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DOCKET NO. MMX-CV23-5016264-S SUPERIOR COURT CONNECTICUT NOVELTY COMPANY d/b/a J UDICIAL DISTRICT OF MALLOVES J EWELERS, MIDDLESEX Plaintiff, AT MIDDLETOWN -against- MARCH 22, 2024 CHRISTINE GRAICHEN, Defendant Reply Memorandum in Support of Defendant’s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Plaintiff's Request for Admission Defendant, Christine Graichen, hereby submits this Reply to Defendant's Objection (Entry No. 140.00) to Defendant’s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Plaintiffs Request for Admission (Entry No. 137.00). As discussed more extensively in Defendant's motion for extension, good cause exists, as there is a pending Motion to Stay before the Court, where Defendant is seeking a sixty or ninety day stay, with the option to refile. Plaintiff has brought criminal charges against Defendant and the criminal case is currently pending in Middlesex Criminal Court. Unsurprisingly, Plaintiff's Request for Admissions, which were served on Defendant two weeks after her arrest, go to the heart of the criminal allegations. See Exhibit 1, Plaintiffs Request for Admissions. Defendant timely filed its Motion for Extension well before the deadline to respond to the Requests for Admission and this is Defendant's first request for an extension. The thirty-day extension will allow the Court to properly consider Defendant's Motion to Stay. Therefore, Defendant respectfully requests that this Court grant Defendant’s Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Plaintiff's Request for Admission (Entry No. 137.00). DEFENDANT, CHRISTINE GRAICHEN By: /s/ Claire M. Howard Claire M. Howard J ennifer Messina Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC 402 Asylum Street Hartford, CT 06103 choward@ jmessina@ Tel. (860) 246-2466 Fax: (860) 246-1794 Attorneys for the Defendant EXHIBIT 1 DN: MMX-CV23-5016264-S SUPERIOR COURT THE CONNECTICUT NOVELTY COMPANY : JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF D/B/A MALLOVES JEWELERS, MIDDLESEX VS AT MIDDLETOWN CHRISTINE GRAICHEN FEBRUARY 16, 2024 PLAINTIFF’S REQUEST FOR ADMISSION Pursuant to Practice Book Sections 13-22, Plaintiff The Connecticut Novelty Company d/b/a Malloves Jewelers (‘““Malloves” or “Plaintiff’), by and through its undersigned counsel, hereby propounds the following request for admission to be answered by Defendant Christine Graichen (“Defendant”) within thirty (30) days of the serving hereof. 1 Admit that you utilized Plaintiff's credit card to pay certain of your personal expenses. ANSWER: 2 Admit that you used Plaintiff's Liberty bank account to pay certain of your personal expenses ANSWER: 3 Admit that each of the charges set forth in the attached Exhibit A were charges made by you for personal expenses and/or reasons ANSWER: 4 Admit that each of the charges set forth in the attached Exhibit B were charges made by you for personal expenses and/or reasons. ANSWER: 5 Admit that each of the charges set forth in the attached Exhibit C were made by you for Harry Brazier’s wedding. ANSWER: 6 Admit that you had or used a Chase Bank credit card, JP Morgan Chase credit card and/or credit card branded by Chase from January 1, 2018 through March 31, 2023. ANSWER: 7 Admit that you used Plaintiff's Liberty Bank account to pay your Chase Bank credit card, JP Morgan Chase credit card and/or credit card branded by Chase from January 1, 2018 through March 31, 2023. ANSWER: PLAINTIFF, By: /s/ Jonathan M. Shapiro 419859 Jonathan M. Shapiro of Aeton Law Partners, LLP 311 Centerpoint Drive Middletown, CT 06457 T: 860-724-2160 F: 860-724-2161 JURIS #: 433168 Its Attorney CERTIFICATION Thereby certify that a copy of the above was mailed or electronically delivered on this 16" day of February, 2024 to all counsel and pro se parties of record and that written consent for electronic delivery was received from all counsel and pro se parties of record who were electronically served including: Claire Howard, Esq. Madsen & Prestley & Parenteau LLC 402 Asylum Street Hartford, CT 06103 /s/ Jonathan M. Shapiro 419859 Jonathan M. Shapiro EXHIBIT A 8:51 AM Mallove's Jewelers 08/17/23 Transaction List by Vendor January 2017 through December 2022 Type Date Num Memo Account Cir Split Debit Credit Chase Check 04/09/2018 Lizzy James 1001 Cash Check Liberty 4500 Purchases - COGS 1,584.36 Check 05/07/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty 4500 Purchases - COGS 190.07 Check 05/30/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty 4500 Purchases - COGS 580.87 Check 06/11/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty 4500 Purchases - COGS 106.36 Check 06/21/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty 