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  • NEW HORIZONS REALTY PHASE 3, LLC v. PETRUCELLI, GARY Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview
  • NEW HORIZONS REALTY PHASE 3, LLC v. PETRUCELLI, GARY Et AlH00 - Housing - Summary Process document preview


SUMMONS STATE OF CONNECTICUT NOTICE TO OCCUPANT($) NOT SUMMARY PROCESS (EVICTION) SUPERIOR COURT NAMED ON THE SUMMONS lf you claim to have a nght to continue to JD-HM-32 Rev. 4-19 C.G S. § 51-348: P 8. § S-1 WWW.Jt!d occupy tile premises you should complete lnstrnctions: ano 111e with the clerl(s omce a Claim or 1. Type or print ieg,bfy. If you are a self-represented piillty, /hi$ fonn must be signed by a clerk of the court. Exemption (form JD-HM-3) as soon as 2 If there is more than one defendant, make a copy of the summo11,s for each add1/ional defendant. Each copy of the possible. You can get the Claim of summons must :show who signed lhP summons and when ti was signed. Also, ,! lh£>re are more than two p/amt1ffo or Exemption from the clerk at the address four defendants, complete the Ciwf Summons Contmua/1011 of Parties (form JD-CV-2) and attach 1t to the otigma! and listed below or onlme at www ,:ii/ copies of the comp!altlt. 3. Attach /he summons lo the comp!amt, and attach a copy of the summons lo each copy of' the compfsml 4. After serwce has been made by a proper officer, file /he or1ginal papers and the officer's re/um wtlh the clerk of court For information on ADA Fo, m0te informa/Jon on Summa,y Process (Ev1cl10ll) Cases and to find the c0trecl ccwt loca/1on lo ftle this case, accommodations. contact a court Se+.' Rights and Responsrblfil!es of Landlords and Tenants ,n Ccnnecliclit (form JDP•HM•31) clerk or go to www,jud.ctgov/ADA. or Y/SI/ JUd cl govlfaqllandlord.hlml TO: Any prgper officer: by authority of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby I Return Date (Moot/I, d ay, yea,J (Any diIY bur s,mdays commanded to make due and legal service of this summons and attached complaint. an'1rega11101!daysJ 04/17/2024 LJ Judicial Otstnct At (Tow11) ICase Type /from Juruaai &anct1 rode k!Jt) E] Hous1119 Session I New Haven Address of court (Number, 8/reet. town and :,p code) I Major .t!.. Minor Telephone number of Cl€1'11 Q _� 121 Elm Street, New Haven, CT 06510 Number of plaintttts· Parties 1 I Number of defendants 5 I 0 Form JD-CV-2 attached for additional parties 203-789-7461 Name (Last. First, Middle lniti:JI) and address of each party {Number; Street; P.O. Box; Town; State; Zip; Country, if not USA) First Name: New Horizons Realty Phase 3, LLC P-01 plaintiff Address: Reckmeyer & Reckmeyer, LLC; P.O. Box: 271376, West Hartford, CT 06127 Addttional Nome: P·02 plaintiff Addres,: First Nome: Petrucelli, Garv 0--01 defendant Address: 175 Hall Avenue, Apt. 2, Meriden, CT 06450 Additional Name: Fagar, Katie 0-02 Addres$: 175 Hall Avenue Act. 2 Meriden CT 06450 Additional Name: Fagar, Olivia 0-03 defendant Address: 175 Hall Avenue, Apt. 2, Meriden, CT 06450 Additional Name: Doe, John 0--04 defendant Address: 175 Hall Avenue, Apt. 2, Meriden, CT 06450 Notice to each defendant 1. You are being sued for possession of the premises you occupy 6. You con get the Appeanmce (form JD-CL-12) at the court address 2. This paper Is a summons in a summary process (eviction) action. above or online at 1w1w1udct gov 3. The complaint attached to these papers slates the grounds for 7. Each court location can give you an InformatIonal pamphlet eviction claimed by tho plaintiff. (JDP-HM-15) explaining the summary process (eviction) action and an Answer (fom, JD-HM-5) so that you may file an answer to 4. To respond to this summons, or to be notified of further the plaintiff's claims. You can also get the pamphlet and Answer proceedings, you or your attorney must file a form called an form online at Appearance (form JD-CL-12) with the clerk at the above court address on or before the second day after the above Return Date. 8. If you have quesllons about the summons and complaint, you should talk to an attorney promptly The clerk of court is not 5. If you or your attorney do not file a timely written Appearance allowed to give advice on legal questions: however, in Housing a judgment may enter against you by de f th�a��tJh • �a����::::::=�·ess1on locations onl _ he clerk can give procedural assistance to plaintlff will have the nght to evict ro eP all sel:bwPfe�T[e{flPOrties Date Name of �rson S1Qnmq 04/05/2024 Cieri\ William Christopher Reckmeyer wn and z,p code) i Telephone numoor Juns Number (If auomey or r.,,m; Reckmeyer rtford, CT 06127 ! 860-333-5677 442160 The attomey or law If setr-represenied. agrees to accept S19nature of Pla1nt1ff M self-represen:ed) p<1pers (service) electronic.any 1n tt11s , n 10-13 of the Coonecbcut Practice Boole � Yes D No E-ma!I aeldross ror deliverv of papers under Section 10-13 of me Connecucut Practice BOO!\ (if agreed to) For Court Use Only If this s ummons is signed by a clerk: FIie Date a. The signing has been done so that the plamtiff(s) will not be denied access to the courts. b. It Is the responsibilrty of the plamllff(s) to see that service Is made in the manner provided by law. c The clerk Is not permitted to give any legal advice in connection with any lawsuit d. The clerk signing this summons at the request or the plamtiff(s) is not responsible in any way for any errors or omissions in the summons. any allegations contained in the complaint, or the service of the summons and complaint _a_ -------- - - -1ff) -� - c--si ed _ I certify I have read and s_io_n_e_o_(-S1 D ate gn Doctet N\Jlllber understand the above.