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  • Miguel A Cavanzon Ayala, JurorMiscellaneous Civil document preview
  • Miguel A Cavanzon Ayala, JurorMiscellaneous Civil document preview


Image ID: D00038461D11 JOURNAL ENTRY AND ORDER(S) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF OTOE COUNTY, NEBRASKA Miguel A Cavanzon Ayala, Juror Printed on 4/01/2024 at 12:20 Room 11D01 Case ID: CI 24 48 Page 1 Decision Date 4/01/2024 APPEARANCES Judge Julie D Smith Appeared Interested Party Miguel A Cavanzon Ayala Appeared ADDITIONAL ENTRIES OF RECORD Potential juror is not held in contempt. Potential juror is ordered to appear for jury trial on May 17, 2024 at 8:30 a.m. This case is dismissed. IT IS SO ORDERED. sites, ON SERS. Won. sy ve wees Q\yeherD. dail Ska Hon. sees 44/01/2024 Nicole Wilken TaN aeee Julid)D smith LORE Date Bailiff Meenas Tape Nos. Sondra Petersen CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I the undersigned, certify that on April 1, 2024 I served a copy of the foregoing upon the following persons at the addresses given, by mailing by United States Mail, postage prepaid, or E-mail: Miguel A Cavanzon Ayala 1701 5th Corso, Lot 54 Nebraska City, NE 68410 pene teeta Won. ve sy wees Bey S Date: April 1, 2024 Signature: Gibtise AC Faia Ska secs “a ets ee at COURT COPY FILED BY Clerk of the Otoe District Court 04/01/2024