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Legal |Mail Bacarhes Comrectionet \ on 3 Pit} ed llitation Fi for mailin ig == _ IT NTHE CIRCUIT CouRT OFTHE SEVENTH TubiciAr CIRCUIT TN AND FOR VoLUSsIA COUNTY FLORIDA Cedric Warren, Peryitioneyy 2024 1O%B CLCT Case wos | a. Vi Ey RICE [State o£ Flomidaes, __} Reapondens ¢Ce . =e ee [PETITION EOR WRIT OE WABEESE aRPUS = Pesfitfoner ric Warten, Pursuant _ +o Rules of Civil P racedSand atsatyu 2 Rule 9.\oo0 CC)CH), Wate’ Pr Peer pone pee ——_| bes peg ee g this Courf Sa ee +O Taher oe CO BU Se OSs S34 eee ee eyhe Trial Court lack & UVisS Petia Pesttionen rnSormatto WAS -ecthive Sud gimenT or Lictionss Vot his mmearce ration —. Laden Prem PhO ee -ted Murder fsa « fusbicte thot tS Re neice: ned wt ba inne zest iniusrj(ce, Weitrs monsSest? Sustice onthe Res) nd- zent+to hold Cedric arren, {a ae Scorrection based ono ction fn Viol ean ana \4 a = ___LAmendment of D roe s Const+it+-us fon _ IALany both State, Fe: ne is.Deine ie\egaly [detaintnedandise release. ntiiied +o immed TOsee as CUAISDIC TION This Courthas Sucisdic+i to issue on awnt las Hol rpus Under Article Vv #4Cb) @) oF the Florida Constf}ubfon and Rule 4.0300) ICa.Flactida Rales of p>. Habeas P C US{Ss __ Proper Lem e hallena? anUnlawsul lolevention Habeas Corpus isa Writ ciaih. of of ner noo bo bess Corpus [Ne remed ly cs Wwouldb eg,_ ore re Ore Vee Awe ss ___iPetiMoaner Continue ol Un! fon FACTS UPon WHICH THE PETitTIOWER RELIES The PettiionerrudaemenkSenteof nce convictfon Was entered oy We seve _Sudictal¢fecur ontune a®rocasThe Nat ure —____{Counbs:C1- 3) Attempted Fi Rat -Degnee Mur pS IC Pre mad thated and/or oF Elon/ mu pder in Volaat, je§ B.8.78a,04 CD CadCD an ora. TTLOU C1) Co) Fikst Dearee Felony. < uD ESCape C\while being Trans 10 ered in _of RS. Id4g Yo aséco| : Dearve Fe lony Ce IO. Attempted Depriving ofi oO. oe eae __ |Protection _Om Unication in Vio latten rCcem OY B.S. 843.0085 2777.04 6 Third DLL a Eelam. Tne Petinioner Was Seatence fn NS te PO | t | fen= Year minimun man ce dakory, 5.Countt G\. Count CUDA 1S= year ft mM pr iSOn a seco aas. | yk ae On. mottos ©. seo I Oe OCS) Aen ee fen orisonme mM. AM iSentence ace cunning Concurtent With Case __ NB! Awo|- 02 4AOa- CEAES, Petitioner entered a_ Se Chang eS. Gaere = ee NATURE OF RELVIPE SonGn Hrhe nature of relieS sought by Enis pettit= ean ash writo® Habeas OV Pus COoMMand the eee —_ Yne Respo: et +0 be rel immediate fnew Custody macedric Warren,oF ei ng tego satned f a manifest AAVIY invust \.Chie eigen ciotee riers a pias i -ABGUMENT ee See Sa ae pa ees a ae ae Fo yvtne 4 nastank Case ab dispute, Petitioner pitas __iCedvie Warren; the Constituttonal enroris a_ and omenkal miscario : 2 oF (usher Since _ say ithe Vitelation Created VCO MyYY Lon and extra= we eat \A Circumsyoances rot can only he oy ee OLAS accurate AL I A ly by OA pplying the matin i$: est infu: SHice OXrC. iON C expla ing that 2 te rr fF andam LOWY fol error onc mani sesh tntusttce cee Sa ee S| ena defendant isConvicted . tan. eflence Sor ¢ Wihichthe Oefendant Caculd nok have been convicked asa Matera? LAW. iNier Vu State 466 $0,ad 138,134 = CPla. 4p cAaoos) Petittoner Cede so __ i Warren, Was Clharsed by rt