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  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview
  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview
  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview
  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview
  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview
  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview
  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview
  • Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. v. Reynold GibsonReal Property - Other (Strict Foreclosure) document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 STATE, OF NEW YORK SUPREME COI ]RT COUN OF OUEENS SLIN WEST MORTGAGE COMPANY, ]NC., Plaintiff, .VS- SUMMONS REYNOLD GIBSON, l-)efendants lndex # Premises: 145-45 123"1 Avenue, Jamaica, NY I 1436 TO THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFE,NDANT: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in the above entitled action and to serve a copy of your Answer, or, if the Complaint is not served witlr this summons, to serve a Notice of Appearance, on the plaintiffs attorney within twenty (20) days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service, or within thirty (30) days after completion of service where service is made in any other manner than by personal delivery within the State. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated: April 10,2024 3 , ,/_ M Broyles, FEIN, SUCH & Attorneys for Plaintr Sun West Mortgage Company, Iuc Office and P.O. Address 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800 Roclrester, NY 14614 (s8s) 232-7400 1 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME CO T]RT CO TJNTY OF OUEENS SUN WEST MORTGAGE COMPANY, INC., Plair-rtiff-, -VS- COMPLAINT REYNOLD GIBSON, Defendants Index # The Plaintiff herein, by FEIN, SUCH AND CRANE, LLP its attorneys, complains of the Defendant above named, respectfully alleges: FIRST: On January 24,2009, Avenel Gibson, for the purpose of securing the payment to I't Mariner Bank in the sum of $613,-500.00 with interest tlrereon, executed and delivered to the said Mortgagee a Note. See Schedule "A." SECOND: On the same day, Avenel Gibson executed a Mortgage to the said Morlgagee, which was duly recorded in the Office of the New York City Register on February 25,2009, in CRFN 2009000056075. Said Mortgage was assigned to Plaintiff by virtue of an Assignment of Mortgage recorded on December 2,2013, in CRFN 2013000493510. Copies of o'B." the Morlgage and Assignrnent are annexed hereto as Schedule o'C." THIRD: A clescription of the encumbered property is atrnexed hereto as Schedule FOURTH: On December 16, 2013, Plaintiff commenced an action in QUEENS County Supreme Court for the foreclosure of the Mofigage and for the sale of the rlorlgaged premises. Subsequent Notices of Pendency were filed on January 17,2017. arld January 26,2021, as amended on April 13,2021. Copies are annexed hereto as Schedule "D." FIFTH: On June 9,2023, a judgrnent was duly granted, anc'l entered on June 13,2023, directitig that the mortgaged premises be sold at public auctiott in QUEENS County by Richard M. Gr,rtierrez, E,sq., as referee. See Schedule ooE." 2 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 SIXTH: On December l, 2023. the referee duly sold the tnortgaged premises at public auction to the Plaintiff herein for the surn of $450,000.00. See Sclredule "F." SEVENTH: Purchaser has not yet received from the referee a deed of conveyance of said premises, as there is a certain subordir-rate interest in the properly