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  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview
  • SCHMITZ, WILLIAM H. vs. PIMIENTA GARRIDO, ALEXMAR Auto Negligence document preview


CHARLOTTE COUNTY CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT OR BOOK: 4202, PGS: 1069 , PAGE: 1 OF 1 INSTR # 2526277 Doc Type: ORD, Recorded: 5/25/2017 at 9:20 AM Rec. Fee: ERECORDED Cashier By: VERONICAT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR CHARLOTTE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION WILLIAM H. SCHMITZ and JANICE K. . SCHMITZ, as Husband and wife, Plaintiffs, v. CASE NO. 16001754CA ALEXMAR PIMIENTA GARRIDO, JLL LOGISTIC INC and ROBERTO LI, Defendants. / ORDER GRANTING STIPULATED DISMISSAL THIS CAUSE coming on for hearing on stipulation of counsel for the respective parties, and it appearing to the Court that the parties have amicably settled and resolved the differences between Plaintiffs William H. Schmitz and Janice K. Schmitz and Defendants Alexmar Pimienta Garrido and Roberto Li only, and the Court being otherwise fully advised in the premises, it is hereby ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that this cause be, and the same is hereby dismissed with prejudice as to Plaintiffs William H. Schmitz and Janice K. Schmitz against Defendants Alexmar Pimienta Garrido and Roberto Li only; each party is to bear its own costs and attorney's fees. ge a DONE AND ORDERED at Punta Gorda, Charlotte County, Florida, this 2 3 day of hang My HONORABLE LISA S. PORTER Circuit Court Judge eee Pursuant to Rule 1.080, service of the foregoing Order has been made by U.S. snn09 3 10 Mail this day of ‘hk i) OR 24433 _____, April, 2017, upon: 0) 7 Michael M. Noone, Esq. gut a oo UE William Boltrek, Ill, Esq. Qa