nYormatioNin _ ee Case slat A onl= Sla4e-CEARS. a I 9 Firs+-NDearee murder(Pre cnedibated and for Felony murder, fn Violatfono a.04 —b@ntohd Zor attae CV #C4HCb), 7 Firs a a aes en = oeae ee oa (2) three of ae named victims inthe Charing tnformation, see. AX Wir CA). The proper 5 re AS 1O2.0!a mi is pred firs k= Dea rderC Premed va and/or £ elany Murden See XBT CRT Sudictaletreuty 194A Ch. 1ST, Rules HABEAS CorpusW nerson cletained MCUSYedy Aner Wherhe Charged Wi ih Watriminal_ lo sSense or not. ee reme. Cours ar = Shc ce yhereoF or to any district Court of ——a2.pp eee eee ee eee | ni+68 en no Ws believe oe Ne is detained \W) a ectiancur. Ct or ic r+SuSt +o, Fudge e Whem sucha icakien is made. —Shall stan the Wiel te orth, swith, AS sable aad, pepliccs \ orrel os LoS he courts, Austices or TS eS, peer enya the Petitioner was convicted in countits) of tne IChareging Informahi on in reaards +o Connk Cl) oF ne ¢ce ging TaSormation OF ConPlicdin a iSkabube ie a a. Statute 843, oag4 TVLOY the allegation made in = Which Count (3 Conthraes CID eL Correctional of $ tcer ee MRE “hy he | hana ing nto cmaction against WNeaes Petitioner iCedric Warren, a attempt to shood Marder __lefSicer M.Rey are stol gun. in __ Counts€s) the Troe mation alleges that ee a Petitioner Cedric Warren, attempted to deprive es _.__loFF$icer m.Bevyes of his pistol When officen M,. ne S.o istol Fe to the Floor and he Adem pted ke ae Warren = he pistol te use ih. SoPebitioner mevercacbually Cedinic possessed the fire arm. i tgalast of Sicen M.Reves ag itis conPict inthe heading and body ofthe information. The — mkt __jLewer +rjbunal errormd in convicdy} WACg Pebitionen a With @ 1o- Year mininmum mandate OY, ys Dor 1 15.08) es as ef Sor count: Cla where there ig a discrep = et ancy betweenthe heading andthe body of _ —onrnfercmahan ees aso the offence charged) ttheof Sense described inthe body is the one Waist Whicla he deSendantis Charmed. Seoe soy \ 4 B4s0. 2d WSS8.S31TSaL. = weekly eQ112 Fla. App Hish a 2old. inthe. instar _-_____ Case ne chargingrnformatbion ('S Lundamen-= eis Sid ~tally defective and amounts to fundamental _ terre and man thest Iniustice result When a __ideSendantis conviced df an af fence Sor Which ew ___ ne deSendant could nok have been Convictedas. ese ia matrveroy Law,Petitioner was Chan Witha. _ Preme diated murder Statute, inlris Charming Tn formation alleatng he Violatated Section 7 8a,04 CN COOCD and Zor a. in Counts +C\=3)_ _..___inhis Charging Tnstrument foo crimes Hod never _eccured and plea no-~ contest and Was Sound _ Quilty ° F chanmes not is nok ombed loy ne su es P Chane fing clocument. see. FAW BITCH) Case Not = Aool|= 334 6-CEAES, proper Th: Staburye is pe cue S 205) Y Sor Arempted First-Deorve murder _ CC Premedtitated ana Zorfelony murden__ sae el a6 Sa +h Judical Circ uPt 74¢ Ce ing AfSidavit SIY 577 Pesitroner, _ feciares as here the Coun Lack subject matter cue tothe Piling of alatall Je Ss __ bective TynSormation+ne court has Wo _p powel A: to decide the Case and ay levteredfs absolutelyn ALE be Set astde andstricken eye one from the [O tae ad Car [Recond .s¢.O0t AAVtiMme wod +e LOUNGVe State 429 50,.ad 2ob, 308 Fla, THO CALIS it+fs Clear... thot