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  • DISCOVER BANK v. RESTO, MARIA DC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. RESTO, MARIA DC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. RESTO, MARIA DC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. RESTO, MARIA DC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


SUMMONS - CIVIL, For information on STATE OF CONNECTICUT aS Se mum jutcrgor See, I _ J0-C¥ Re ADA accommodations, SUPERIOR COURT Cos 5 51-347 5135) 52459 46, £2.25, contact a court clerkor PB 8G $1 tlwuugh $216, 1 99 f0: www Jud.ct. goW/ADA. Instructions are on page 2. [7] Setect if amount, lagal intacet, or propertyin demand, not including interest and cosls. Is LESS than $2,500. (Rl Setect if emount, legal interest, or properly in demand, nat including interest and costs. is $2,500or MORE. [] Setect if claiming other roliaf in addition to, or in place of, money of damages — - ——= = TO: Any proper officer By authority of the State of Connacticut, you ave hereby commanded to make due and legal service of this sumenons and attached complaint. ‘Waldieas ol court eletk (NOME, DICE foun anda COTE) Taaphacs nimi ot Oak ] Retum Bate iuaroza Theaave 95 Washington Street Hartford, CT 06106 ( ) ~ 860-548-2700 May 21, 2024 TH) Judicial District AEH TORT Case Fype rene jee usr Ig GA () Housing Session I) Numbe: Hartford Major: C Minor: 40 For the plaintiff(s) enter the appearance of: Nama snd addrece cf ahamay, law Tim or Planiil @seihraprecented [Mander W0w0r oT ana a Cou! Tors ramber earay or aw Gi Schreiber Law, LLC — 53 Stiles Road, Suite A102. Salem, NH 03079 434988 Telephone number (800) 423~ 8142 ‘The attamey or law firm apoearing for the plamntdf, or the plaintitt a deoveryal pacers, ie Ss oa poss for self-reprosented, agrees to accept papers (service) ofectronically om Practice Both if) r in this case under Section 10-13 of the Connactcut Practice Book. Ix] Yes f i No Parties Name (Last, Firsi, Middle Initia) and addressof each party (Number; street; P.O. Box; town: state; 2/p; country, if not USA) First Name: Discover Bank Pot plaintift Aaarest’ 6500 New Albany Road New Albany, OH 43054 Additional Nome: P02 plaintiff Address: First Name: RESTO, MARIA D Dot nt Address: 891 WEST BLVD APT 103 HARTFORD, CT 061054127 oe Name: Doz Address: | Additional ‘Narve: p23 Address: Additional Name: Dos defendant Asarens: Total number of plaintitts: 1 | Total number of defendants: [7] Form JD-CV-2 attached for additional perties Notice to each defendant 4. You are being sued. This js a summons ina lawsuit. The complaint attached states the cisims the plaintiffis making against you. 2. To receive further notices, you or your attomey must file en Appearance (form JD-CL-12) with the clerk at the address above. Generally, it must be filed on or before the second day after the Retum Date. The Return Date is not a hearing date. You do not have to come to court on the Return Date unless you receivea separate notice teling you to appear. Ifyou or your attomeydo not file an Appearance on time, a default judgment may be entered against you. You can get an Appearance form at the court address above, or on-line at https.// lawsuit, you should immediately contact Ifyou believe that you have insurance that may cover the claim being made againstyou in thisPractice your insurance representative, Other actions you may take ere described in the Connecticut Book, which may be found Ina Supenor court law library oF ine at htips:/vww jud.ct gov/pb.him Ifyou have questions summons and complaint, you should telk to an attorney to give adviceon fegal matters, fos ‘The court staff is “ailloy x Baie Bare Sen ‘raissioner al Superer Court | Nowe Ol paren IND ane Heather Q. Wallace, Esq. __gefEfirey A. Schreiber {this summons is si by = Clerk For Coutt Use 01 Fie Owe The signing has done so that Ihe plaintifi(s)will not be denied access to the courts Itis the 1 lity nf the plaintif(s) to ensure that service is made in Ine manner provided by taw. The court staff is not permitted to give aay legal advice In cennaction with any tavisuil The Clerk signing this