which must be extinguished before closing can be held. EIGHTH: Upon information and belief, Defendant REYNOLD GIBSON has, or claims to have an interest in the premises by of a Petition for Letters of Adtninistration filed September 5,2023,in the Queens County Surrogate's Cour-t under File No.2015-833/4, which names Defendant as an heir to the Estate of Avenel Gibson, all as more particularly described in ooG." the annexed Schedule NINTH: Defendant was not macle a party defendant to the aforesaid foreclosure action. TENTH: At the time of the comrnencement of the aforesaid foreclosure action, Plaintiff herein was ignorant of the fact that Defendant owned or clainred to own interests in or liens upon the premises, and purchasetl the prenrises in good faith, relying on thc regularity and sufficiency of the proceedings. ELEVENTH: Defendant had notice of the foreclosure (1) by virtue of the filing of Notices of Pendency on December 16,2013, January 17,2017, and January 26,2021, as amended on April 13,2027, by Plaintiff with the Clerk of the County of QUEENS; and (2)bV virtue of the publication of a notice of sale by virtue of the publication of the notice of sale in Newsday. See Schedule "H." TWELFTH: The claim of Defendant that he is owner of said lien or interest and that his right to redeem the mortgagecl prernises has not been foreclosed is a cloud upon the title to the premises so purchased by Plaintiff. 3 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 THIRTEENTH: Purchaser is aclvised that title to the mortgaged premises was acquired by said foreclosure proceeclings urrc'ler which the sale was had, and also the right which Aver-rel Gibson had to redeem, they being at the time of the commencement of said foreclosure proceedings the owners in fee of the title and equity of reder.nptior-r of the premises. FOURTEENTH: The amount which wzrs due and owirrg to Plaintiff in the foreclosure action, at the time of the et-rtry of said judgment of foreclosure and sale, exclusive of the costs and expenses of said action, or of said sale, was the surn of 5562,054.91, and interest thereon through February 1,2022, no paft of which has been paid except as it was paid by the proceeds of said dale, under which Plaintiff herein claims. FIFTEENTH: Except as hereinabove stated, no other action has been brought to recover said sum or any part thereof. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff dernancls judgment pursuant to N.Y. R.P.A.P.L. $ 1352: 1. That an account may be taken of wl.rat is due and owing to Plaintiff for principal and interest on its purchase under said mortgage sale; and that an account may also be takerr of the rents and profits of the portion of the rnortgagecl premises so purchased which have been received by Plaintiff, and also of the expenditures of Plaintiff for permanent improvements and repairs, and for taxes and assessments. 2. ThaI the rights, if any, of the Defendant REYNOLD GIBSON in the premises subject hereto be fixed and determined; 3. That Defendant and all persons claiming under thern be barred and forever foreclosed of and from all right, title, interest, clair.r-r, lien, and equity of redemption in and to said mortgaged prerlises, and each and every part thereof, unless said Defendant redeems said 4 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 premises and pay the rnortgage debt with interest and costs to Plaintiff within a period to be fixed by the Court; 4. Thatupon the failure of said Defendant to redeem said premises, then said Defendant and all persons claiming under him shall be precluded from