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  • DISCOVER BANK v. ESQUIVEL, SUSANAC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. ESQUIVEL, SUSANAC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. ESQUIVEL, SUSANAC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. ESQUIVEL, SUSANAC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


SUMMONS - CIVIL For information on STATE OF CONNECTICUT soey-t Rev 222 5 ADA accommodations, SUPERIOR COURT CGS $9 51.146, 54 47, $1-249, 51.260, 52aN%a £2 contact a court clerk or atiy jut ct gow PB SG 31 tteouyh 321 BI 10-13 {90 to: wwwJud.ctgov/ADA. Instructions are on page 2. e [7] Select if amount, legal interest, ar proparty m1 demand, nat including interest and costs, is LESS than $2,500. LX Setect if amount, legal interest, ar property in demand, not including interest and costs, is $2,560 or MORE. 1 Select if claiming othet rakelin addibon to, o in piace of, money or damages. TO: Any proper officer By authority of the State of Connecticut, you ara hereby commanded to make due and legal service oS this summons and attached complaint. 3 Fildioas al Goon deh (MONDE, Wii Town and ap COO) Teaphone number ofeirk Retain Date (Nuaibe a Tooadany 123 Hoyt Street Stamford, CT 06905 ( ) - 203-965-530! May 21, 2024 TX) Judicial District ATE TORT Gaze RPE seas fSee us On pap <) GAL Minar: 40 [2] Housing Session | Number; Stamford Major: C For the plaintiff(s) enter the appearance of: | Tiana and adress of abamay, law firs & plant relfreprecented (Murber, deer foun Bad Bp code) Tala rab fi ator oF a Ti) Schreiber Law, LLC — 53 Stiles Road, Suite A102. Salem, NH 03079 434988 Telephone number Signaluse ot plan (@ seltvopmsanind) (800) 423~ 8142 The attamney or law fir appearingfor the plaintifl, or the paint if Exraall addins fox delivery ot papers unde= Secon 101i ofte icut PracticeBook jf aor sell-reprasanted, agrans to accept papers (service) electronically [XJ Yes. [1] No in this case under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut Practice Book. Parties Name (Last, First, Middte Initial) and address ot each party (Number, street; P.O. Box; town: state; 2/p; country, i not USA) First Mame: Discover Bank Po plaintiff Adaress: 6500 New Albany Road New Albany, OH 43054 Additional nem P02 plaintitt Adress: First Name: ESQUIVEL, SUSANA pai defendant Adress: 17 DAPHNE DR NORWALK, CT 068513102 Additional Mame: defendant Adaroes pee Wome: Address: Additional Nome: 04 defendant Address: Total number of plaintiffs: 1 | Total number of defendants: 1 | (Ferm J0-Cv-2 attached for additional partles Notice to each defendant 4 You are being sued. This is a summons in a fawsuit. The complaint attached states the claims the piaintiff is making against you. 2 To receive further notices, you or your attorney must file an Appearance (form JD-CL-12) with the clerkat the address above. Generally, ‘must be filed on or before the second day after the Retum Date, The Return Date is nota hearing date. You do not have to. come to court on the Return Date unless you receive a separate notice telling youto appear, ityou oF your attorney do nat file an Appearance on time, a defauit judgment may be entered against you, You can get an Appearance form at the court address above, of on-line at hitps:/jud.ct govwebforms/. tf you bolieve that you have insurance that may cover the claim being made against you in this lawsuit, you should immediately contact your insurance representative. Other actians you may take are described in the Connecticut Practice Book, which may be found in a superior court law library or on-line at https:i'waww.jud.ct govipb. him, Ifyou have questions about ‘}mmons and complaint, you should talk to an attomey The court staff is not all i td give advice on legal matters. Dae 3K] Somniasioner ol Soperer Gaunt ] Near oT perwen W719 , HAIRY ‘Signed a oO con 5 Heather Q. Wallace, Esq. Sreffrey A. Schreiber if this summons is signed ‘Clerk: For Court Use Ony Fra oa a. The signing has beery ‘so that the pleintiff(s) will not be denied access to the courts. Itis the responsibility the plaintiff(s) 10 ensure that service is made in the manner provided by law. The court staff is nol permitted to give any legat advies In connection wilh any any ‘The Clerk signing this summons at the request of the piaintif(s} is not responsible in any way forof the errors ar Omissions in the summons, any allegations contained in the camplaint, a the Service summons or compiaint. Teerlify have reed and [072d (Samep: send ree! Docksi Numb understand the above: Print Form Page 1 of2 Reset Form J 4376094 instructions a1 Type or print tagibly. if you are a seif-represented party. this summons must ba signed by a clerk af the court. 