Surisdiction totry an, laccused does not exist Underarticle 4 _ l Section is. rhe Florida constitfioen unless there {5 an exist information Filed by the |State. se , T he. erida Suprem prem Coulr Court Mn. in StateV. ANdSon er 5375 On -AJG1373,13 74 me ___1C9)a.1989 2. tne Charges in Which | fone ee ees | VV een af omits Convics an essentij Foal element. t+-ts clear fromthe charatna Irnstrument that Premedttated murder Idfdnot accur in Counts: Ci-3) Adtems First-Deagree murder, Count: Cl) Aileges — Petitioner atvempted + oO)_¢ grab the pistol Which Sortiftes that he never Shot Kelle any of the +hree Ca) Viet+ime in his cha Istna tnSormostien.A ConVictfon MV. 6 is loka’ fs fh {Ss entered withaut the Sfitndo Oe Valt Ad Charain document. See, Lebel. | Ve State 873 go,.ad iaryaCfla, Sth pcr Aooy IPetttfaner fs Shotw tn. not his Thorman. is Fundamentally de Sective Where funda= a ___ementalerror Which [8 a Constitutional — lerror fs a fundamental miscarrfage of Isusbice since the Violation created PORN eS a ao beniany Ceca neie That itisan mantfes* i ee ee Pevittoner rte ea eee ae’ ee Us rFTOnos Code anSandss obtenses detined py eae eee r Cconstcued most Savorable +o the accused. Petitioner — Cedric Warren, = cmatt is defective. : Where Fundamental errosn and mantfestt \ustice _ tl pesuth When acdefendantts Convicted of an aPflenses For which be cleSendant could nol _ have been Convictedasamatrero? Law. Premeditated muer never accu Se: | exper; CB) 74" Judicial circuth APLedavet TIYS 796 Chargt Thane proper statute. ing. iderotling all sheelements of Atbem pred Et rsh = ____|z Degree murder C Pre meditated T8I.6F\. Canciusifon Where there iS a diser Pe pencs cy] lpetweey She head in a vne ‘b. Fens eee rinchtion as Ihe OSC enSe © raed Ye offense described — im the body is the one ta Whichce eendant is _ Changed. tt is. on Gest fh ‘hed ty 4.wo bodys as of Counts:C\-3) as Well Counks eft An Con $ite any Ambieut} /inkrenexinte tn: iSentence as t Was {inSack Wor PShoUla be Resalved {n Savor of eLendank See, Ha Acrim. P2102 CA) C15)! CED Nautel Vi Dhate 658 453.454 C¥la. 5 OOsY = __/IPhe Rule of Law inal criminal case, t 5 nae cu Ambiguity | a Sen ae ee CHS, Sudemente Sentence ce, Cane Seer is reSolued in favor “eS {peacsused tis Wn ae ke EWC, ip ‘ hoy any * 8 i¢ web . / i Ss = Aie ‘ . . 'STATEOF FLORIDA PAGE 2 OF 2 vs. CEDRIC WARREN “CASE NO. 01-36396CFAES . FIVE C QUNT FELONY INFORMATION CONTINUED ie ee Di@ecT county ‘| CHARGE: ATTEMPTED DEPRIVING OFFICER OF MEANS OF PROTECTION OR COMMUNICATION, in Violation _ of F.S, 843,025 & 777.04, a Third Degree Felony SPECIFICATIONS OF CHARGE: In that CEDRIC WARREN on or aboutthe 28th day of November, 2001, at or near Daytona Beach within Volusia County, Florida, did then and there attempt to unlawfully deprive Correction: 's Officer M. Reyes, @ law enforcernent officer of the Voiusia County Department of Corrections, of his weapon or tadio, or did by trying to otherwise deprive Corrections Officer M. Reyes of t! he means to defend himself or to summon assistance grab Corrections Officer M. Reyes’ pistol out of his holster al nd when the pistol fell to the floor, attempt ing to grab the pistol to uss or aid in defendant's