redeeming and be barred from claiming any title or interest in said properly; 5. For such other and further relief as this Courl may deem just and proper. Dated: April10,2024 L B FEIN, S LLP Attorneys for Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. Office and P.O. Address 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800 Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 232-7400 5 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 MARK K. BROYLES, an attonrey duly licensed to practice in tlie State of New York, and a partner in the law flnr-r of Fein, Such & Crane, LLP, certifies with regard to the following papers and/or clocurnents: NOTICE OF APPEARANCE, IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE NOTICE OF APPEARANCE & WAIVER IN MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE AFFIRMATION OF NO ANSWER & THAT NOTICE OF PENDENCY HAS BEEN FILED SUPPLEMENTAL AFFIDAVIT (AFFIDAVIT OF TENANCY) AFFIDAVITS IN SUPPORT OF THE MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT AFFIDAVITS OF SERVICE NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION X SUMMONS X COMPLAINT ANSWER AFFIDAVIT IN OPPOSITION TO SUMMARY JUDGMENT REFEREE'S OATH & REPORT OF AMOUNT DUE REFEREE'S REPORT OF SALE AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF THE ORDER SUBSTITUTING THE REFEREE NOT'ICE OI. FOI{ECLOSURE & SALE MEMORANDUM & TERMS OF SALE ATTORNEY AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE & SALE ATTORNEY AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT OF FORECLOSURE & SALE ORDER CONFIRMING REFEREE'S REPORT OF SALE AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF ORDER CONFIRMING REFEREE'S REPORT OF SAI-E AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF NOTICE OF MOTION FOR DEFICIENCY JUDGMENT FORBEARANCE AGREEMENT ATTORNEY AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF ORDER FOR SERVICE BY PUBLICATION ATTORNEY AFFIRMATION IN SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT FORECLOSING RIGHT OF REDEMPTION that to his knowledge, infbrn-ration and belief, fon.ned after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, the presentation of the paper or contentions therein are not frivolous as defined in subsection (C) of sectiorr 130-1.1 of the Rules of the Chief Administrator [22NYCRR 130-1.1 (c)1. Dated: April I 0,2024 a tL M K. Broy 6 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 SCHtrDIJLE A 7 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 Statr of Ntlw YORK AD.'USTAtsLI-RATE NOTf, (Home Equity (ionversion) Junurr-r 2{, ?009 lrl.i-{S l2JrrJ Avenur'. Jemrice, l{crv Vork I t436 {}taperry Ad&css) r. Dl:r.'tNriloNs "Bcnorver' rpcals cacir pctson stgrling at tlre end ofthis Nole. "Lcnder" means l3l Mariner lltnk and i:s succussors and assigns. "Sucrctarl" motrns th€ Secrelary ofl'lousirg and t.irban Devclopn:cnl ot his ot her authoriz.ed rcpn:scntatives. 2. IIORROWf R'S PROMISE'I'O I'AY; IN'IIRBST ln relunr for amounte to bc adv0.ncerl by Lender o or for the bencfit ofBotrow€r undcr the lerms ofa llonrc Equitv conversion Lo4n AtrLcmcnl datcd Janunry 2d,2009 ("Loan Agreenrent"), Borrower pr,rmises ro pay to rhe order ofl,cndcr a principol anrounl €qual lo lhe sum oiall Logn Advatces rnade inder the l-oan Ag,rccmcnt with intcrcst. All amounts odvorccd by Lendcr, plus irltercsl, if not due cerlior. q;c .Juc ur.l pa-rolrl" vrr Jurrc 6. t99;. 