2 H there is more than one defendant, make # copy of the summons for sach additional defendant. Each defendant must receive a copy of this summons. Each copy of the summons must show who signed the stummons and when it'was signed, If there are more than tivo plaintiffs or more thact four defendants, complels the Civil Summons Centinuation of Partias (form JO-CY-2) arid attach it to the original and ail copies of the summons. Aitach the summons to the complaint, and altach @ capy of the summons to each copy of the complaint. inchide 2 copy of the Civil Suinmons Continuation of Partios form, if applicable. After service has been made by a proper officer, file the orlyinal papers and the officer's retum of service with the clerk of tie court. Usp this summons for the case type codes shown below. Do ast use this summons for the following actions: (a) Family matters (lor example divorce, child support, {s) Administrative appeals custody, parontago, and visitation matiors) (0 Proceedings pertaining to arbitration {b) Any actions or proceedings in which an attachment, (g) Summary Procass (Eviction) actions gamishment or replevy is sought {h) Entry and Detsiner proceedings Applications for change of name (i) Housing Code Enforcement actions {0} Probate appeals Case Type Codes 7 — _ MAJOR CODE] CODE | MINOR DESCRIPTION ajort MINOR DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Wapoet | DESCRIPTION Minor | Contracts €40 Genstraction - Alt othe Property Pao ‘Forecinsure e190 Constnaetion - State and Local 1D Pentinon e20 Inturance Pokey P20 Quiet Tile/Discharge of Hkertgageor Linn €30 Specie Persomance Pao Asset Forteture co Collections Pap [Boner cs Unineuradindacnsured Materist Coverage C60 Uniform Limited Liability Company Act—C.6.5. 36243 €90 [atone Torts (Other 102 Defactive Premises - Private - Srgw or Ico than Venicular) Tos Defective Premises - Private - Other | Eminent E00 ‘Saale Highway Condemnation u" Deferllve Premises - Public Starar ice | Domain £10 Redevalopmant Condemnation Tz Defective Promises - Public - Other En thar State or Municipal Agennios 120 Products Lisbl mec than Vahicndat es0 Public Utiies & Gas Trensirission Companies 128 Malpractice - Medical ER Alomee 128 | Malpractice + Lego! 130 | Malpractice ~ All other H1D Housing - Retum of Sacuctty Deposit Ts0 Assault and Barery Housing 180 Defamation H12 Housing Rent ancior Damages Tat Animate - Dog Had Housing» Housing - Audita Querelwinjunction Tap Animale « Othar 50 Housing - Administrelive Appasd 110 Fake Anest H60 450 Housing - Muriclpal Enforcament Meusing» A Other | Tit Fire Damage 130 Al otter L | |‘ Miscellansous m0 yunetion or | Motor Vehkfes’ Diiver andlor Passenger(si vs. Driver{s) wid Recerrership Vehicular Torts % 8 | Motor Vehicles’ Pe tens Driver | AS Rai hip foe Abondoned/Blighted Property 05 | Meter Vehickos” - Property Damage onty u20 Mandamus vos oto Venicie’ - Procuets Uabihy Including Warranty wo Habeas Corpus ledradtion, retsase fom Penal Insbiution) v3 Mater Wohicia’ « Al cthar that Adbtraton yao | Boats wx Decleratery Judgment v20 | Arpianes n53 Bar Decipine yao | Railroads ue Ceparinent af Labor Unemployment Compensation van | Snowmobiles Enforcemiaré 350 Alolher ne Bar Dirapine - insesve Status || ‘Motor Venides include cars, aueks. “70 Munecipal Ondence and Regutation Enforcement matress, andmetorscocars we Forrign Chil Judgmants CES 5264 206.8. 090 M83 Sennil Cisrns Teansler to Regubsr Dockel Wills, Estates wid | Construchon of Vite and Tres Mees Foreign Protective Order and Trusts weo | At ather u CHRO Aallon the Public Interest - PA 18-89, | wed All other Page 2of2 4376094