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  • Cavalry Spv I, Llc -v- Individual Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • Cavalry Spv I, Llc -v- Individual Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview


Quall Cardot LLP’s Califomia-DFPI Debt Collector License Number: 10077-99 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO CAVALRY SPV CIVSB2414601 I, LLC. Case No. vs. CERTIFICATE OF ASSIGNMENT EDGAR ROBLESTOVAR . an individual A civil action or proceeding presented for filing must be accompanied by this certificate. If the ground is the residence 0f the party, name and residence shall be stated. The undersigned declares that the above-entitled matter is filed for proceedings in the Civil Division District of the Superior Court under Rule 153.1 of this court for the checked reason: D General E Collection Nature of Action Ground D 1. Adoption Petitioner resides within the district. D 2. Conservator Petitioner 0r Conservatee resides Within the district. D 3. Contract Performance in the district is expressly provided for. D 4. Equity The cause of action arose within the district. D 5. Eminent Domain The property is located in the district. D 6. Family Law Plaintiff, defendant, petitioner 0r respondent resides within the district. D 7. Guardianship Petitioner or ward resides within the distn'ct 0f has property within the district. D 8. Harassment Plaintiff, defendant, petitioner or respondent resides within the district. D 9. Mandate The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 10. Name Change The petitioner resides within the district. D 11. Personal Injury The injury occurred within the district. D 12. Personal Property The property is located in the district. D 13. Probate Decedent resided within the district or had property within the district. D 14. Prohibition The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 15. Review The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 16. Title to Real Property The property is located within the district. D 17. Transferred Action The lower court is located within the district. D 18.Unlawful Detainer The property is located within the district. D 19.Domestic Violence The petitioner, defendant, plaintiff or respondent resides within the district. E 20. Other Defendant resides within the district. D 21. THIS FILING WOULD NORMALLY FALL WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF SUPERIOR COURT. The address of the accident, performance, party, detention, place of business, or other factor which qualifies this case for filing in the above-designated district is: EDGAR ROBLESTOVAR, an individual 3036 N NEWPORT AVE (NAME-INDICATE TITLE 0R OTHER QUALIFYING FACTOR) ADDRESS SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404-2541 (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP CODE) .CK I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and this declaration was executed cum at Fresno, California. W\ {\VWWWWLQ Signature of Attorney/Party 13-16503-360 Rev. 10/94