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  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. SALVATI, PATRICKC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. SALVATI, PATRICKC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. SALVATI, PATRICKC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • LVNV FUNDING LLC v. SALVATI, PATRICKC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


SUMMONS - CIVIL For information on STATE OF CONNECTICUT Gr sb. CGS Ray 2.22 $9 81-246. 51.987,51 Ph 5531 touch 32 BH. 1043 5/980, 5245, $2.46, 57.259, ADA accommodations, contact a court clerk oF t wr Jud.ctgov/ADA. SUPERIOR COURT wa jad. ct gov eryof Instructions are on page 2. eel in demand, net including interast and costs, is LESS than $2.500. 1] Select il amount, iogal interast, of property IX] Select if amount. legal interest, or property in demand, not including interest and costs, is $2,500or MORE. Select il claiming other relief in addition to, or in place at, moneyor damages. a TO: Any proper officer By authority of the Stata of Connecticut, you are hereby carimanded to make due and legal service of this summons and attached complaint. TidaieasOf cour ao [NUM SISAL tow aap COTS) Teaphane number juin Date (eval bw a Tsay) 14 West River Street Milford, CT 06460 4 ) -203- "877- -4293 may 21, 2024 1X] Judicial District AeayTownt Tana ioe aa a ] Housing Session GA DD Number, Milford Major: C Minor: 40 For the plaintiff(s) enter the appearance of: RSsns Sd wares cP abaenay, am Tira be PSNI ¥ EAT Faprosenind (MATBOT ABE TORT Tae paar Tay a Taw Te Schreiber Law, LLC — 53 Stiles Road, Suite A102. Salem, ‘NH 03079 434988 Talephene number Signalira al plan (i selt-rapresantie) 800) 423 - 8142 The atlariey or law firm appearing for the plaintif, or the plainii Erol Toy deery a papa ander Sacto 10-19 Be sell-represonted, agroosto pars (service) vlectronicab x, (KX) Yes [] No (Comecticut Practos Book (7 2 JAschreiber@schreiblaw com in this case under under Section 10-13 of the Parties Name (Last, First, Middle initial} end address of each party (Number; street, P.O. Box; town; state; zip; county, if not USA) First Name: LVNV Funding LLC Pot plaintist Adarea¥: 355 S MAIN STREET SUITE 300-D GREENVILLE SC 29602 Additional Name: P02 plaintitt Addresy, First Name: Salvati, Patrick pat defendant Aaates*:21 Birdseye Rd Shelton, CT 064842103 ‘Additional Name: 0.02 defendant Address: Additional Name: pos dant Address: Additional Name: 0.04 defendant adaress: Total number of plaintitts: | Total number of defendants [ Ei Form 30-Cv-2 attaches for addtional parties Notice to each defendant 1. You are being sued. This is a summons ina lawsuit. The complaint attached states the claims the plaintiffis rnaking against you. 2, To receive further notices, you or your attomey must fle-an {form JD-CL-12) withthe clerk at the address above, Generally, it must be fled on or before the day alter the Retum Date. The Retum Date Is jot a heaning Gate. You do not have to come to court on the Return Date untessy receive a separate notice telling you to sppear. Ifyou or your etiomey de not Re an Appeararce on te, a default aigment may be entored against you, You can get an Appearance form at the court address above, or on-tine at hitps:sijud.ct.gaviwebtormsi. ityou belle that you have insurance that may cover the cizim being made against you n this laws, you shoud xnmodately contact your insurance representative. Other actions you may take are described in the Connecticut ich may be found ina ‘Ssupenor court law library or ‘at hitps:/iwwwjud.ct:gow/pb.ntm, Hf you have questions and complaint. you should talk to en attorney. aut court staff is not alfowed tf give advice an legal matters. TL) Comnatoner af Supercar Gam | Nine oI pwten NNO sraay | IL If this summons Is signed Oo were Heather ( cv LaurieD. Barot . ‘oF Cou? Lise Only "yA, Schreiber Feb a The signing has 50re the plaintif(s)will not be denied accessto the courts. > Itis tha responsibil Ihe plaintif(s) to ensure that service is made in the manner provided hy law ¢. ‘The court stallis Not permnitiad to give any legal advice in