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  • Maria Carranza  vs.  Hugo Vega-Interiano, et al(22) Unlimited Auto document preview
  • Maria Carranza  vs.  Hugo Vega-Interiano, et al(22) Unlimited Auto document preview
  • Maria Carranza  vs.  Hugo Vega-Interiano, et al(22) Unlimited Auto document preview
  • Maria Carranza  vs.  Hugo Vega-Interiano, et al(22) Unlimited Auto document preview
  • Maria Carranza  vs.  Hugo Vega-Interiano, et al(22) Unlimited Auto document preview
  • Maria Carranza  vs.  Hugo Vega-Interiano, et al(22) Unlimited Auto document preview


1 CLAUDIA LOZANO, ESQ. – State Bar No. 188742 LAW OFFICES OF SCOTT C STRATMAN 2 P.O. Box 258829 Oklahoma City, OK 73125-8829 3 4/11/2024 Phone: (510) 457-3440 4 Email: 5 Attorney for Defendant, HUGO VEGA-INTERIANO 6 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8 FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO 9 Maria Carranza, Case No.: 24-CIV-00478 10 UNLIMITED JURISDICTION Plaintiff, 11 ASSIGNED TO FOR ALL PURPOSES: vs. DEPT: 12 Hugo Vega-Interiano; DOES 1 to 10, DEMAND FOR JURY AND NOTICE OF 13 POSTING JURY FEES PURSUANT TO Defendants. C.C.P. § 631 14 15 16 17 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 18 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Defendant, HUGO VEGA-INTERIANO, hereby demands a 19 trial by jury and hereby posts jury fees in the amount of $150.00. 20 21 DATED: April 11, 2024 LAW OFFICES OF SCOTT C STRATMAN 22 23 BY: 24 CLAUDIA LOZANO, ESQ. 25 Attorney for Defendant, HUGO VEGA-INTERIANO 26 27 28 _______________________________________________________________________________ DEMAND FOR JURY AND NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES PURSUANT TO C.C.P. § 631 - 1 1 Re: Maria Carranza v. Hugo Vega-Interiano Case Number: 24-CIV-00478 2 PROOF OF SERVICE 3 Code of Civil Procedure §§ 1013a, 2015.5 4 I am a resident of the State of California and over the age of eighteen years, and not a 5 party to the within action. My business address is P.O. Box 258829, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-8829. On April __11___, 2024, I served the following document(s): 6 DEMAND FOR JURY AND NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES PURSUANT 7 TO C.C.P. § 631 8 By placing the document(s) listed above in a sealed envelope, addressed as set 9 forth below, with postage fully prepaid, and placing the envelope for collection and mailing by the U.S. Postal Service on the same day following the firm’s 10 ordinary business practices of which I am readily familiar. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation 11 date or postage meter date is more than one day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. 12 13 By causing a true copy thereof to be personally delivered to the person(s) at the address(es) set forth below. 14 By electronically serving the document(s) described above via a Court 15 approved File & Serve vendor on those recipients designated on the 16 Transaction Receipt located on the vendor’s Website. 17 By electronically serving the document(s) to the electronic mail address set forth below on this date before 11:59:59 p.m. pursuant to and consistent with 18 Code of Civil Procedure §§1010.6(a)(2), (4), (5) and 1010.6(e) from email XX address 19 20 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. 21 Executed on April __11____, 2024, at Woodland Hills, California. 22 23 24 STACY M. MCGREGOR 25 26 27 28 _______________________________________________________________________________ DEMAND FOR JURY AND NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES PURSUANT TO C.C.P. § 631 - 2 1 Re: Maria Carranza v. Hugo Vega-Interiano Case Number: 24-CIV-00478 2 SERVICE LIST 3 Joseph L. Cagigas, Jr. 4 Albert G. Stoll, Jr., A Law Corporation 235 Montgomery Street, Suite 1220 5 San Francisco, CA 94104 Attorney for Plaintiff, Maria Carranza 6 Phone: (415) 576-1500 Fax: (415) 576-1501 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 _______________________________________________________________________________ DEMAND FOR JURY AND NOTICE OF POSTING JURY FEES PURSUANT TO C.C.P. § 631 - 3