1ttq65t.vill bc chrgcd on utrpoid primiptl qt thc tots ol Two r\ND Ninr Hundrerl'l'hirty'l'hourandth pcrccnt (1.930%) pcr yeat unlil *rc full amcunt of prrnupal hqs beel paid. The lntcrest rarc msy cbrngc in accorrJance with Poragraylh 5 ofthis Note. n ccnrcd intercsr slialt bc adrtcrJ to thc prhcipal balance as o l.can Advtnce !1 lhc end ofaach nonth. J. PR()f\rISt: 1-O PAY Sl:Cl lRnrt l'Lrnowct's trrotrrisc to pay is sccurccl hy a mongagc, dccd of lrusl or rimiltr sccurity instnrmcnt lhal i5 dated thc sqrncdatc as rhis Nots arid caltcd rhc "sccurity lnstrurncnt."'[}lal Security lnslrument Ptotccts the Lcndcr lrom losscs which nrighl rcsrrlt ifBonower dclbults undcr this Nolc. 4. i\IANNER OF PiIYIVIf,NT (A) Timr Dur rQwcr shall pa), all outslatrdint principal and occrued inlcrcst !u Ltsnrlet u;rurt ttvuipt of a troticctJy Lcru.lo icqurrirrg intutcdiatc paynre,rt-in-rbll, as providcd in Paragraph ? ofthiJ Notc. {tl) Plrrc Paymcnt shall b{: made at lst uirlller Brnk, }301 lloslol slrcel, Btltlmort' lvlD 21224 ol any such otJlcr placc ar- L(:nder may designale ln wrilin8 by nolige to Bonowet. (C) l.imitstior of Llablliry fJorrorvcr shall ha\'e no peisonal liabilrty lbt poyment offtc dcbr. Lender shell enforce lhe debl only through salc ofthc ltopcrly covcrcd by thc Sccurity lnstrurncnt ("Prop*rty"). lfthis r*otc is assigncrl tc thc Sccrclery, lhc llonowcr shall not bc liablc for any diffclencc benvccn lhc rno,igage tnsurancc benclits pairl to Lcodcl and fic outstilrding indebtc&l€ss. including accrucd rtlrrgst, Dwsd by llorrorAcr ut the tirrle ol.thc asslBnmsil, 5. tNt'l-Rl:!ft'R t't'L CIIANGfS {A} Change Detc 'l'he inrerclt rare may change on April I , 2009 and o$ lhe ofeach succeedlng montb. "Chnnge Dotc" meals cach datc on whlch the intere$ tate could chongc, (B) The lnrtcr Bc.giruring wirh rhe lirst Chalgc Darc, thc interest ralc will bc bascd on an lndcx. "lndcx" mcans tttc *ecXty a,-crage yicld on Unitcd Statcs'Iicesury Scourilics adjustcd to E constanl tnaturity of onc venr, ai mldc availablc by tlc Federal Rescrvc Board. "Currcnt lndex" merns the most recc;lr lnrlcx ligurc nvailahle -10 days beforc the Change Date. lflhc lndex (m dellned abovc) is no longer avarlablc, l-entier will use rs a nelr lndcr any index prescribcd by thc Secretary. l-ender rvill Rivc Borrowcr noltce ol'lhe ncw lndex. (C) (-alculntlon of tnlcrctl Ratc Chrngcs llcfnrc ea.r Change Dare. l.ender wtll calculRle a nerv inlercsl rale by arkling u magin of Twn A)iD Fifry llundrctlrh percentage poinls (2.500%) lo thc curcnt lndcx Subjcct to thc lhit stated in perag.aph 5(D) ofthis Nolc, lhis amnltnl will be lhe ne\v interesl rale unlil the ne)(l Change l)ate (D) l.imil on fnlcr€st Rote (ihangcr -l}te intere$ rate rvrll newer rrcresse etrovc 'l'rvclve AND ltrline llundrctl Thirt-v'fhournndth ptrccnl {12.9.}0clc} (F,) Noticc of Chongc Lenrlcr u':ll girc nutier lo Burrorvcr ofily slt:utqB in lhs intercsl talc. Tltc nuticc nrusl bc rivcn 8 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 ar lcasr 25 davs belbre the ncw inlerest rate tales efT€cl, and must sel fonh (i) the date of the notrce, (ii) the Change llatc, (iii) the old intcresl ralc, (iv) the new interest rate, (v) the Currenl lndex ansct of indcxing rJris insrnllcnl. l]c inftrrnratlon on lhis pagc will control for indcxing purfnrscn in thc evcnt olany colflicr wirh the rcst of rhc docurncnt. ENT Elt IrA E Document lD: ?Hl9UZl30tl{rZJ{l0J l)ocumcnt Datc:01- 2(X)9 Documcnl'l'yp: MOR'ICAGE PRESIiNTER: RE'I'[JRN'I'O: TRUE TITLD & SE I'f LEM IJNT,LLC tI'IT-08. I 0827 tI'1'MARTNI]R T}ANK BARREn'n Rr,:Ar-'rY SKYr-lNtt (Dlt) (P/LJ rlRS) 330r BO,STON STRHril' t6 cotjRl's't'REIil', STC 714 BAt-]'tMoR[,, MD'2t224 }IR(X)KI,YN, NY I 1249 999-99S-9999 tlunet.hucksmchand@ bnonlinc.conr PROPERTY DI\TA Ilorough Block Lot Unit Address QUEF,NS 12043 E0 l!.mlrct,ot l4J-45 !23RD AYliNUIr. Property Typc DWF.I.l.lNC ONI.Y - I FAMll,Y CROSS RtrIIERENCE DA'TA CRI:N- {rr DocunrcntlD- or Ycur- Rccl Pagc- or FilcNuntber- - PA RTIES MO RTG ACOR/BORROWEII : - irrronrcncEE/LENDER: AVE}.IEI- cIBSON l'r'Hu sccm-'l'ARy oF lrousrNc A}.