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  • Kea C Ivey v. Ryan J IveyDissolution of Marriage document preview
  • Kea C Ivey v. Ryan J IveyDissolution of Marriage document preview


Nebraska State Court Form DC 3:01 Rev. 01/2022 Neb. Ct. R. § 2-208(C), 6-1105(b)(2)(D), 6-11 11 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA hea © Dey Case No. Clay avS Plaintiff, REGISTRATION OF EMAIL ADDRESS FOR SELF REPRESENTED Byan o oO Fé, Deféndant. LITIGANT FILED APR 03 2024 Tam currently representing myself in the court case above. JENNIFER PEN Tam not registered with the court-authorized service provider. I must register my email address with the court before I have filed any documents in this case, or within 10 days after I received a notice from the court This is required by Neb. Ct. R. § 2-208(C)(1). If I do not have the ability to receive emails, I must use this form to tell the court why I cannot get email service. Diy email address where I will receive notices s from the court for this case is: Bw id uw | Qmai e COM I understand that emailing documents to this email address is considered to meet legal notice requirements APR Savi Ld1 Tam responsible to notify the court if I change my email address or other contact information by completing the Change of Contact Information form [11 do not have the ability to receive emails. The reason I cannot receive email is fe C hee pare: Y/3/2F ture Ke a. C they 202) LA Weed RV Rd Stree " a 0. Box 208-318 - C233 i WE 688/0 Phone wales Code VOX Form DC 3:01 Rev 1/2022 Page | of 1 AULA