4500 Purchases - COGS 39.00 Check 06/28/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty 4500 Purchases - COGS 1,111.66 Check 09/14/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty 4500 Purchases - COGS 589.56 Check 10/09/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 221.69 Check 10/09/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 399,94 Check 10/17/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 884.41 Check 12/10/2018 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 50.00 Check 02/01/2019 Avantus Dues 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 25.00 Check 02/08/2019 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 685.84 Check 03/21/2019 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 654.47 Check 03/31/2019 Lizzy Jays 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 633.26 Check 05/14/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 758.04 Check 05/14/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 850.19 Check 05/24/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,367.07 Check 05/24/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 172.29 Check 15/24/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 122.31 Check 06/07/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 355.00 Check 06/17/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 355.00 Check 07/18/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 990.50 Check 07/19/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 737.95 Check 07/24/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,028.00 Check 07/26/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 531.05 Check 08/05/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 100.00 Check 08/05/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 928.30 Check 08/30/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 522.94 Check 09/13/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 740.09 Check 09/30/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 740.09 Check 10/10/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 740.09 Check 11/12/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 704.09 Check 12/16/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,498.00 Check 12/31/2019 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 2,685.42 Check 01/09/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,002.05 Check 01/17/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,666.27 Check 02/14/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,276.26 Check 02/29/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 878.74 Check 03/18/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 300.00 Check 04/03/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 236.32 Page 1 of 3 8:51 AM Mallove's Jewelers 08/17/23 Transaction List by Vendor January 2017 through December 2022 Type Date Num Memo Account Cir Split Debit Credit Check 05/06/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 87.96 Check 12/11/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 117.59 Check 12/11/2020 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 716.14 Check 01/20/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 882.33 Check 03/20/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,322.30 Check 04/21/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 627.51 Check 05/25/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 504.00 Check 05/26/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 112.00 Check 05/26/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 847.63 Check 09/23/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 1,997.33 Check 12/15/2021 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 1,737.33 Check 01/27/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 384.99 Check 01/27/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 2,376.01 Check 02/16/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 594.00 Check 02/23/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,102.95 Check 03/04/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,102.95 Check 03/11/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 2,172.88 Check 03/22/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,117.40 Check 03/22/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,100.00 Check 03/30/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,992.14 Check 04/10/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,000.00 Check 04/14/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 2,226.96 Check 05/17/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,000.00 Check 05/28/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 2,053.15 Check 