{D URBAN 145.45 l23Rl) AVENTJE lnevrlopl\4exr JAMAICA, NY 11,13(r l+s r .snvr:N'r'Fr s'r'Rur.i'r', sw lwAsHrNc'foN, DC 20410 I T'EES AND'I'AXES Mortgage Filing Fec' 6l .00 l'axablc Morllaac Amount: s 0.u) NYC Rcal Propcrty Transfcr Tax lixcrrlttion: 0.00 'lAXFIS: Countv (Basic): s 0.00 NYS Rcal Fstttc 'l'ranst'er'l'ax RECORDED OR TILED TN THE OFFICE 0.00 OF THE CITY REGISTER OF TIIE M'I'A: CITY OS NT]W YORK NYCI'Ar lleorlsl/Filcd 02-25-200)llr4$ Additiunal MRT: 'r'ot'n _ 0.(x) City Rcgislcr lrrle No,(CRFN): 20090000s6079 0.0{) Aryirl,av,iL,!:'eJi; $ 8.00 Ci Re ero ciol S 13 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 I I t(ic.;rd nnd llclpll t,,1: lsl i\ltnntr Btnh lllfi I !],r:t,:rr Slrcct Bil:::nr,rJL. Nll) : lr:'l l l'is iil)lrull{ni Frcj)ilc.J lr\' lsr llitrfner Siulli. Sitj I fita!tor! Srrcgt Ilrllirilot*. 0JlD .l J2.?,1 'l'hi. I inr Frir llrr olrlitg lhlll -.- l.Sparc A frcr r ,$trrtr of Nll\\' 1'0RK Al)J US'l';\RLli ltA'I[ IIOMf, EQU l]'Y COi{\iriRSlON i\'lOlil'GAG tt 'Illt:lNlOltl'Oi\Oli("Scrrurtl'lrtst:r,:ncnt"ir,sgrr'c:rL\rJlilullr\:.1. 1{}0). lh€:t',t'rl!iiSorlr .\tntrl Cilrrull, rri,nsc addrcss rs l.l5-.15 | Llrtl ,lvrnrrc,.lnrl:ti{'r. ,\r'rr' \'rllk I I'lJ{r ("llon,!\r"cr"). lJris Scct;rftrr llJifluntsnt is giurrr to lrt )larinu'lbrrft, rv]ridr is,l ntld cxiilrng. ilo{ltr th,i h\\5 ol;\l,lR't'1.,\,\-t), ilrd \hrrlc J30l lllrton.'i{rurt, llrrltinrnrr. \ll) 2llf l('l.rrrrir:r"J :rdr.hurr i:. l.)irl11111gt111iagrceiltrrlc1ral'lQl,rrrdr:rilDx,!IllsNlti(hl,t::rrlcr i:olrliBdl{ril(:ittlrnnii.irtcltrrhtrglututu ildtiurccs, ilddrjr llrr tcrnrr ufa llurrrc l-ltlttitr {-r)rrvrrtrr)rr l,\riu,{Frccrticui ({rlrrl tllc 5!inc tletc ils this 5g,:uliry lnsorrrnenl {"1.(rRil A8t€qn)ent }. 'Ihr' agrcr:trn'nt trr tcnitv is aviilc:lt\xj i}} l}oItuil'rl."t A,ijulrablg-RrtcN.)tijalflardlhesarrlrilattra\rhisSctruitl lrirrri:lcnl("N,}lc').'IirirScc:a'll1 lr:s:ntmcnl stnllt{s lO l,fnrlcf: {;r) tltc ffpJty nrrDl (r l'llrr ,J(bl cYidrrrcJ l\ thf NDIL. rr iiL irrtcrcsl dl d Jlrc \il]x'it rr ) nqillslJllunl {iilfrg$U, ltnd tll reDc!}als, exlensions and iltpilll'tLillir}n\ ol tllc {r}t!, up t{, il uril\:ttllrt}l p{rnctra}trneilntul'5lslluilOrr'd'ltllrlr'(n tlro$srn(|. li\(tlnnrtrrrll)r'llntsiHrdT,rtD(. lrtl!{U5. str1.1.5tlj,r, )l{h} tltc pil}'lncn{ of ull .rthrr suins, rvlh ill:rcjl. ildr,ulrjc'l uulc: lxrarraplr I tt, l.}lJtc;t tlrr s{;{urit}'of thi:l Secnriq' lnstrumtnt or oiltcn\'ist Cuu u'lJrr thf lcilD\ ol'tkij S{r:uri!\' lttSttllx).nl. itntl (e) rhr perfon:rarrcg i)l Boffolr'tr's c(!\tnal)ls errr! agrct'ntcnts irndcr lhis Slrttnly lnstr:mtnl iln(l ill( Noit'. Thc ,itll dcbl, tni:htdrng 0tnuunlj d(].scrtbcd tn iiri. lf);, ilnd t{'} nt!{'i's :l :'trrl drlg rJrlrrl, is rl:tc lnd p;tyah)ron,lrrrlt fi,?{}rl. t'orlhlsPullDsc.i,ortorfct'Ji^*sXcrcb)'olDri8,l!iq.Srittllllnilclrl!l\'lrr |..t'n{ct, }r,ln ,hr\vur ri, solc, lhr'li}llil\r:r}g dcs!'ilhcd propcnt' lotslsd )lr vt,t"l'-.\5 t oull(\" l"l:lf Y{JItK Sre ltgrl tlurct'iplrilr ar l:hibil ..