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  • WELLS FARGO BANK NA vs KOENIG, CYNTHIA ANN et al Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • WELLS FARGO BANK NA vs KOENIG, CYNTHIA ANN et al Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • WELLS FARGO BANK NA vs KOENIG, CYNTHIA ANN et al Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • WELLS FARGO BANK NA vs KOENIG, CYNTHIA ANN et al Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • WELLS FARGO BANK NA vs KOENIG, CYNTHIA ANN et al Circuit Civil 3-C document preview
  • WELLS FARGO BANK NA vs KOENIG, CYNTHIA ANN et al Circuit Civil 3-C document preview


Filing # 87864290 E-Filed 04/11/2019 05:14:11 PM Bias ##:17-010720 RETURN OF SERVICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF MARION COUNTY, FLORIDA PLAINTIFF WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WACHOVIA B, NAjet DEFENDANT THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LENORE, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER, OR AGAINST DAVID W. KREBS, DECEASED, ET AL. DEFENDANT TO BE SERVED: UNKNOWN PARTY #1 CASE NO 42-2019-CA-000318 TYPE OF PROCESS: SUMMONS & COMPLAINT, LIS PENDENS DIVISION OTHER Treceived this process on the 02/20/2019 at 7:38 AM 1 (x) served ( )non-served the Defendant identified above as described below. ON DATE/TIME: 3/4/2019 3:56:00 PM AT ADDRESS WHERE SERVED $28 BAHIA CIRCLE RUN. (OR ATTEMPTED) (x) INDIVIDUAL SERVICE: By deliveringto the within named defendant a true copy of this process with the date and hour of service endorsed by me, and, at the same time I delivered to the within named defendant a copy of the complaint. Deseription of Person Accepting Service: Sex: Age: Race: Height: Weight: Hair FEMALE 36-40 WHITE SFT 4IN + SFT-7IN 151 LBS - 170 LBS. BROWN (x) Military Status: (Refused (x) No () Yes Branch: (x) Marital Status: ( ) Refused () Not married (x) Married () Married, but separated (x) Mobile Home () Yes/VIN Not Visible (x) No (1) Yes Vin: COMMENTS: RENT PAID TO - DOES NOT PAY RENT; N/K/A SHAUNA DEVLIN; MARRIEDTO BRIAN DEVLIN Thereby certify that I am over the age of 18, I am not a party to this action and have no interest in the process being served, and I am a Certified Process Serveror Special Process Server in good standing in the judicial circuiv/county in which the process was served, and/or am otherwise duly authorizedto have served process in the jurisdiction where process was served. "Under penalties of perjury, I declare that Lhave read the foregoing document and thas the facts stated In it ere true.” F.5, 22,525 = x re pan Paver Gas WWSGSTIGT ServerSij ‘TRACY WILLIAMS Process Server ID / Titie (if applicable): CERTIFIED PROCESS SERVER 09-9-28-48 Electronically Filed Marion Case # 19CA000318AX 04/11/2019 05:14:11 PM ~ ~ Hf you are a person with a disability who needs an accommodation in order to participate in a you are entitled,at 2 working days of your no cost to you, the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator for the Courts within receipt of your notice to sppear in Court at: ‘Marion County ‘Tameka Gordon 852) 401-6701 Usted ha sido demandado | ‘Tiene veinte (20) dizs, contados a partir del recibo de esta notificaclon, para contestar Ta demanda adjunta, por escrito, y presentarls ante cate tribunal. Una llamada’ ica ne fo i usted desea que el tribunal considere su defensa, debe preseatar sa respuesta por | del caso y los nontbres de las partes, intoresadasen dicho caso. SI usted no contests a demanda thempo, pudiese perder ef caso y podria ser despojado de sus ingresos y propiedades, o ‘privado de sus derechos, sin previo ‘aviso det tribunal. Existen Jo desea, puede ‘ested consultar a un abogado immediataments. Sino conoce aun: abogado, puede Hemar a uaa de tes oficinas de asistencia legal que -aparecen en la guia telefonica, responder a la demanda por su cuenta, al mismo tientpo en quo presenta surespucsta ante el tibunal, debera usted ‘Si desea ° enviar por correo o entregar una copia de su respuesta ala persons denominada Plaintifel del ). ‘Des poursuites jadiciaries ; ont ete entreprises contre vous. Vous avez (20) jours consecutlfs a partir de la date doassignation ‘Un simple coup de est insuffisaat ée cette citation pour deposer une reponse ecrite a la ptainte cl-jolate anpres de ce Tribunal, de dossier ol-dessus et du nom des pasties proteger, vous otes oblige ds deposer votre reponse crite, du numero: ‘ommees ici, si vous souhaitez que Tribunal entende votre cause, Si vous ne deposez pas votre reponse eorite dans fe relai requis, ‘vous risquez de Ta cause alnsl que votre selaire, votre argent, et vos biens peuvent etre saisis par ta suite,advocat,sans aucun preavis Si vousne ubericur du Tribunal. If y a Cautres: liques et vous pouvez e (figurant a pas davocat, vous telephoner a un servios de reference Soceas ova buresy assista nce juridiqu Nannuairedo ‘Si vous choisissezde -vous-meme une reponse ectite, Il vous fiudra ogalement, en meme temps que cette formalite, falre parvenir ou expedier une copie au carbone ou une photooopie de votre reponse eorite au (Plaignantov ‘8800 vocal) nomme . 528 BAHIA — Filing # 84653654 E-Filed 02/08/2019 02:26:03 PM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MARION COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION WELLS FARGO BANK,N-A, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO WACHOVIA BANIG NA, ‘CASE NO.: 19-CA-0318 DIVISION: N S, TORS, TRUSTE OTHER ORES, ‘THE UNKN OW HEIRS, DEVISEE BY, THROUGH, NSTW. KREBS, DECEASED, UNDER OR AGAIDAVID et ai, Defendat THE STATE OF FLORIDA: YES___NO_ TO EACH SHERIFF OF THE STATE: umez To VIN # JUS MARRIAGE ‘YOU ARE COMMANDED to serve sb bp of ei Nee tas upon the below-named: UNKNOWN PARTY #1 528 Behia Circte Ron, Ocala, FL 34472 IMPORTANT after this summons is served on you to file a written response A lavsuit has been filed agalast you. You have cell to the.‘attached Complaint in this Court. A pho (20) calendar will ne not,ome you your written tesponse, inctuding the above case mumnber and named |pasties, mwst be filed if you ‘oso tho cass, and ‘your wages, raoney, and want property the may Court to thereafter hear be your: taken ‘vtnt you do aot file your response. on time, you may farther warning from the Court. There are other you may call an attorney referral ‘You may went to call en sttomey right awey. Ifyou do not know an aftomey, service or a legal ald office (listed in the your written response to the Court you must also Ifyou choose to file a written response yourself, ‘at the same timd you file named below. mail or take a carbon copy or photocopy of your written response to the: PLAINTIEF/PLAINTIFF'S ATTORNEY: ‘Teodora Siderova, Esq. P.O. Box 23028 ae FIDELITY. 4743 My, (G13) 221-9171 facsimile ty by %, DATED RuARY ol? Lg — (Check of Circuit Court DAVID R. ELLSPERMANTS es - 17-010720 ee See Attachment for Spanish and French translation. * See Attachment for Americans with Disabilities Act. PROVEST, INC. ED St JMN CO: ert ee a. LE os Electronically Filed Marion Case # 19CA000318AX 02/08/2019 02:26:03 PM pasa