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  • Olmsted Medical Center vs Connie Vanriper Default Judgment document preview
  • Olmsted Medical Center vs Connie Vanriper Default Judgment document preview
  • Olmsted Medical Center vs Connie Vanriper Default Judgment document preview
  • Olmsted Medical Center vs Connie Vanriper Default Judgment document preview


24-CV-24-606 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 4/18/2024 11:50 AM STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF FREEBORN THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT CONTRACT Olmsted Medical Center, Plaintiff, Court File N0. vs. AFFIDAVIT OF IDENTIFICATION, Connie Vanriper, NO ANSWER, NON-MILITARY STATUS COSTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AND Defendant. AMOUNT DUE STATE 0F MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY 0F HENNEPIN ) Michele G. Greer, being first duly sworn, deposes and states that: 1. Affiant is the attorney for Plaintiff in the above-entitled action; 2. To Affiant's best knowledge, information and belief, Defendant's full name and address is: Connie Vanriper Residence: 2407 Forest Ave Albert Lea MN 560075311 Business: Pro-Health Care Inc. 4710 Central Ave NE Columbia Heights, MN 55421 3. Said Defendant has failed to plead or otherwise defend Within the time allowed by law and specified in the Summons herein and no Answer or other pleading have been received by or served upon Plaintiff or Affiant; 4. Said Defendant is not now, as Afflant verily believes, in the military service of the United States; 24-CV-24-606 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 4/18/2024 11:50 AM 5. The following items of costs and disbursements are true and correct and have been necessarily paid and incurred by the Plaintiff in the herein action: $ 200.00 Statutory Costs 0.00 Affidavits 100.00 Service of Process Fees 296.00 Fees of Clerk of Court $ 596.00 TOTAL COSTS AND DISBURSEMENTS 6. The amount now due upon the claim in Plaintiff's Complaint is: $1,491.04 Amount of claim that remains unpaid 0.00 Attorney Fees 0.00 Interest on amount demanded in the complaint $2,087.04 TOTAL AMOUNT OF JUDGMENT TO BE ENTERED Law Office of Michele G. eer PLLC Dated: 4. [7. 90M By: Michele Gree Attorney . 19 6 . 801 Twelve Oaks Center Drive Suite 819 Wayzata, MN 55391 Telephone 952—345-2805 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF Subscribed and swo to b re me this Z 7 day of , 2024. BRIDGET L. RAU Nag Public e ,-. ha MyNotary Public-Minnesota *5 Commission Expires Jan 31, 2025 The above bill of costs and disbursements taxed and allowed at $ this day of , 2024. Clerk of District Court This is a communication from a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose.