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  • BRENT SHEENA VS JOSHUA STERLING General Civil Action document preview
  • BRENT SHEENA VS JOSHUA STERLING General Civil Action document preview
  • BRENT SHEENA VS JOSHUA STERLING General Civil Action document preview
  • BRENT SHEENA VS JOSHUA STERLING General Civil Action document preview


File No 24CV018219-590 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 24-CVS MECKLENBURG In The General Court Of Justice County OiDistrict Superior Court Division Name And Addrass Of Plaintiff 1 BRENT SHEENA C/O STEPHEN M. CORBY, EMBLEM LEGAL, PLLC. 301S. MCDOWELL STREET, SUITE 1000 GENERAL CHARLOTTE NC 28204 CIVIL ACTION COVER SHEET Name And Address Of Plaintiff 2 PX}INITIAL FILING [[] SUBSEQUENT FILING Rule 5{b) of the Genera! Rules of Practice for the Superior and Oistrict Courts nd Address Of Attomey Or Party, if Not Represented VERSUS (anv te for initial appearance or change of address) Namo And Address Of Defendant 1 STEPHEN M. CORBY JOSHUA STERLING EMBLEM LEGAL, PLLC. 19884 DRA SIN DR 301 S. MCDOWELL STREET, SUITE 1000 CHARLOTTE NC 28204 SANTA CLARITA CA 91351 Telephone No. Cellular Telephane No. Summons Submitted 704-248-7683 & Yes O No NC Attomey Bar No. Attomey Email Address Name And Address OF Dalondaat 2 43580 STEPHEN@EMBLEMLEGAL.COM [XJ Initial Appearance in Case [[] Changee of Address Name Of Firm Fax No. EMBLEM LEGAL, PLLC. 704-323-4065 Counsel For Summons Submitted Plaintiffs Defendants Only: Cres [No (<] Jury Demanded In Pleading (]Complex Litigation {]Stipulate to Arbitration TYPE OF PLEADING (check all that apply} OAmend (AMND) OFailure To State A Claim (FASC) [J Amended Answer/Reply (AMND-Response) O implementation Of Wage Withholding In Non-IV-D Cases (OTHR) [Amended Complaint (AMND) O tmproper Venue/Division (IMVN) LJAssess Costs (COST) (J tnctuding Attorney's Fees (ATTY) Answer/Reply (ANSW-Response) (see Note) Ci intervene (INTR) Ochange Venue (CHVN) O tnterptead (OTHR) [X] Complaint (COMP) Lack OF Jurisdiction (Person) (LJPN) Confession Of Judgment (CNFJ) Lack Of Jurisdiction (Subject Matter) (LUSM) consent Order (CONS) Modification Of Child Support In IV-D Actions (MSUP) oConsolidate (CNSL) O Notice Of Dismissal With Or Without Prejudice (VOLD) [Contempt (CNTP) oPetition To Sue As Indigent (OTHR) CL Continue (CNTN) (JRute 12 Motion tn Lieu Of Answer (MDLA) ocompel (CMPL) {JSanctions (SANC) Counterclaim (CTCL) Assess Court Cosis Set Aside (OTHR) Crossclaim (list on back) (CRSS) Assess Court Cosis Show Cause (SHOW) Dismiss (DISM) Assess Court Costs C Transfer (TRFR) ExemptiWaive Mediation (EXMD) Third Party Complaint (list Third Party Defendants on back) (TPCL) CJ Extend Statute Of Limitations, Rule 9 (ESOL) (J Vacate/Modify Judgment (VCMD) Extend Time For Complaint (EXCO} Counsel (WDCN) OFailure To Join Necessary Party (FINP) Other (specify and list each separately) NOTE: Al filings in civil actions shall include as the first page of the filing a cover sheet summarizing the critical elements of the filing in a format prescribed by the Administrative Office of the Courts, and the Clerk of Superior Court shall require a party to refile a filing which does not include the required cover sheet. For subsequent filings in civil actions, the filing party must include either a General Civil (AOC-CV-751}, Motion (AOC-CV-752), or Court Action (AOC-CV-753) cover sheet. (Over) AOC-CV-751, Rev. 3/19, © 2019 Administrative Office of the Courts El ectroni cal lyFi led Date:4/19/2024 4:42 PM Meckl enburg CountyCl erkofSuperi orCourt CLAIMS FOR RELIEF (J Administrative Appeal (ADMA) Limited Driving Privilege Out-Of-State - (J Product Liability (PROD) LJ Appointment Of Receiver (APRC) Convictions (PLDP) OReal Property (RLPR) o Attachment/Garnishment (ATTC) (Medical Malpractice (MDML) OSpecific Performance (SPPR) [Claim And Delivery (CLMD) O Minor Settlement (MSTL) {X] Other (specify and list each separately) oCollection On Account (ACCT) O Money Owed (MNYO) ALIENATION OF AFFECTION (J Condemnation (CNDM) CJ Negligence - Motor Vehicle (MVNG) oContract (CNTR) (J Negligence Other (NEGO) - DL Discovery Scheduling Order (DSCH) (J Motor Vehicle Lien G.S. Chapter 44A (MVLN) O Injunction (INJU) LJ Possession Of Personal Prope Date Signatu 1a, 2024 Assert Right Of Access (ARAS) Substitution Of Trustee (Judicial Foreclosure) (RSOT) Supplemental Procedures (SUPR) PRO HAC VICE FEES APPLY Motion For Out-Of-State Attorney To Appear In NC Courts In A Civil Or Criminal Matter (Out-Of-State Attorney/Pro Hac Vice Fee) No. O Additional Plaintiff(s) No. Summons Additional Defendant(s) Third Party Defendant(s) Submitted Oves [No (Cres [no [yes Cves ono [ves ono Phaintiff(s) Against Whom Counterciaim Asserted Defendant(s) Against Whom Crossclaim Asserted AOC-CV-751, Side Two, Rev. 3/19 © 2019 Administrative Office of the Courts