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  • In the District Court of Sarpy County                                          
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000606                                                  
                  Sky James Morse, Change of name                               
 The Honorable George A Thompson, presiding.                                    
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/10/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/10/2024Name Changes document preview
  • In the District Court of Sarpy County                                          
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000606                                                  
                  Sky James Morse, Change of name                               
 The Honorable George A Thompson, presiding.                                    
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/10/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/10/2024Name Changes document preview
  • In the District Court of Sarpy County                                          
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000606                                                  
                  Sky James Morse, Change of name                               
 The Honorable George A Thompson, presiding.                                    
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/10/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/10/2024Name Changes document preview
  • In the District Court of Sarpy County                                          
 The Case ID is  CI 24 0000606                                                  
                  Sky James Morse, Change of name                               
 The Honorable George A Thompson, presiding.                                    
 Classification: Name Changes                                                   
 Filed on 04/10/2024                                                            
 This case is Open as of 04/10/2024Name Changes document preview


Nebraska State Court Form DC 1:15 NEW 08/19 FILED SA ABRY Py CT UGuKT 2024 APR 10 AM IO: G2 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OFSARPY COUNTY, NEBRASKA - Lsnth, CLERK D TRIGT COURT IN RE NAME CHANGE OF S¥N_ Joes Morse, Case No. ta 14H ~Lbob NOTICE OF HEARING AND CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Minor Child(ren) By Parent or Guardian WM hay, To: Name: Address: ‘Add next person. You are hereby notified that a hearing on the SA Sones Mose Nome Clana of in the above entitled case will be heard before the Honorable ) ¥2S01 Judge of the { WStya C x Court of Sav ps A County, Courtroom No. Ba on the 7 Nd floor of the Tar Oo County Courthouse or Justice Center, \“7.\Q Galden A! Vi\on We Nebraska, on mM at_ 4% ‘p _.m., or as soon thereafter as the same may be heard. Signature: Printed N: ooAen Street Address/P.O. Box: \\9)9_ \ee Somes MevCurn Date gu Poni 0 TOL anam St City/State/ZIP Code: Pow, WE "CAO, Telephone Number: IZBUAATO Email address: VCAV\ PC Nats @ Col. CaM DC 1:15 NEW 08/19 Page | of 2 TENINILI- Certificate of Service I »verify that on (date) I served a true and accurate copy of this notice upon the appropriate parties to this proceeding by depositing the same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to: Name: Address: Signature: Date: Printed Name: Street Address/P.O. Box City/State/ZIP Code: Telephone Number: Email address: Notice of Hearing DC 1:15 NEW 08/19 Page 2 of 2 and Certificate of Service