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  • Ace Wire & Cable Co., Inc. v. Walsh Electrical Contracting, Inc., John Jane Does 1 Through 10, Abc Corporations  1 Through 10 Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Ace Wire & Cable Co., Inc. v. Walsh Electrical Contracting, Inc., John Jane Does 1 Through 10, Abc Corporations  1 Through 10 Commercial - Contract document preview


At DCM Part 6 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of Richmond at the Courthouse, located at26 Central Avenue, Staten Island New York 10301, the day ofNovember 2017 . - PRESENT:HON Justice of,the Supreme Caurt -----x ACE, V\/IRE & CABLE CO., INC. INDEX NO, 15177U2A15 Plaintiff. -against- ORDER WALSH ELE,CTRICAL CONTRACTING, INC. ; JOHN/JAIIE DOES 1 - 10 (fictitious names being the persons intended); and ABC CORPORATIONS 1-10 (fictitious names being the entities intended), Defendants. X THIS MATTER, having been opened to the Court by the PlaintifI, Ace Wire & Cable Co., Inc., by and tkough its attorneys, Nord & DeMaia, by Notice of Motion dated October 2A,2017, for an Order granting striking the Defendant, Walsh Electrisal Contracting, Inc's Answer with affirmative defenses, and for the Entry of a Default Judgment against the Defendant, Walsh Electrical Contracting, Inc., pursuant to C.P.L.R. 3126based upon Defendant's wiliful noncompliance with the directives of the Preliminary Conference Order entered by this court on l!.{ay 26,2017 and the Court having read the papers submitted and considered the matter; and for good cause showing; IT IS on this day of ,2017, hereby ORIIERED and ADJUDGED as follows: 1. ORIIERED that Plaintiff s Motion to strike Defendant's Answer with affrrmative defenses and for the Entry of a Default Judgment against the Defendant and in favor of the Plaintiff be, and hereby is granted; and it is 2. FURTIIER ORDERED that Plaintiffs be, and hereby are, awarded Default Judgment over and against Defendant, Walsh Electrical Contracting, Inc, in the arnount of $77,195.62, ptrus contractually-agreed interest of l8% per annum from June 2, 2A16 in the amount of $18,525.94, and contractually-agreed attorneys' fees of 307o of the balance at the time of the filing of the complaint due in the amount of $99,440.35 ($331,46?.85 x 30%) for a total sum owed of $195"162.91and together with costs and disbursements; and it is 3. FURTIIER ORDERED awarding Plaintiff, the costs of this motion, and it is 4. FURTIIER ORDERED that a copy of this Order shall be served upon counsel for Defendants within seven (7) days of Plaintiffs' counsel's receipt hereof. HON Justice of the Supreme Court