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  • Michael S Studnicka v. Zack J BokelmanProtection Order-Harassment document preview
  • Michael S Studnicka v. Zack J BokelmanProtection Order-Harassment document preview
  • Michael S Studnicka v. Zack J BokelmanProtection Order-Harassment document preview
  • Michael S Studnicka v. Zack J BokelmanProtection Order-Harassment document preview


Nebraska State Court Form PROTECTION ORDER DC 19:1 Rev. 08/17 PRAECIPE Neb.Rev.Stat. §§ 42-924, 28-311.09, and 28-311.11 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF 2iewarnsond COUNTY, NEBRASKA Michael S. Studnicka Petitioner, Case No. Cr a4d-4 1 Additional Petitioner/Minor Child(ren) , PROTECTION ORDER PRAECIPE Additional Petitioner/Minor Child(ren), FILED Richardson Co. Dist Court ™ Back J.J. Rokelmuwn Respondent. APR 15 2024 TO THE CLERK OF COURT: CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT Please have the Sheriff of. (21 ChokdsSorn County serve a copy of the protection order and/or order to show cause, petition, and request for hearing (if applicable) upon the respondent by personal service at any one of the following addresses: Home: Work: Other locations where respondent can be found: ‘ Directions for service: és y Date f1s we ‘on Madace Sones 0S Lave Sr Name Street Address/P.O. Box FAccs LY, iE 335s oO Check if completed by an attorney. Bar Number and Firm Name Gity/State/ZIP Code Phone HAA STO mUI/CKA®P VAdloo.C oq E-mail Address (If you are concealing your address or phone, do not provide them. Ma arrangements with the clerk.) ke separate _ Page 1 of 2 Protection Order Praecipe DC 19:1 Rev. 10/2020 10058560! Fill in any of the following information if known. Description of Respondent: Alias: Sex:. Age:. Height: Weight: Eye Color: Hair Color: EGR OWON Race: \ Skin tone: Jy LA \e Place of Birth: Scars, Marks, and Tattoos: Other Distinguishing Features: Employer: Work Days and Hours: Description of Respondent's Vehicle: Drivers Lic. No.: Issuing State: Expiration: Vehicle Lic. No.: Vehicle Year: Issuing State: Type: —— —- Make: Model: Color(s): VIN: Does the Respondent: Carry a weapon or keep a weapon nearby?L]Yes CINo Where and what kind? No Sure Have a history of mental illness? es CINo Use or abuse alcohol or drugs? [] YesJNo What kind? Have a history of violence toward others ZlYesC No Make threats against law enforcement? []Yes LJNo Other Comments: Page 2 of 2 Protection Order Praecipe DC 19:1 Rev. 10/2020