05/31/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 3,243.58 Check 05/31/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 1,243.90 Check 06/02/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 3,588.51 Check 06/03/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,278.76 Check 06/08/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,924.00 Check 06/23/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,194.44 Check 08/23/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,642.34 Check 08/23/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 5,495.16 Check 08/24/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,199.10 Check 09/09/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty ~SPLIT- 979,88 Check 09/23/2022 goods 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 264.88 Check 10/22/2022 goods 3302 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,080.34 Check 11/09/2022 goods 1432 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 2,712.55 Check 11/17/2022 goods 1432 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 3,097.71 Check 12/10/2022 goods 1432 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 591.08 Check 12/21/2022 goods 1432 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 2,222.07 Check 12/21/2022 goods 1432 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 828.78 Check 12/30/2022 goods 1432 1001 Cash Check Liberty -SPLIT- 1,553.62 Page 2 of 3 8:51 AM Mallove's Jewelers 08/17/23 Transaction List by Vendor January 2017 through December 2022 Type Date Num Memo Account Cir Split Debit Credit Check 12/30/2022 goods 1432 1001 - Cash Check Liberty v -SPLIT- 2,674.67 Check 12/30/2022 goods 1432 1001 - Cash Check Liberty v -SPLIT- 8,574.11 $ 101,606.58 Page 3 of 3 Summary of Chase 2023 Date Charge From Total January 3, 2023 Chase Epay 2,674.67 January 3, 2023 Chase Epay 8,574.11 January 12, 2023 Chase Epay 449.43 January 12, 2023 Chase Epay 2,541.21 February 6, 2023 Chase Epay 223.90 February 6, 2023 Chase Epay 1,587.90 February 6, 2023 Chase Epay 2,830.61 March 20, 2023 Chase Epay 2,122.53 March 21, 2023 Chase Epay 1,143.75 March 21, 2023 Chase Epay 4,890.50 $27,038.61 EXHIBIT B Summary of Credit Card Charges Date Charge From Total March 5, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 166.01 March 12, 2019 AMZN MKTP US*MI3CQ5U42 71.80 March 13, 2019 AMZN MKTP US*MW58T8F10 52.09 March 14, 2019 AMZN MKTP US*MW0ZA4ZQ0 198.89 April 1, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 191.39 April 29, 2019 Peapod 251.37 June 14, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 216.69 July 4, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 91.35 July 22, 2019 Peapod 461.86 August 5, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 473.11 August 21, 2019 Peapod 281.01 August 31, 2021 Peapod 231.24 September 14, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 418.14 September 27, 2019 SPRINT WIRELESS 582.97 October 7, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 329.45 October 26, 2019 Watersedge 220.00 [November 4, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 185.12 November 16, 2019 SPRINT WIRELESS 305.34 December 3, 2019 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 143.63 December 30, 2019 GrubHub 96.00 January 6, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 187.22 February 4, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 208.78 February 14, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 325.59 March 5, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 236.56 March 16, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 325.99 April 2, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 211.57 [May 5, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 232.50 May 31, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 88.27 June 5, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 236.22 July 7, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 452.40 July 15, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 348.38 August 7, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 579.54 August 14, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 357.85 September 7, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 471.83 ‘September 14, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 332.86 October 6, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 347.60 October 12, 2020 Union Bluff Hotel 337.46 October 14, 2020 120.77 October 15, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 333 333.13 [November 3, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 273.3: December 7, 2020 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 244.93 December 15, 2020 SPRINT WIRELESS 332.90 January 5, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 192.04 January 15, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 333.23 February 3, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 161.44 February 14, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 333,22 March 5, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 175.04 March 17, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 195.97 April 6, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 144.75 April 13, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 85.08 May 7, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 151.52 June 3, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 174.51 June 12, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 95.00 June 12, 2021 418.60 June 16, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 229.44 June 16, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 300.00 June 17, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 80.00 July 6, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 58.49 July 7, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 272.89 July 16, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 138.26 July 18, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 138.26 July 18, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 58.49 August 4, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 292.06 August 27, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 442.79 September 1, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 79.76 September 8, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 359.62 September 29, 2021 |ZAPPOOS 57.92 September 29, 2021 ZAPPOOS 43.07 September 29, 2021 ZAPPOOS 258.57 September 30, 2021 P*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 63.81 October 1, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 240.37 October 5, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 236.99 (November 3, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 132.70 December 2, 2021 SPRINT WIRELESS 535.66 December 6, 2021 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 81.81 [December 7, 2021 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 127.23 January 5, 2022 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 117.94 January 16, 2022 Envy hair Salon 101.25 January 18, 2022 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 63.81 January 26, 2022 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 102.26 January 28, 2022 SPRINT WIRELESS 421.08 February 5, 2022 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 145.73 February 10, 2022 BH BETTERHELP HTTPSWWW.BETTCA 208.00 February 10, 2022 'P*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 60.00 February 27, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*117X17DNO AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 102.11 February 28, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*1 W8PSSZY1 AMAZN.COM/BILLWA 49.63 March 11, 2022 BH BETTERHELP HTTPSWWW.BETTCA 260.00 March 23, 2022 AMZ MKTP US*11N3AZ6DGO 322.77 April 9, 2022 [DD DOORDASH BIGCHEESE 855-973-1040 CA. 84.34 April 16, 2022 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 81.81 April 29, 2022 BH BETTERHELP HTTPSWWW.BETTCA 260.00 May 4, 2022 ICT DMV SELF SERVICE TR 860 157.50 May 4, 2022 GRUBHUBEASTMAINFISHCH GRUBHUB.COM NY 43.28 May 10, 2022 PASSION DECOR 172.50 May 17, 2022 SOLA WOOD FLOWERS 356.25 May 21, 2022 [BOSTON INTERNATIONAL 193.75 May 24, 2022 RUSTIC CEDAR CO 171.20 May 27, 2022 BH BETTERHELP HTTPSWWW.BETTCA 260.00 May 27, 2022 ZINGS & THINGS 318.15 June 7, 2022 ZING THINGZ FAIRE HTTPS WWW.FAIRCA 193.75 June 16, 2022 PLEXUS WOLRDWIDE, LLC 480-998-3490 AZ 39.95 June 18, 2022 WAX ON FIRE 168.00 July 1, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*I1PBVX1AB2 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 60.61 July 1, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*LC7UN3G53 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 214.77 July 1, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*ZFOT40BT3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 71.23 Tuly 1, 2022 DOORDASH*ON THE BOARDER WWW.DOORDASH.CA 243.02 July 3, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HHOCH44B3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 462.16 July 4, 2022 [AMZN MKTP US*BJ8FH14X3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 129.99 July 5, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*BJ8FH14X3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 17.99 July 6, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*OG4UA2ZM3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 110.88 July 6, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*5Y8YTBQ13 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 78.79 July 8, 2022 |AMZN MKTP US*AO3QA9AS3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 241.68 July 10, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*3T47NSMM3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 9.57 July 11, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*VX8SL93H3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 216.00 July 17, 2022 [BRIO CRABTREE 919-589-1280 NC 1,000.00 July 27, 2022 BRIO CRABTREE 919-589-1280 NC 1.00 July 29, 2022 PHILLIPS SEAFOOD 860-7481568 CT 95.40 July 31, 2022 WEDDINGSTAR IN FAIRE HTTPSWWW.FAIRCA 526.70 August 2, 2022 [BRIO CRABTREE 919-589-1280 NC 341.83 August 2, 2022 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 63.81 August 3, 2022 GRUBHUBDRAGONPHOENIXC GRUMBHUB.COM NY 104.00 August 6, 2022 TST* DA - 5193 - CROMWELL 860-635-7555 CT 27.89 August 15, 2022 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 69.13 August 19, 2022 SP WONDAPOP HTTPSWONDAPOPNY 100.00 August 21, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*WE2EASCW3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 50.55 August 22, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*M92KA0Y73 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 31.88 August 22, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*P11MS5X83 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA. 127.13 August 23, 2022 WEDDINGSTAR IN FAIRE HTTPSWWW.FAIRCA, 64.99 August 23, 2022 PADDLE.NET* RESUMEDONE PADDLE.COM NY L9S August 26, 2022 LILLIAN ROSE 201.80 August 26, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*MU1850Q53 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 903.53 August 26, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*0Q7HW8DE3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 39.32 August 27, 2022 SOLA WOOD FLOWERS 325.01 August 29, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*MG79Y8PA3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 129.97 August 29, 2022 AMZ*ACER SERVICE COR ECOMMERCE@ACE TX 58.48 September 1, 2022 CROWD COW* CROWD COW # HTTPSWWW.CROWWA 219.89 September 2, 2022 AMAZON.COM*1V2QL2GCO AMZNAMZN.COM/BILLWA 244.59 September 4, 2022 ITST* DA - 5193 ~ CROMWELL860-635-7555 CT 72.52 September 5, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*1V7BH49NO AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 80.35 September 6, 2022 AMAZON.COM*1V3D20RHO AMZNAMZN.COM/BILLWA 200.00 September 6, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*1V4X93R60 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 575.47 September 9, 2022 OTC BRANDS INC 800-2280475 NE 159.45 September 11, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*1F89POEY2 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 487.65 September 11, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*1F8KK0JC2 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 121.16 September 12, 2022 LILLIAN ROSE 104.20 September 23, 2022 RUSH IMPRINT INTERNET 412-7987120 PA 1,827.21 September 23, 2022 TST* DA - 5193 - CROMWELL860-635-7555 CT 41,96 October 4, 2022 IMYCUSTOMSSCENT SCENTSEVENT.CTX 22.69 October 5, 2022 AMZN MRTP US*145290DJ2 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA. 70.56 October 5, 2022 TST* DA - 5193 - CROMWELL860-635-7555 CT 4.92 October 5, 2022 TST* DA - 5193 - CROMWELL860-635-7555 CT 52.12 October 7, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*1K2E17F52 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 353.00 October 8, 2022 MOHEGAN SUN HOTEL 8608621500 CT 527.85 October 12, 2022 IMYCUSTOMSSCENT SCENTSEVENT.CTX 29.52 October 12, 2022 IMYCUSTOMSSCENT SCENTSEVENT.CTX 47.79 October 18, 2022 SQ *VIS WELLNESS CENTER GOSQ.COM CT 325.00 October 26, 2022 CROWD COW* CROWD COW # HTTPSWWW.CROWWA 163.60 October 28, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*H057592Y0 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 471.70 October 30, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HO7GD2RNO AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 163.52 October 30, 2022 ITST* DA - 5193 - CROMWELL860-635-7555 CT 92.37 October 31, 2022 MOHEGAN SUN HOTEL 8608621500 CT. 67.70 October 31, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*H288Z64G0 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 10.60 October 31, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HO3TG8TY2 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 248.80 (November 1, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*H047S67G1 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 32.85 November 2, 2022 MYCUSTOMSSCENT SCENTSEVENT.CTX 25.11 November 3, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*H27QHI1 V00 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 110.04 [November 5, 2022 SPRINT *WIRELESS 8---639-6111 KS 200.05 [November 8, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*H26BESY01 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 223.77 November 8, 2022 PICUPMEDIA* TRIAL OVER CENTRAL HONG 220.83 November 8, 2022 WAFT.COM HTTPS WAFT.COMNY 67.50 [November 10, 2022 SQ* MARYKELLY+PRYER A FLAGBRACY VA 639.00 (November 14, 2022 SQ *MELISSA C. MARK 877-417-4551 MN 3,468.01 November 14, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HI4Y62F40 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 120.15 November 17, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HI6148X91 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 221.07 November 17, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HB99A6UN2 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 293.03 [November 17, 2022 FACEBK HKREMGP852 650-5434800 CA 76.00 November 18, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HI4KL85F1 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 736.56 November 19, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*HI7IH11E2 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 88.23 ‘November 21, 2022 WISHSTRINGS 303.17 [November 23, 2022 PET GIFTS USA, LLC 112.95 November 23, 2022 (DoorDash 136.72 [November 26, 2022 SP FRESH CLEAN TEES HTTPSFRESHCLECA, 169.10 [November 28, 2022 AMAZON.COM*P82X W8LA3 AMZNAMZN.COM/BILLWA 178.92 [November 29, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*WN92QIFX3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 941.20 December 13, 2022 SQ *MELISSA C. MARK 877-417-4551 MN 763.79 December 13, 2022 SQ *VIS WELLNESS CENTER 877-417-4551 CT 165.00 December 14, 2022 AMZN DIGITAL *0N2L05Q93 88888-802-3080 WA 80.00 December 15, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*RF9NP2LB3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 336.75 ‘December 15, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*XWOIA6R83 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA. 131.84 December 16, 2022 CROWD COW* CROWD COW # HTTPSWWW.CROWWA 376.56 December 18, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*B90X479N3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 160.87 December 21, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*7J3EF2QI3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 99.94 December 21, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*TN2WA9PF3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 54.22 [December 30, 2022 AMZN MKTP US*TM8RJ3JS3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 114.26 December 30, 2022 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 660.00 January 1, 2023 TST* DA - 5193 - CROMWELL860-635-7555 CT 82.88 January 4, 2023 SP ALWAYS FITS HTTPSALWAYSFIMA. 106.95 January 5, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*I07G97EF3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 165.84 January 6, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*T06435WH3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 387.04 January 9, 2023 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 27.09 January 10, 2023 ‘TMOBILE*EIP PMT WEB 800-937-8997 WA 637.47 January 10, 2023 AMZN DIGITAL *815507XN3 88888-802-3080 WA 8.50 January 12, 2023 JETBLUE 27944124455508005382583 NY 77.00 January 14, 2023 GRUBHUBASIANRESTAURAN GRUBHUB.COM NY 114.00 January 20, 2023 AVELO AIR WE0000000K12B67WWW.AVELOAIR.TX 346.00 January 24, 2023 AEROFLOW INC 828-2771400 NC 1,154.70 January 27, 2023 DD DOORDASH PINELOFTP 855-973-1040 CA 75.39 January 27, 2023 DoorDash 100.80 February 1, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*F66J43LS3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 233,35 February 2, 2023 ‘TMOBILE*EIP PMT WEB 800-937-8997 WA 653.29 February 2, 2023 EBAY 0*27-09648-11395 LONDON 19.43 February 3, 2023 AMZ*MADISON REED COLORCREW@MADCA 162.18 February 3, 2023 EBAY 0*17-09660-02322 SAN JOSE CA 148.89 February 6, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*PWOMN7YN3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 115.73 February 7, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*NUSIP6ZI3 AMZN.COM/BILLWA 70.20 February 7, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*6G07W61R3 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 82.83 February 8, 2023 AMAZON.COM*P40302JW3 AMZNAMZN.COM/BILLWA 111.66 February 8, 2023 IBEFUNKY.COM HTTPSBEFUNKY.OR 59.88 February 8, 2023 PAYPAL *PRETTYSNAZZ PRE 314-267-0899 MO 31.21 February 8, 2023 BCF ETSY UPLIFT 718-4807500 NY 0.87 February 9, 2023 AMZN DIGITAL *GQ3167LG3 