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  • Marcia Stasko v. Alexis Santos, Javier Castillo, Allstate Insurance CompanyCT - Civil Tort document preview
  • Marcia Stasko v. Alexis Santos, Javier Castillo, Allstate Insurance CompanyCT - Civil Tort document preview
  • Marcia Stasko v. Alexis Santos, Javier Castillo, Allstate Insurance CompanyCT - Civil Tort document preview
  • Marcia Stasko v. Alexis Santos, Javier Castillo, Allstate Insurance CompanyCT - Civil Tort document preview


USPSTRACKING# Lake County, Indiana Filed: 2/8/2024 1:53 PM Clerk Fh'st-Olass Mail Postage 8- Fees Paid USPS I II II I Permit No. 6-10 HEHU 'WUE ?53 ED'IB TH]? HI] United States LSenderrPteeso—pflnt—yeumameraddrese'. and ZIP+4° 'In this box' ....___...- ..__ Postal Service K1 WALTER J. AlVAREZ. P.C. rbjm THE ALVAREZ BUILDING 1524 W. 96th AVENUE SE 3WD C OWN INT: 4630 IN I 292179 wfl'iniiniiwi"rhhlmum INN." SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ! complete items 1.. .2. and 3. A. \ I Print yourname and address.on the reverse X 31970"? ( El Agent El Adamo so that. we can return the card to you. ! Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, or on the front If spaée permits. 3. Received by C. afDelivery 1. Article Addressed to: D. is delivery addressam from item 17 D Yes If YES. enter delivery address below: E] No IlvwrWngsrggge v 1 3. Service Type W El Priority Mail Express® 0 Adult SW 0 un' 819nm! Restricted Delivery a 0 Registered ManTM Mal Matte Realm De very 9590 9402 7559 2098 7707 40 flied Mall Restricted Delivery nature confirmatlon'u El Collect on Delivery mam Cortflmntton El Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restrlcted Delivery 2. MdeNum'BBrfltansfer'flomservioelabeD ".1 Insured Mall i5"! UTLU 537i] ULIEH 13E? 3i: i Insured Mail Restricted Delivery 55091 P's EErE'sé'li'i'I'J'fi'ly'zdéo Pen 7356-02-ooo-9ii53' Domestic Return Receipt )-