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  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview
  • BURTON,NANCY v. MASON,DAVID PHILIPM00 - Misc - Injunction document preview


X06-UWY-CV21-5028294-S SUPERIOR COURT NANCY BURTON JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF WATERBURY v. DAVID P. MASON ETAL. MAY 2, 2024 PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO SUPPLEMENT HER OBJECTION TO TOWN DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Plaintiff moves to supplement her objection to the Town Defendants’ Motion fon Summary Judgment to incorporate the complaint in Peter J. Valenti, Jr., Administrator of Estate of Peter Valenti III et al., v. Town of Redding et al. Police Department et al., Return Date October 31, 2017, Superior Court, Judicial District of Danbury (“Valenti Complaint’) (copy attached electronically hereto) and to thereby supplement her said objection in the instant matter accordingly. Certain allegations in the Valenti Complaint allege practices and conduct by members of the Redding Police Department and defendant Chief Mark O’Donnell which are relevant and probative of certain allegations of the current complaint — such as the Valenti allegations of negligence of the Police Department (First Count); negligence of Chief O’Donnell (Fifth Count); gross negligence of the Police Department (Eighth and Twelfth Counts); gross negligence of Chief O’Donnell (Twelfth Count); willful, wanton and reckless conduct by Redding Police Department (Fifteenth Count); willful, wanton and reckless conduct by Chief O’Donnell (Nineteenth Count): medical negligence by Redding Police Department (Twenty-Second Count); medical negligence by Chief O'Donnell (Twenty-Sixth Count); negligent infliction of emotional distress by Redding Police Department (Forty-Second Count); intentional infliction of emotional distress by Redding Police Department (Forty-Fifth Count). Moreover, following Mr. Valenti’s death, Defendant Pemberton elevated Capt. O’Donnell to the top position within the Redding Police Department: that of Chief of Police, a position he has held without interruption to date. As an example, the Valenti complaint includes allegations that some Town of Redding defendants “failed to comply with applicable policies and procedures and supervision and training” and engaged in such deceitful practices as deliberately obscuring the view of police cameras so the troublesome views could not be recorded for later review. The above-cited counts of the Valenti Complaint correspond in varying degrees legally and factually to Paragraphs 34, 38, 39, 40, 46. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83 and 89 of the Plaintiffs Fifth Amended Complaint (#328.00) which the Court (Bellis, J.) has identified as the presently operative complaint in her May 1, 2024 Memorandum of Law Re: Motion for Summary Judgment (#460). It is noted that it appears that Town Defendants’ attorneys (James Tallberg, Kimberly Bosse and Stephen Stafstrom) may be wrongfully withholding the litigation file created in the Valenti matter from which the attached Complaint derives. From their responses to Plaintiff's queries to review the entire Va/enti litigation file, both appear to not be in possession of the file. Neither Attorney Tallberg nor Attorney Bosse (whose firm represented the Town of Redding defendants in Valenti ) nor Attorney Stafstrom has (1) expressly denied possession of the file nor (2) released any portion of the file after separating out protected or privileged materials. Such acts appear to constitute oppressive litigation tactics and significantly hamper Plaintiff's rights in this litigation. In the instant matter, the illegal seizure of Plaintiff's goats occurred after agents of the state, working in close collaboration with Town of Redding defendants including Police Chief O’Donnell, reported falsely to the officials in charge of the seizure that during their surveillance “watch,” supposedly a 24-hour round-the-clock operation for four continuous days of Plaintiff's property, they failed to observe Plaintiff serving water to the goats. These logged accounts were either deliberate falsehoods or reflections of facts (withheld) that their surveillance operation was not continuous, as they represented to the Court. Although Assistant Attorney General Matthew Levine represented to the Court that he would make the logs available to the Court in compliance with a subpoena Plaintiff issued to animal control officer Charles DellaRocco. However, he failed to do so. During the hearing before Judge Cobb, Mr. DellaRocco testified that he was unaware of any subpoena and he was unaware that Levine had represented to Judge Borden that DellaRocco would have the logs available to present during the Cobb hearing. These facts strongly support a finding contrary to Judge Cobb's finding, inter alia, that the state credibly established that Plaintiff did not provide the goats with sufficient water, a devastating yet crucial finding entirely without basis. Since the goats showed no visible nor physical signs of being water-deprived, and in fact they were not, and her expert witness supported her position, she relied on Officer DellaRocco’s reliance on Redding police reports, which were wrongfully withheld from the Court by the Office of the Attorney General. Allowance of the Valenti Complaint is a valid step on the path of identifying the actionable acts of misconduct in the present matter by the Redding Defendants by identifying a pattern of such misconduct on the part of such Defendants for purposes of the motion for summary judgment. THE PLAINTIFF La OF 14 Gross Highway Redding CT 06896 Tel. 203-313-1510 CERTIFICATION This is to certify that a copy of the foregoing was delivered electronically on May 2, 2024 to all counsel of record. N (~ B ,