\ nllltchtd hrrr't0 nDd nlid{ I p0t't hcrrof fr}r 0ll ir}leill5 xnd pUrp,rri't \\lltuh hn5 llw;til{lr{tt {)l' lJs.Js llJr{l ..1r't'rllrr...hnr:rita, i\t$ \'o|k I IJJ(r. ("1'r.'lx rtr A(ldrcsi': I'l.rOnTl tl:Jl \Yl I'tl ttll llr im1:rrrrvc::clrtJ nr)$ or hcreaticl crcctr:il i,n lhc ,)roptrl)'. irnd xll J.rj!'tt)arlls, Itghls,tppilnsr)irlces,andliltutctr:r,r','tlrhu'!'nllctaI):1;li.)i lnrprop{ri! i'li ruplacan)ttlls;1i:(l ilrl{liilorrsjhall ajrulrcCurcrcrlb,r'lllis5r;urii|lr15(rur:1clri,\ll ol'thrf{trtc.r,ll]!r5rcli'rt'.:.i t,llnl!iJ 5{i:untv l3slruillctlt irs tltt "ltopsrt\ lll'-)l(l{U\1'l;l{ t:( )',,1-:i'i^i'Il S thrl lJorrdrvrr ri l;rrflullt sJr2c,J i)f thc estr}li hr:cb| convsrci lnd hits lhc rlllrt lr) ilrrrll:rF€. 3r$rtl anr, iJorr!tlt ll); llrt)lNrl\' ilrtLl l:rx'i ilr ilr'p(lll tt unr!ftiil:b3,(rl 11r-\ili1!tlr \rilftults anrl r|rll Ccl'crtd grttuall\. lhi: ttlc l,: tlrc l)lill)art; agar:tsl ull ,Jlnlntj ixid rjrttliutils. 5tlbi{it h) ilny utcurnlrritn(its u l' reccnl 'l-l-llS SliCUl{,}'l Y i\S'l'll l J\ il.:N l cr rrrl>irrts rririlirrrrr srr,. c rrrr.ts loilralt,tn;rl ;r.ic rrxl rx-.n- unt iilnr ir\fnatits rr.ilh lrIrrtcri \'airsl;iIJ h-t'julirrliglrrr lri arrrslr,ir]c i: ilrtilirl:t s(t'uil1-\ rt)\lrr!l:arrt (i,vcllllg lJiil propenr. t,li'IFORNI Cr)VliNANT5. lJorro$'sr irild I..ndcr c!1rcrlirnt irnil a3,rcu irr ll.;ll$is l. I'xlmtol ol l'r:lrtipnj dnd ltrt('rcxl. BLrnr,ilrr sh;rll plrr rtlto: duc llii i:flnarp'il ol ;rtrl q:ltrusl ull. thc ',:cbl L'\'idstrcil [.,' tht Nrrtc. 9.!. : rl a llt r':,,1l':c U; *qr 14 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 o I ?. l,a)ntcilt of Itrop0rtv Chnrgcs. Sr.rnorrtr shl)l par, lrll l)rL1l)crlY clti'r1tc: cittt:isting ol'trtrcs. groLrnd rcnts, llood rrrd hlv;Lril ilrsur;1ncc prerrriLrrrs. lnd spvelrl J.'(rsssrlt:rts in ;t tirttcll'rtt;tttner, rnd sltnil providc evidelcc oi-pil!l)0nl lrr l-cnder. urrless l.tnr'. rstahlisl:';rntl ttsr thc l)rt:pct11'as Borrotvcr's prirrci;:al rcsi(lclcc litr:r llrf crrclliorr rri tlris Sccrrritt !nsllllncnl arttl []ortt;rvcr (Dl at lcasl irtlc llsryotfcf, ilirlitiallt'more thiln onc pcrsun ;11g lJir69Lrcr::J shill ci)ttlirluc lil (tccl;p| thc Prditrrt-y ils's princrpal rr:sidencc ftir lhc tcrDr r'f'llrr .Sr:crrr itv lttstnttrtcnl "Principal lcsidqnr'c ' shall hal't tlrc sane mcitDing as in thc Loan Alircetlterll. IitDnirrr'er shall nr)l ronliltit \\rsre Dr dt:\lrdv, (lirnrag,e.rr irrbilantilill]' Cbal)Bc thr'Prollerl)'or itllOrv thC Propcrcl, to deteriolnle, rcirsonablc u,elr and tsar r\cep(cd. l]urrorvcr shali alsr.r ire in dtlirttlt il' [JotrDrvgr, during lhi'lr]an appltcatioll process, gfl\'c nlatcrtall]' fblsr'or itlJccurate illlormati0ll or q0)loscli()n \\'rlr dre slatc|l]ents lo Ldt)dcr (or ftrilcd to L)rO\,iilc l,cnrlcr n'ilh ar\ ntillcrial infurtttatiorl,t ill loun evidenced by thc Note, inch:rlirri;, huI ool Irmitcij to. lcprcscnlatlotls collccrni')8 l]onc$'cr's occupanc)' of thc l,roperty as il prrrlcital residcilcc. lf thr.; Securrtl Inslnunct']t ts 0n I lcast'hold, l}rrorr,cr shall conrltl5,rvith thc pror.isions ofthc leasc. lI lli)rro\\'er i.ilr}'r('s iec lrllr lo the I)rrlperl\', thc lCaSchold and tcc titlc Shall nrrt lrc ntcrgcd un)tss i.cnder AgretS 10 i]i0 nrtrger rD \\'nllnt. 5. Chnrgrs to llorr0$ Pr0lcclirrn 0l l,en(ler's Rights in tbc I'roptrtt. Borrortcr shull pav all ggyrrnnlental or ntrrrricipal Charge-s. linc's and Intpostlit:tts tl)Jt are nol lllcluded ln Patagraplr I borrtrrvcr shall pay thcsr obllgalrrn]:i r)n llurc dir('ctlv lii :llc enlrlv rlhich is pert\ arrd l-cnucr's r:nhts ill th.e Pt,r;lcnr'. ltlcllldllltl l)rvll)L-nl ol''t:r\cs. hazard itlsurattce and other ilents nterttloled in Prrril*raph ?