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  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


DOCKET NO.: (X06) UWY-CV21-5028294-S : SUPERIOR COURT NANCY BURTON : COMPLEX LITIGATION DOCKET vs. : AT WATERBURY DAVID PHILIP MASON, ET AL. : MAY 7, 2024 TOWN DEFENDANTS’ OBJECTION TO PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT HER SUMMARY JUDGMENT OBJECTION The defendants, Town of Redding, First Selectman Julia Pemberton, and Chief Mark O’Donnell (collectively, the “Town Defendants”), hereby object to plaintiff’s untimely motion to supplement her objection to the Town Defendants’ pending and argued motion for summary judgment as to all claims against them [Docket Entry (“DE”) Nos. 523.00, 524.00] (“Pl’s Mot.”). The Court’s familiarity with the facts of this case and the procedural history to date are presumed. For purposes of emphasis, the Town Defendants moved for summary judgment on all of plaintiff’s claims on November 2, 2023 [DE Nos. 491.00-493.00]. Plaintiff docketed her objection thereto, piecemeal, on February 23 and 26, 2024 [DE Nos. 502.00-507.00]. The Town Defendants timely filed a reply on March 8, 2024 [DE No. 509.00], and the Court heard oral argument on the motion for summary judgment on April 15, 2024. The Court reserved decision on the motion and, as such, the parties presently await the Court’s written decision and order. Notwithstanding, on or about May 2, 2024, plaintiff filed the subject motion to supplement her objection to the Town Defendants’ summary judgment motion to include as an Exhibit a Complaint filed in 2017 in an unrelated legal action against the Town and certain of its police officers (the “Complaint”). 1 Karsten & Tallberg, LLC • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 ENTERPRISE DRIVE, SUITE 4B • ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 • (860) 233-5600 • FAX: (860) 233-5800 • JURIS NO. 424030 Plaintiff argues that she should be allowed to supplement her summary judgment objection to include this Complaint as an Exhibit thereto because the Complaint, inter alia, “includes allegations that some Town of Redding defendants ‘failed to comply with applicable policies and procedures and supervision and training’ and engaged in such deceitful practices as deliberately obscuring the view of police cameras so the troublesome views could not be recorded for later review.” Pl’s Mot., at 2. But there are no claims in plaintiff’s case against any of the Town Defendants that will turn on whether there was a failure by Town employees or officials to comply with Town or Department customs, practices, or policies in 2017, nor does the Complaint –a mere pleading that carries no evidentiary value – even confirm whether such violations were actually committed seven years ago. Accordingly, leave to supplement plaintiff’s objection should be denied. Should this Court allow plaintiff to supplement her summary judgment objection, however, the Town Defendants maintain that the inclusion of this Complaint as an Exhibit will have no material impact on the arguments and defenses advanced by the Town Defendants in their motion for summary judgment, as it is well settled that propensity evidence is not admissible for purposes of demonstrating a likelihood to reoffend. Conn. Code Evid. § 4-5(a) (“Evidence of other crimes, wrongs or acts of a person is inadmissible to prove the bad character, propensity, or criminal tendencies of that person. . . .”). Because of this, the stated purpose for which plaintiff seeks to add the Complaint as an Exhibit is prohibited on its face. The Town Defendants’ additional arguments regarding the Complaint’s lack of probative value in this case are also set forth in their objection to plaintiff’s motion to engage in limited 2 Karsten & Tallberg, LLC • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 ENTERPRISE DRIVE, SUITE 4B • ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 • (860) 233-5600 • FAX: (860) 233-5800 • JURIS NO. 424030 discovery [DE Nos. 510.00, 511.00], which objection this Court sustained in denying plaintiff’s discovery motion on April 26, 2024 [DE Nos. 510.20, 511.10]. WHEREFORE, for all the foregoing reasons, the Town of Redding, First Selectman Julia Pemberton, and Chief Mark O’Donnell object to plaintiff’s motion to supplement her summary judgment objection, and respectfully request that such motion be denied. DEFENDANTS, TOWN OF REDDING, JULIA PEMBERTON, AND MARK O’DONNELL BY/ss/Kimberly A. Bosse Kimberly A. Bosse Karsten & Tallberg, LLC 500 Enterprise Drive, Suite 4B Rocky Hill, CT 06067 T: (860)233-5600 F: (860)233-5800 3 Karsten & Tallberg, LLC • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 ENTERPRISE DRIVE, SUITE 4B • ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 • (860) 233-5600 • FAX: (860) 233-5800 • JURIS NO. 424030 CERTIFICATION This is to certify that a copy of the foregoing was provided by US Mail, postage pre-paid, or electronic mail pursuant to Practice Book § 10-13 on May 7, 2024 to the following pro se parties and counsel of record: Nancy Burton, Pro Se David B. Stanhill 154 Highland Avenue Michael D. Riseberg Rowayton, CT 06853 Christine N. Parisi (203) 313-1510 53 State Street Boston, MA 02109 (667) 330-7102 Daniel Salton, Esq. Steve Stafstrom, Esq. Matthew Levine, Esq. Pullman & Comley, LLC Carole Briggs, Esq. 850 Main Street, P.O. Box 7006 AG-Environmental Bridgeport, CT 06601 165 Capitol Avenue, 5th Floor Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 808-5172 Philip T. Newbury, Jr., Esq. Howd & Ludorf, LLC 65 Wethersfield Avenue Hartford, CT 06114 (860) 249-1361 /ss/Kimberly A. Bosse Kimberly A. Bosse 4 Karsten & Tallberg, LLC • ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 ENTERPRISE DRIVE, SUITE 4B • ROCKY HILL, CT 06067 • (860) 233-5600 • FAX: (860) 233-5800 • JURIS NO. 424030