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  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview
  • Jeannette Servin -as Conservator of the Person & the Estate of William R Lee an incompetent, Anna Lee v. Westchester County Health Care Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Sydney Moseley, Huma Sheikh, Shyla Codi, Ramandeep Sahni Torts - Medical, Dental, or Podiatrist Malpractice document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2024 02:26 PM INDEX NO. 50914/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 379 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2024 Supreme Court of The State of New York County of Westchester Jeannette Servin, as Conservator of the Person and the Estate of William R. Lee, an Incompetent, and Index No.: 5091412020 Anna R. Lee, Plaintiffs, -against- Westchester County Healthcare Corporation, Westchester Medical Center, Jennifer Wu, Huma EXHBrlo. Sheikh, Shyla Kodi and Ramandeep Sahni, Dto., Defendants. F OAIE , ) Westchester County Healthcare Corporation, Thi rd-Party Plainti ff, -against- Physicians PRN, LLC, Thi rd- Party Defendant. The Hospital Defendants' Requests to Charge and Obiections to Certain of the Plaintilf s Req uests to Charee Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker LLP Attorney s for defendants Westchester County Healthcare Corporation, Westchester Medical Center and Jennifer Wu ("the hospital defendants") I 133 Westchester Avenue White Plains, New York 10604 (9r4) 323-7000 File No. 00777.00640 Of Counsel: Paul Karp James Kachadoorian Michael E. Gallay Judy C. Selmeci FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2024 02:26 PM INDEX NO. 50914/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 379 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2024 1. PJI 1:20 Introduction 2. PJI l:21 Review Principles Stated 3. PJll:.22 Falsus In Uno 4. PJI l:23 Burden of Proof 5. PJI l:24 Retum to Courtroom 6. PJI l:25 Consider Only Testimony and Exhibits 7. PJI l:254 Juror's Use of Professional Experience 8. PJI l:25C Interested Witness a. Anna Lee b. Kristina Maselli, M.D. c. Jennifer Wu, M.D. d. Huma Sheikh, M.D. e. Ramandeep Sahni, M.D. 9. PJI l:26 General Instruction - Special Verdicts/ Interrogatories 10.PJI 1:26,4. General Instruction - Five-Sixths Verdict I I.PJI 1:27 Exclude Sympathy l2.PJl l:27 A Fair Juror and Absence of Implicit or Conscious Bias 13.PJI 1:28 Jury Function l4.PJI 1:70 Direct and Circumstantial Evidence l5.PJI l:71 Habit Evidence (Dr. Sahni)* 16.PJI 1:90 Expert Witness . Isaac Silverman, M.D. r Paul Dores, M.D. o Brook Feerick, R.N. o Brigid Dwyer, M.D. *Not requested by the plaintiff FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2024 02:26 PM INDEX NO. 50914/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 379 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2024 a Alan Segal, M.D. a M.D. a IGistina Maselli, M.D. a Defendant Jennifer Wu, M.D. a Huma Shiekh, M.D. a Defendant Ramandeep Sahni, M.D. 17.PJl l:94 Use of Pre-Trial Deposition* 18.PJI 2:10 Common Law Standard of Care - Negligence Defined* l9.PJI 2: I 50Medical Malpractice: Physician (including Judgment* Charge) 20.PJI 2:70 Proximate Cause 2l .PJl 2:7 | Concurrent causes* 22.PJl2:l5lA(2) Medical malpractice - itemized verdict 23.PJl2:2T5Comparative fault - apportionment of fault between defendants* 24.PJl2.275C Liability over - apportionment of fault - effect of release - charge after trial* 25.P JI 2:27 7 Damages General 26.PJl2:277 A Damages - comment by counsel during closing remarks* 27 .PJl2:280Damages - Personal injury - Injury and Pain Suffering 28.PJl2:280.1 Damages - Personal injury - loss of enjoyment of life 29.PJl2',280.2 No income taxes* 30.PJI 2:281 Damages - personal Injury - Future - Permanence - Life expectancy tables *Not requested by the plaintiff 2 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2024 02:26 PM INDEX NO. 50914/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 379 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2024 3l.PJl2:282 Damages - personal inj u.y - aggravation of pre-existing injury* 32.PJl2:285Damages - personal injury - expenses incurred 33.PJI 2:301 - Damages - personal injury - collateral sources - itemized verdict 34.PJl2:.315 - Damages - derivative action re: spouse - loss of consortium 35.PJI 1:30 Conclusion 36.Causation Supplemental Charge: If you find the defendants committed malpractice, that is, depaned from accepted standards of care, you must then determine whether the departure was a substantial factor in causing the plaintifls condition or whether the plaintiff s condition would have occurred even if there was no malpractice on the part of the defendants That is, if you find the defendants departed from accepted standards of care, but such departure was not a substantial factor in causing plaintifls condition, you must answer the proximate cause question no, even though you have answered the question regarding for malpractice yes. 3T.Attendance ofany parties in the courtroom must not be considered by you in any way in evaluating the claims in this case. Obiections to the p laintifl s orooosed charses: A PJI 2:150.1 (loss ofchance) Does not accurately reflect the fact scenario in that irreversible damages on arrival to the hospital are undisputed. +Not requested by the plaintiff 3 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2024 02:26 PM INDEX NO. 50914/2020 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 379 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2024 B PJI 2:284 Damages - personal injury - emotional distress and physical consequences thereof Does not apply to cases where physical injury/ illness as a result of the departure is alleged. C 2:301 Damages - personal injury - itemized verdict Duplicative of PJI 2: I 5 lA(2) D 2:3 l6 Damages - derivative action re spouse - expenses incurred Duplicative of requesting an award for past medical expenses for the injured spouse. Dated: New York, New York November 26,2023 Respectfu lly submitted, WILSON, ELSER, MOSKOWITZ, EDELMAN & DICKERLLP / By: - Paul Karp Judy C. Selm ecl Attorneys for defendants Westchester County Healthcare Corporation, Westchester Medical Center and Jennifer Wu ("the hospital defendants") I 133 Westchester Avenue White Plains, New York 10604 (9t4) 323-7000 File No. 00777.00640 Of counsel: James Kachadoorian Michael E. Gallay To: All counsel bv ECF *Not requested by the plaintiff 4