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  • Ontario-Montclair School Employees Federal Credit Union -v- Cervantes Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview
  • Ontario-Montclair School Employees Federal Credit Union -v- Cervantes Print Rule 3.740 Collections $10,000 or Less Limited  document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO CIVSB2414570 ONTARIO-MONTCLAIR SCHOOL EMPLOYEES FCU case No.2 VS. CERTIFICATE 0F ASSIGNMENT ANNA CERVANTES; et a1. A civil action or proceeding presented for filing must be accompanied by this Certificate. lf the ground is the residence of a party, name and residence shall be stated. The undersigned declares that the above-entitled matter is filed for proceedings in the Civil Limited District of the Superior Court under Rule131 and Generat Order of this courtfor the checked reason: D Genera! Collection Nature of Action Ground j 1. Adoption Petitioner resides within the district . j 2. Conservator Petitioner or conservatee resides within the district. D 3. Contract Performance in the district Is expressly provided for. j 4. Equity The cause of action arose within the district. j 5. Eminent Domain The property is located within the district. j 6. Family Law Plaintiff, defendant, petitioner or respondent resides within the district. D 7. Guardianship Petitioner orward resides within the district or has property within the district. j 8. Harassment Plaintiff, defendant, petitioner or respondent resides within the district. j 9. Mandate The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 10. Name Change The petitioner resides within the district. j 11. Personal Injury The injury occurred within the district. j 12. Personal Property The property is located within the district. j 13. Probate Decedent resided or resides within or had property within the district. j 14. Prohibition The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 15. Review ' The defendant functions wholly within the district. j 16. Real Property Title to The properly is located within the district. j 17. Transferred Action The lower court is located within the district. j 18. Unlawful Detainer The property is located within the district. j 19. Domestic Violence The petitioner, defendant, plaintiff or respondent resides within the district. E 20. OtherColIection The Contract was entered into within the jurisdiction. Wj The address case Ontario CITY 21. THIS FILING forfiling in Contract entered the above-designed into at: TITLE WOULD 0R OTHERQUALIFYING NORMALLY FALL WITHIN JURISDICTION OF SUPERIOR COURT of the accident, performance, party, detention, place of business. or other factor district FAL. I is: on CA STATE F ADDRESS "’ " which 1520 N. Palmetto Ave. 91762 ZIP qualifies this CODT / ‘ | declare, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and tiara; this declaration was executed on May S2024 . atWoodland Hills , California. ' k Signature orAftomey/Pany Form fl 13—1 6503-360 CERTIFICATE OF ASSIGNMENT Rev. June 2019 Mandatory Use