, teletype, telefax, bulletins, meetings or other communications, inter-office and intra-office telephone calls, diaries, chronological data, minutes, books, reports, studies, summaries, pamphlets, bulletins, printed matter, charts, ledgers, invoices, work-sheets, receipts, returns, computer printouts, prospectuses, financial statements, schedules, affidavits, contracts, canceled checks, statements, transcripts, statistics, surveys, magazine or newspaper articles, releases (and_any and all drafts, alterations or modifications, changes and amendments of any of the foregoing), graphic or aural records or representations of any kind (including without limitation, photographs, microfiche, microfilm, videotape, records and motion pictures) and electronic, mechanical or electric records or representations of any kind (including without limitation, tapes, cassettes, discs and records). 5 The term "all documents" means every document or group of documents as above defined that are known to you or that can be located or discovered by reasonably diligent efforts. 6 The term “Insurance Company” shall refer to the Defendant in this action, its affiliates, subsidiaries, predecessors, successors, agents, attorneys and/or anyone else acting in its behalf. Page 2 of 7 7 The term "communication(s)" means every manner or means of disclosure, transfer or exchange of information, whether in person, by telephone, mail, personal delivery or otherwise. 8 As used herein, the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the masculine, feminine and neuter shall include each of the other genders. 9. The terms "and", “as well as” and "o1 shall be construed disjunctively as well as conjunctively as necessary to make the interrogatory inclusive rather than exclusive. The term "all" means "any and all." The terms "each" and “every” means "each and every," the term “including” means “including without limitation.” 10. The terms "referring to" or "relating to" mean setting forth, pertaining to, memorializing, constituting, embodying, discussing, analyzing, reflecting or otherwise concerning. 11. The terms "locate" or "location" means to state the present whereabouts of each document and to identify the person(s) having possession, custody or control thereof. 12. The term "to date" shall mean the date on which you respond to this request. 13. When producing the required documents, please keep all documents segregated by the file in which the documents are contained and indicate the name of the file in which the documents are contained and the name of the documents being produced. 14. When producing the required documents, please produce all other documents that are clipped, stapled or otherwise attached to any requested document. 1S. In the event such file(s) or document(s) has (have) been removed, either for the purpose of this action or for some other purpose, please state the name and address of the person who removed the file, the title of the file and each sub-file, if any, maintained within the file, and the present location of the file. Page 3 of 7 16. The words "and" and "o shall be construed either conjunctively or disjunctively to bring within the scope of these requests any documents which might otherwise be construed to be outside their scope. 17. If you claim that the attorney/client or any other privilege or the attorney's work product doctrine applies to any document, the production of which is called for by these requests, then for each such document, state its date, subject matter, author(s), recipient(s), present custodian and all past custodians, and such additional information concerning the claim of privilege or work product doctrine as will permit the adjudication of the propriety of the claim. 18. If you contend that it would be unreasonably burdensome to obtain and provide all of the documents called for in response to any one of these requests, then in response to the appropriate request: (a) furnish each such document that is available to you without undertaking what you contend to be an unreasonable burden; (b) state with particularity the grounds on which you contend that additional efforts to obtain such documents would be unreasonably burdensome; and (c) describe with particularity the efforts made by you to secure such documents, including, without limitation, the identity of all persons consulted, and files, records, and documents reviewed, and the identity of each person who participated in gathering such documents, including the duration of time spent and nature of work done by each person. 19. Unless otherwise indicated, all requests include the time period from the date of the Loss to the date you receive this request. 20. The term “Insured” shall refer to the Plaintiff(s), affiliates, predecessors, successors, agents, attorneys and/or anyone else acting in their behalf. Page 4 of 7 Il. LOST/DESTROYED DOCUMENTS If any document to be produced was, but is no longer, in your possession, custody or control and/or has been destroyed or is otherwise incapable of production or state: (a) the date, place and means of the destruction; (b) the name and address of each person deciding upon, participating in and having knowledge of the destruction; (c) the reason for the destruction; (d) if not destroyed, the reason why the document is incapable of production; and (e) the subject matter of the document. Til. DOCUMENTS REQUESTED 1 A true and correct certified copy of the insurance policy provided by the Insurance Company to the Insured, for which this lawsuit is premised, including but not limited to, declaration sheet(s), all addendums and attachments. 2 Each and every timesheet, log and all other documents reflecting time spent by the Insurance Company at the Property. 3 Each and every document, evidencing the name, address, and the position/relationship with the Insurance Company, of every individual who has visited or plans to visit the Property on behalf of the Insurance Company. 4 Any and all correspondence or written communications from the Insurance Company to the Insured, which in any manner pertain to the Insured’s loss as described in the Complaint. 5 Any and all correspondence or written communications from the Insured, to the Insurance Company which in any manner pertains to the Insured’s loss as described in the Complaint. 6. Any and all photographs taken by the Insurance Company of the Property. 7 All documents containing information regarding a statement by the Insured at any time during the Insurance Company’s handling of the Insured’s loss, including adjuster notes, claim reports, interoffice memorandum, tape recordings, Examination Under Oath transcripts, and any other transcripts or written statements from the Insured. Page 5 of 7 8 Any and all bills or estimates for repairs to the Property submitted to the Insurance Company by the Insured. 9 Any and all checks paid to, or on behalf of the Insured, representing insurance coverage payment(s) for the loss. 10. All reports which in any manner pertain to the Insured’s loss. 11. All Proof of Loss forms pertaining to the subject loss that were sent or received by you or your representatives to or from the Insured or the Insured’s representative. 12. Transcripts of all recorded statements taken by you or your representatives in connection with the subject loss. 13. All inspection reports or other documents that evidence the cause of the damages at issue in the subject claim as determined by you or your representative. 14. All applications for insurance submitted by or on behalf of the Insured to you or your representatives in connection with obtaining or renewing the subject Policy. 1S. All photographs or videos taken by you or your representative(s) in connection with the initial issuance or renewal of the subject Policy. 16. A current curriculum vitae (CV) or resume for each person retained on your behalf for the purpose of rendering an opinion as to the cause or extent of the subject damage. 17. All affidavits or sworn statements in your possession pertaining to the subject loss. 18. Transcripts of all examinations under oath (EUO) taken by you or your representatives in connection with the subject loss. Page 6 of 7 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY thata true and correct copy of the foregoing was served via U.S. mail to: CITIZENS PROPERTY INSURANCE CORPORATION c/o The Florida Chief Financial Officer as RA, 200 E. Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4201, on this 15" day of May 2024. Respectfully Submitted by, Your Insurance Attorney, PLLC. 2601 South Bayshore Drive Sth Floor. Coconut Grove, FL 33133 Phone No.: 1-888-570-5677 Fax: 1-888-745-5677 Email: YIA1@Y Secondary Email: Eservice@Y, By: /s/ Kaneily A. Valde: Kaneily A. Valdes, Esq. Florida Bar No. 1003825 Page 7 of 7