- 'l o prolect Lendcr's sccurrtr. in lhs l)rol)erty. l-cndcr shrlJ ltilvlnce trnd (:hargi lo llorto\\'er illJ ilDli-)trllts rltgru lltc Sccrct.ul lirr txc N.luttrdgc lrrsrrritr:cc f' urr,,iug thc r.curi.riics prDjidrd ir tbi: I'rragruPh ?0. irrclrrtlirtg. brrt ntrl limittri lo,0ltornc)s' lcts arttl costr nl lille rritltrtct' shall lrarr ths 'samc prittrit'l'ovs1 Jl, l,irn Prroril-r.'l ltr; lirl1 atllr)uDt sceurctl h-t this Sr:curit-'- lnstrulncrlt ,lt,i,.'r"Li amount h0rl bccn tjisburscrturrtlj>hirll irut irfl'rct llr( PliulitV ol'iln) lir\\ lb:. rrnpaitl Slrtc t,r lOcill govcrnmcttlal rrrrit spcci;rl illic\Jll)rnls ot tit\cs' inlerPst ralc ol2 9JU% \\'hjch occrucs ??..\djusl{lbtc'l{trlt F(;rtt!tt Undcr lltc Nolc, the inlllal stolcd \\'hcn ontheunpaidptinc,lultrl,r.,i':iiiiit'r i'uti"tRurt')ittubjectlochaD8c'itsdescribcdbejorv lo lhc lotal outsludrn-q pincipal rlrc inrcrrst rati'chxrlgcs, tr,. u",i','iiuit.:Ji;terest I01ss'ill irc applicrJ f,xlitDcc. Eacl) ad_iuslrlrcnl to Ulc itltics( rrlc \yitl t!- buscct uporl'tirc \rcL'til)' ilvr'rflBc VicL(l 0D tJt)itcC 'l hr: lnrles ("lntlcx")-plus stirtcs.l'reirsun,sccuritics a,r;usr..J ro n constanr milturil),ol'onr'y'ciu (hc 1,ltot*tn licrsurl nrarle availilblc hv Unilcd Statcs rs prrblishctl in rhc l'eo'rrilt Rcscnt llrrtlt:iin otttl Dcpunnrcnr in Srorisricrl I{etc";;lil -ilil91. ii rhc l,rdcr rs no loirgcr nv;rililblc' l'cndcr rtill be rcqrrired l() .sc iul), indcr p'csr..rrhcrl rr:, ,il,,,rtn.l.,rt ot'l lousing a'd Urban Dcr,clopment. l,cnrler n'il1 grvc ilorro\\er notlct i)l nc\\'lndtl' 'l ll(jlv sdjllslcd htcrcsl ralc: hc l-crrrler ill pcrlirnrr tlrc citlcrriatirrrts t]uscrrhcd bckLrY lo dcle mrirlc lhc rr "Cll:ltrge i)ltrrcst rirtcnra1,c1rrngc",,.r1,rii'i,:,i,f'f iutdrttrllttiirrlrlir''feacltrt:rcrtrlirtgrn'rtllt' t]ui*i ,uauu, ctruh rlitlc- in shiih thL: illlcrcst ralr cortltl changc rcdcnt lntlcr. ligrrrc a'ailablc thirrr',('lll) cats Thc r.rlrc ofthc lrrrlcs rrill lx dctcrrlinctt. usirrg rhc rrosr Datc' lltu-rlutr trttctc'rt r,lc t'ill lx bcli;rc thc clhilngc l)irlc i"r-'t'''t"ii'"'itt:j' ii'-iiit:ttt"rt Crt'tnBc calculittctlbl'acltlrrtgan)arg)lrr.rrhcCut,cnrIntlr:r.'l}tcstrrtufthrntargirtlllusthtCurrcntlrrdcrlill Calculatcrl lntercsl Rale rvill bc bc callctl thc "CrrlcLtl;rtctl lnt*'"" Rur"" for clch Change Dtttr"l'he inrrnediutely priir t0 the cunent Chartge Dare (lhc "Eristirtg cr.rurlllrrd to llrc inlercsl ,rt* in.ff..i lillcrcsl [tillc"). 'I hc Crlculaleil ll)lc(tst R0te \\ill nevqr increase lbovc ll'',-llt"/o if ncccs"'ir4' to contnir'\\'jlll lhc tille linlitil(i(trrls) dcscriberl i:u C:rlculrled lDlcrcsl l(cle rsi)l he lJitl';ir:d 'I ll illt calculetcd lnlcrcst irbovc;rntl r.ill bs in ctlcct unlil Lhc ncxt ch'$ge Darc. Atan-v ct,irng.- oatc, rtre i;sisring lnlcrcst Rntc' thc interes! rclu rrrll not chartgt'' ;i;;;ilt ?J.l-trttltr'r()bliglrtirlntl)I)isfllHlg0lhilsl(llril)'ll}stllllllcnt'\\,henl,crrderhasbccrtpaidirll lnstrumcnl- Lcndc' rvill dischalgc iltis sccrrrity anrorrnts duc unne No. (585)232-7 400 XYSJC]OO6 Properry Aclclrcss: 145-45 123ttt; AVENI)E, JAMAICA NY I 1436 Also known as: Scction Block 12043 in 'l'ax l,ot t{0 on t}re l"ax Asscssmeltt map of'the BOROIJGH o1'QUEENS NY I1436 Servicer I n{ornration : Name : S{jNWEST MORI cAclr C0MPANY Nunrlrer: 5 62-27 A- 1 937 2of4 52 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: INDEX 04/11/2024 NO. 705973/201"3 CLERK NvscEF DOC. NO . 