88888-802-3080 WA 7.43 February 13, 2023 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 245.07 February 17, 2023 EFORMS COM 844-5336767 FL 39.00 February 18, 2023 EFORMS COM 844-5336767 FL 39.00 February 21, 2023 SP PROLUX CLEANERS HTTPSPROLUXCLUT 400.59 February 22, 2023 QUENCH USA, INC. 88-5542782 PA 170.98 February 22, 2023 AAMAZON.COM*HP21G81E2 AMZNAMZN.COM/BILLWA 70.18 February 23, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*HD3RO5370 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 297.77 February 26, 2023 DD DOORDASH ASIANREST 855-973-1040 CA 185.60 March 7, 2023 ARCADIA HTTPSWWW.ARCADC 5.70 March 9, 2023 AMZ*MADISON REED COLORCREW@MADCA 50.52 March 10, 2023 AMZN DIGITAL *HGQUUOJK1 88888-802-3080 WA 8.50 March 13, 2023 PP*VIVACIOUS LOOK SPA 860-9940405 CT 85.00 March 17, 2023 EFORMS COM 844-5336767 FL 39.00 March 18, 2023 EFORMS COM 844-5336767 FL 39.00 March 18, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*HC63V3VS1 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 71.36 March 20, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*HC5J42ST1 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA. 162.70 March 22, 2023 AMAZON MUSIC*H761E4HO0 88888-8023080 WA 94.65 March 23, 2023 AMZN MKTP US*H74MG3650 AMAMZN.COM/BILLWA 116.87 March 29, 2023 CMR/OP ONLINE GC SALES 614-621-3663 OH 262.95 March 30, 2023 KNKAMA ASSOC 260-459-5000 IN 1,831.64 $56,108.24 EXHIBIT C Order IBC ay 3X pla don 1 Jul 12, 2022 Invoice issued for and on behalf of: Bill to: Lillian Rose CHRISTINE BRAZIER 475 McKenzie Drive 20 Green Bark Drive Mukwonago WI 53149 Youngsville NC 27596 USA USA +1 800-521-8760 +1 860-970-7707 Item SKU Price aly Item Subtotal Silver Rhinestone Monogram Large Letter B Cake Topper | default MG555 LB $4.95 $4.95 Lillian Rose Set of 30 Table Numbers in White & Gold | default CP860 $9.50 $9.50 Lillian Rose Wedding Ring Box Chest Ring Pillow Alternative | default RASSO $7.95 $7.95 Geometric Botanical Theme Wedding Signs | default $1846 S6 $13.25 $13.25 White Ring Box Ring Pillow Alternative | default RA520 $7.95 $7.95 Gold and White Wedding Welcome Bags with Bottle Wraps Set | default FA110 $10.25 $10.25 Black and White Just Married Bunting Banner | default WF240 $14.95 $14.95 Lillian Rose "Just Married" Wedding Banner with 6 Pinwheels | default $1860 DE $13.50 $13.50 Groom Wood Cufflinks & Tie Tack Set | default JL186 GR $10.95 $21.90 ‘Subtotal $104.20 Insider shipping FREE Sep 12, 2022 Paid with Visa ++++ 8376 $104.20 Charges and Fe! Date Action Taken Amount Sep 12, 2022 Charged to Visa +*++ 8376 $104.20 Total paid with Visa +++ 8376 $104.20 #SAXS! Wi 5p 3. 2022 Invoice issued for and on behalf of: Bill to: Lillian Rose CHRISTINE BRAZIER 475 McKenzie Drive 20 Green Bark Drive Mukwonago WI 53149 Youngsville NC 27596 USA USA +1 800-521-8760 +1 860-970-7707 Item SKU Price Item Subtotal Lillian Rose Set of 30 Table Numbers in White & Gold | default CP860 $9.50 $9.50 Lillian Rose Wedding Ring Box Chest Ring Pillow Alternative | default RASSO $7.95 $7.95 Geometric Botanical Theme Wedding Signs | default $1846 S6 $13.25 $13.25 White Wooden Wedding Card Box | default MB110 $18.95 $18.95 Gold and White Wedding Welcome Bags with Bottle Wraps Set | default FA110 $10.25 $51.25 Men's Socks - Cold Feet | default SK180 CF $6.95 $13.90 Gold "Best Man" Stemless Champagne Glass | default G116 BE $4.95, $19.80 Gold Best Day Ever Wedding Cake Topper | default CT301G $5.95 $5.95 Silver Rhinestone Monogram Large Letter B Cake Topper | default MG555 LB $4.95 $4.95 Gold Wedding Door Hangers for Guests and more | default S125 $7.25 $14.50 Gold Mr. Stemless Champagne Glass | default G116 MR $4.95 $9.90 Rose Gold Candle Holders Set | default CH970 C $16.95 $16.95 Just Married Rustic Burlap Banner | default WF564 $14.95 $14.95 Subtotal $201.80 Insider shipping FREE Aug 26, 2022 Paid with Visa +++« 8376 $201.80 Return Ci Item SKU Price ay Item Subtotal Lillian Rose Set of 30 Table Numbers in White & Gold | default CP860 $9.50 $9.50 Lillian Rose Wedding Ring Box Chest Ring Pillow Alternative | default RASSO $7.95 $7.95 Geometric Botanical Theme Wedding Signs | default $1846 S6 $13.25 $13.25 White Wooden Wedding Card Box | default MB110 $18.95 $18.95 Gold and White Wedding Welcome Bags with Bottle Wraps Set | default FAII0 $10.25 $51.25 Men's Socks - Cold Feet | default SK180 CF $6.95 $13.90 Gold "Best Man” Stemless Champagne Glass | default G116 BE $4.95 $19.80 Gold Best Day Ever Wedding Cake Topper | default CT301G $5.95 $5.95 Silver Rhinestone Monogram Large Letter B Cake Topper | default MGS555 LB $4.95 $4.95 Gold Wedding Door Hangers for Guests and more | default $i125 $7.25 $14.50 Gold Mr. Stemless Champagne Glass | default