summons at the request of the plaintitis} is not responsible in any way for any errors or omissions in tne summons, any allogalions contained in the complaint, oF the service of the summonsor complaint, | have read and Signed FSET OpRNANIOD ph I certify Dekel Nipsber understand the shove: Print Fosm Page 1 of Reset Form 4385889 Instructions fl ‘Type or print legibly. if you are a self-represented party, this summons must be signad by a clark of the cour. 2 Hf there is slare lhan one defendant, make a copy of the summons for pach additional detendani. Each defendant must receive a copy of this sumunons. Each copy of the summons must show who signed the summons and whon if was signed. If there are more thac tivo 2) and attacks it to the orginal plaintiffs or more war four defandants, complete the Civil Summons Continuation of Parties {form JD- and afl copies of the summons. Attach the summons to the complaint, and altach a copy of the summons to each copy of the complaint. Include 2 copy of the Civil Summons Continuation of Parties form, if applicable. 4. After service has been made by a proper officer, fle the orlginal papers and the officer's retum of-service with the clerk of the court a Use this summons for the case type codes shown below. Do nog use this summons for the following actions: {a) Family matters {for example divorce, child support, [e) Administrative appeals custody, parentage, and visitation matiors) () Proceedings pertaining to artitration {b) Any actions ar proceedings in which an atiachment, (g) Summary Procoss (Eviction) actions garnishment or replevy is sought {hi} Entry and Dotainer proceedings (¢) Applications for change of name (i) Housing Cade Enforcement actions {d) Probate appeals Case Type Codes _ = te | MAJOR ‘)CooE) Major? MINOR DESCRIPTION MAJOR [CODE ect All NOR DESCRIPTION | DESCRIPTION Mince | DESCRIPTION Wine “Contracts €00 Construction - A othe Property Pon | Foreclosure c10 Gomsansengn - Sate and Local Pxo Parton | ©20 | surance Pofey P20 ‘Quist Tilla!Discharge of Mtortgge at Lien €30 Epeelfic Performance P30 | Asset Forfebite cag Colloctioes P90 Ad other 50 Uninsurs@Undacnnsured Moterint Coverage | ceo Liniform kimged Liability Company Act 0.0.8, 34-243 TOz | Detectivg Promives - Private - Snow or leo | 630 All her E00 ‘Saale Highway Condemnation Torts (Other than Venlculas) Tos | Delective Pramdses Private « Other Tt | Deleelve Premises - Public- Snow at Ie | Eminent e140 Redevercgment Cendemnstion 112 Defective Premises - Public - Gther | Domain | ED | Cher State or Municipal Ageneses | 120 Produets Liebilty » Char than Vehicular 128 | Malpractice- Medical 5% Public Unilins & Gas Transinission Companies, eo | Alone T2 Malpractice » Legal | 130 Malpractice - Al! othar 41D Houting- Ratuof Sacucty Deporit Tao Assaull and Basery | Housing T80 Defamation | H1Z Housing - Rent anor Damages Tst | Animas - Dog Ha0 Housing - Housing Avdita Quereiwinjunetion T8o || Aninsate « Other H 50 Housing - Admunvetrsive Appa 170 False Anest H60 Housing - Municipal Enforcement TH Fira Usrnage Hs Housing: Al Other rap |Adoter | isceltancous 00 Iyuneton Vehkt es’ - Driver and/or Passemger(si vs. Drivers) | 419 Ht Recavership Raceivership for AbandonedBlightad Property Yebieutar Torts 3 ‘at04 Motor | Motor Vehicles! - Pedustrion 2, Driver 05 Motar Vehictes” - Property Damage only a2 Tanda vo6 Motor Veniete’ - Products Lsbitty Inckicing Warranty ua Habeas Corpus lectradtion, retease fern Penat InsBtution} vos | Mcar Wahiche’ - All ther 40 Adbitration v4D Boats W530 Cecleratory Judgment v20 Arpianes 63 Bar Cercapiins v30 | Railroads 408 Ceparment af Latar Unemployment Compersallon Enter camant van van |[AgSnowrnstiles, other 488 Bar Detapine - inachve Statue “Motor Vehices include cars, oueks, m0 Murecipal Ordnance and Regulation Enforcement meacrcycles, and metet eecotets. EO Forvign Chil Judgments CGS. 52604 BOGS S0e90 zi — st 53 Sanall Clams Transfer to Regudsr Docket Wills, Estates wig Conructin of Vile ana Tres ae Foenign Proneciive Order and Trusts wag AM other 69 CHRO Acllon wv the Public Interest -PA 18-83 Lue LAI other Page 2 of 2 4385889