escape from custody. FOR THE sage AT EY hap eo COUNTY OF V ~ AS STANT. STATE E ATION Ev] u ENTH JUDICIAL C|RCUIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA BAR NUMBER 282057 Personally appeared before me SAMUEL G. EAST! _ BI ROOK Assistant State Attomey, for the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, known to me to be tl he foregoing prosecul fing officer, who being duly sworn, says that the as true, and which, if allegations set forth in the foregoing information ai fe based upon facts that have been sworn to facts based on testimony of true, would constitute the offense therein charged. Subscribed in good faith, Said Dou material witnesses. SWORN to and subscribed before me this 7 day of Al A.D. 2001 Submitted to the Clerk of the County Uta Court, Seventh Judicial Circuit, in and Not ARY BUBLICAt LARGE For Volusia County, Florida, on the STATE OF FLORIDA day of , 2001. MY Comes SPRES Wob12/6/12 i Frances Ann MY COMMISSION # CC76 % “OT October’ is * oro THRU TROYoc SORANCE, We NTY STATE O! F FLORIDA, VOL fea ing is-a true ge{© COURT Sh loc, 1 HEREBY GEATIFY of the ofigi inal filed the fot in this office. iS me * gai ous le day of Clerk o) it and County Court o," By: Deputy Cle 24 Bot Saal Ll | Ni oe a GN =) CE. = SS — ee 2 cong eX) wy FpFo Zin Judicial Circuit 798 Cha Affidavit Arrests SST F O40d Pait4 JARREST#S NO TO APPEAR. VITO €.C.0 ADULTS JUVENILED enter CUBIS IOCEBES._| ‘Lhe HORD FL: lelaleli tt Fen ae [Time of V FCICINCIC Check? Yes BX sen" “fostse # _ ADDRESSGF ARREST: fe = Ze cA Race: RAE) SEPALS 375 |p: * pe Ee a POR. YesC_Nolt Ew Ot Lae. Bo arte: =f Sor ah anr l= Sie Coin) FEB Noo [Adress Malia TERY Jeers inesa in FONE A —— (STREET, APT. NUMBER) (STATE) — ZIPCODE "RESDENT PRONE PAdiiess- Oder am ike) DPCODE ‘BUSSCHOOL mr fercEUKS VIOLENCE? ee Aen aeag mh a ReportO ‘Teale nfetion(s) RISD ORD D: oy pao seas aL Sree Hees d 2 ~2 [Crage, FE eT Er #2 pS ee sera D: Sa2" OS Tf. [P ane pres rz) Ect or) za ~OSZ. Lae er ae = fae) Co-DefSI, Aresed? YE NG 10 Misd.O Taf On. NTAQ Arrested? YO NG Fe. MSA Th Ondo) NTA #1 NAME LEME a= 2 ‘NAME (LEM Sex [Ager The undersigned ones nd swears that there is probable cause to believe the abovenamed defendant, onthe 2S day Woven BER.» 200 é at approximately 331s Qan, pm. Hos an civee meas s with vieeerise’ — County, vclated the law and did then and thee: 2 SHER GENS: D. 2H. Pet 32) UO mt ED worTee To et Seteret ts. Ne Size Ak Ae oe: lepiwtTyY Ghewel wits. est ¢ mpeg smmReadoy , curse Peds. | BS ed =D Thee LE pet Aeon Zax, bts =G ss Di 8 OW Bz EAs =P > 2 ZB xt 8 TH ZAe CFB: as TH ee tt Lia 4 G2 w= rer thee i> sosre Veo af; FE 2524 YOU NEED NOT rT con INE AND COSIS Sey uel ed nt iru o_| EOI INDERSTAND THAT:tue RilnyeAL TO PEAR TAGREE TO APPEAR IN COURT HEREIN TO ANSWER THE OFFENSE CHARGED ‘ORTO PAY THE Pe NOTED ITFOR MY: aSehasou wih 4. ‘SIGNATURE OF JUVENILE PARENT OR GU SiGRATURE OF DETENDANT ~ "RELATIONSHIP TO JUVENILE aa, aunb beter mie neunde sea RS TTS TANS TST fein Stay: Ewes ets arf PootsLn = ere revatettacs "__aSEEIGERSCOMITRINANTS SIGNATURE, HERO Personally Known Prodced Idenificaiton wit [tie nf Ydenticatlons omaste Feility LL. DEAR. DWE WZ GOURT COPY 00 82¥ Lf] aa, é meee aa a