71,7 RECEIVED NYSCEF : 04/1'3 /2021" SUPRE]VIE COTJRT OF THE STATtr OF:itrW YORK cOtiNTY 0F QtrIiENs ----------x SLJN WEST MOII.'IGA(}E COMPANY, INC., VS, ANI'I'A GltlSON; ROXANNI] CIUSON; MARK GIBSON; SI"AYMAN R" GIBSON; JTJDY GIBSON; UNITED STATES OF AMEIiICA; NEW YORK S'I'ATE DEI'ARTMEN'I OF l"AXAllON AND FINANCIT; NI1W YORK CITY ENVIRONMEN]AL CON'|ROL BOARD; IIALI DEVELOPIJRS, INC.; SECRE'TARY OF HOUSING AND UITBAN DEVELOPMENT; ".IOFIN I)OE" AND'JANhl DOI;]" said Index No. 70591y20l3 names being lictitious, it being the intention of Plaintiff to designate any and all occupants of premises being foreclosed herein, NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING (Mandatory Case) (Uniform Rule $ 202.s-bb) You have received this Notice because 1) The Plaintiff/Petitioner, whose name is listed above, has filed this case using the New York State Courts E-filing system ('NYSCEF"), and 2) You are a DefendanURespondent (a party) in this case ff vou are represented bv an attornev: Give this Notice to your attorney. (Attornevs: see "lnformation for Attorneys" pg. 2). lf vou are not represented bv an attornev: You will be served with all documents in paper and you must serve and file your documenG in paper, unless you choose to participate in e-filing, llyou choose to participate in e-filing, you must have access to a computer and a scanner or other device to convert documents into electronic format, a connection to the internet, and an e-mail address to receive service of documents. The benefits of participating in e-filing include: . serving and filing your documents electronically . free access to view and print your e-filed documents ' . limiting your number of trips to the courthouse - paying any court fees on-line (credit card needed) EFM-1 Lof2 53 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 COI'NTY CL rNDEX RECEIVED NO. '10s973/2013 NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7L1 RECETVED NYSCEF I 04/13 /2o2I To register for e-filing or for more information about how e-filing works: . visit: www.nvcourts.qoviefile-unrepresented or . contact the Clerk's Office or Help Center at the court where the case was filed, Court contact information can be found at www.nvcourts.qov To find legal inforrnation to help you represent yourself visit lnformation for Attorneys {E-filing is Mandatory for Attorneys} An attorney representing a party who is served with this notice must either: 1) immediately record his or her representation within the e-filed matter on the NYSCEF site www.nvcourts.qov/efile ; or 2) file the Notice of Opt-Out form with the clerk of the court where this action is pending and serve on all parties. Exemptions from mandatory e-filing are limited to attorneys who certify in good faith that they lack the computer hardware and/or scanner and/or internet connection or that they lack (along with allemployees subject to their direction) the knowledge to operate such equipment. [Section 202.5-bb(e)] For additional information about electronic filing and to create a NYSCEF account, visit the NYSCEF website at ranrrw.nvcourts gov/efile or contact the NYSCEF Resource Center (phone: 646-386-3033; e-mail: efile@nvcourts.qov). Datetl: e,prit l3 .zozt (Signature) 28 East Main Street Suitc-.! 80!- .._(Addrcss) (Name) lloclrcstcr. ltY l4(11.4 - -_ ,,-(Address) ligiU, S uch &-(!"iL',rS LL,I' (F-irrr: Narne) 5*Sl-:?3 2-7101) ( l'hortc) To firstlcgalfrlfeinsuuhcrolg,-c_qftl (E-Mail) EFM-1 2of2 54 of 147 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 04/11/2024 02:06 PM INDEX NO. 707798/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/11/2024 IFILEDI QUEENS COUNTY CLERK O4l1.3/202]. 03:19 PM rNlj!:x NO.',/0591r/201-r NYSCEF DOC. NO. 1].4 RBCEIVBD NYSCEF : 04/13/202I ST'ATII OF NIIW YOITK SIJI)I{E}vlE (lOt.RT COIIN'fY OF QijF.ENS ADDITIONAL SIJN WES'I' \1OR'I'(iN(iH COMI'ANY, INC,, NOTICE OF I'BNDF,NC:Y Plaintiff, OF ACTION VS ANI'l'n GIBSON; I(oXANNl'l OIBSON; IvlAltK (ilBSON; S"fAYMAN R. GIBSON; J1JDY CIBSON; TJNITED STATES OIr AVIDRICA: NEW YORK S]'A'fl: Dli