connection with any fawsull ¢ The Clerk signing this summons at tha request ot the plaintiti‘s) is not responsible in any way tor any errors or emissions in the summons, any allegatons contained in the complaint, or the service of the summens or complaint cartity [have read and | Slurwd (Se'epresentoa pinnim [Bs ‘Doce Nano understand the above: Print Fe Paget ore Reset “orm. 4383075 Instructions 1 Type oF print legibly. if you are a selt-represe nted. Party, this summons must be signedby a clerk 2. WU there is more than one defendant if, make of the court. a copy of the summons tor each aie {ditional detondant. Each this summons. Each copyof the summo must show who signod the su defendant must re ceive a copy of plaintiffs or more than four de} err darks, ns t 18. and when it was signed, If there are more and all copies of the summons. comple te the Civil Summons Continual tion of Parties (form JD-CV-2} then two and altach it te the original Attach the summons to the complaint, and attach a ¢ py of the summons io each copy af the complaint, Inchide Summons Continuation of Parties torn, if ay lo. @ copy of the Civ Alter service has been made by a proper atticer, file the original papers and the officer's retum of service Use this summons for tho caso type codes witht the clerk of the court. shown belo: Do not use this summons for the follow ing actions: fa) Family matters (for example divorce, child support, custody, parentage, . and visitation matters) {e) Administrative appeals (b) Any actions or proceedings in which an attachment, (9 Proceadings pertaining to artitration gamishment or replevy is sought (9) Summary Process (Eviction) actions (c) Applications for change of name (h) Entry and Detainer proceedings (0) Probate appoals (i) Housing Code Enforcement actions Caso Type Codes | Major MAJOR Cope} DESCRIPTION Contracts Mi | MINOR DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ‘CODE Miner MINOR DESCRIPTION coo Construction - A otto c10 Constivetion - St3%e and Local Propedy Pop Foreclosure 20 Ireurance Pokey P10 Partition c30 ‘Specie Performance P20 ‘Quiet TileDigeher te of Mortgage oF Lien 40 Collections P30 ‘Asvat Forteture 50 UningutasUndacneursd Motcrist P90 AM other ceo Uniform United UabilRy Company Coverag e Act 6.6.8. 5243 C90 49 thee Torts (Other To2 Defective Pre ~ Private- Sram oles Eminent €00 | State Highway Geedernation than Vebicutar) Tos Defective Praises. Pilate « Other Domaln E10 Redevelopment Condemeisbon Mt Defective Premises Publle- Snewar fee E20 ‘Other State of Municipal TH Defective Promizes- Public - Cihor Es Public Uilias & Gas Transmission Companies 120 Prodwets Liaisity « Cher than Vahicutar E90 128 malpractice - Medical 128 Malpractice - Legel Housing HID Housing: Rewum of Secunty Depeeit 130 Malpesetice - AN omer TaD Assault and Bamery H12 Housing Rent andor Damages 150 Defamation Hao Housing » Housing » Audita Querelevinjunction Ts 450 Housing - Adminetrstive Appest Animas - Dog H40, Housing tduricipat Enforcement 169 Animas - Other H90 Housing Al Other 170 False Arrest L TH Fire Damage | Miscellaneous 00 r90 Al other junebon M10 Recervecship Vebleuler Torts vor Motor Vehicles" - Driver andiex Passenger(s)vs. Driveris) M16 M20 | Racetve Mandamus rchip for Abendonod/Blightad Property vod ‘Motor Vehicles’ ~ Pedeshian vs, Driver M30 vos Motor Vehicles’ = Prapecty Damage only Habeas Corpus extradton, release ftom Penal Insttution)| vos Motor Vehicle’ - Progucts Liablity Including Warranty Mao Atbitration vos Motor Vehicla’ « All other M50 Ovcierntory Judgment vio 463 Bar Craipting v20 Arpianes Mos Departmentof Labor Unemployment Compensation v30 Railroads Enforcement V40_ | Snowmobiles 88. far Ctopine - inactive Sistue ¥80 | Al other M70 Wunseipat Ordnance and Reguiaton Entorceerent “Motor Vehicles nude cars. trucks, M400 | Forvign Civil Judgment CG.S. s 52008806. 50020 meotorryces, and meter scoters. wae ‘Senall Ciakns Transfer to Reguise Docket | | MR | Foceign Preeectivn Order Wills, Estates W140 | Conmruchon of Wile and True: M89 | CHRO Action n the Publ Interest. 15-89, we | At ather Le | M50 | Aa other and Trusts Page 2 of2 4383075