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  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc v. Taja JessamyOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 03/18/2024 10:12 AM INDEX NO. 804499/2024E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/18/2024 1OF4 PAGE SEr½rha f ed óunt ã ñviTK2 Painienfiñf ñatioI M Accountno. ****-****-****-4363 Newbalance $6,147.21 Minimumpaymentdue $102.45 Previousbalance $6,147.21 Paymentduedate 01/04/2022 Payments 0.00 Othercredits 0.00 Late payment warning: Purchases 0.00 applicable __Not Otherdebits 0.00 MInimumpaymentwarning:If youmakeonlytheminimum Cashadvance 0.00 paymentforeachperiod,youwill pay morein interestandit willtake Balancetransfer 0.00 youlongerto payoffyourbalances.Forexample: Feescharged 0.00 Interestcharged 0.00 If youmakenoadditional Youwill payoff Andyouwill Newbalance $6,147.21 chargesusingthiscard thebalanceshown end up payingan andeachmonthyoupay: on thestatement estimatedtotal Pastdueamount 467.00 in about: of: Creditlimit $5,500.00 | Oniytheminimum payment | 6 years | S6190 Availablecredit $0.00 $171 3 years S6147 Cashcreditlimit $0.00 (savings$43) Availablecash $0.00 Statementclosingdate 12/09/2021 Forinformationregarding creditcounselingservices, Daysin billingcycle 31 call 1-800-284-1706. Skipsigningin to payanduseComenity'sEasyPay. It's safeandconvenient.Useyoursmartphone cameraor code readerto scantheQRcodeprintedonyourpaymentstubbelowto getstarted. No trãnsactioiis thisÈériod 15 & s iMEMM. GWC Fees Totalfeeschargedfor this period $0.00 .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Interest charged interestchargeon purchases $0.00 Interestchargeon cashadvance $0.00 Interestchargeon balancetransfer $0.00 Total interestfor this period $0.00 2021totals yearto date Totalfeeschargedin 2021 $138.00 TotalinterestchargedIn2021 $845.62 IntesâEt.cheffe cálculatior R ¾;MDEW2Oh©&. $ 7 W.F.GC 2% YourAnnualPercentage Rate(APR)is theannualinterestrateonyouraccount.SeeBALANCECOMPUTATION METHOD onpage2 for moredetails.Minimuminterestchargemayexceedinterestchargebelow,peryourcreditcardagreement. TYPE OF BALANCE SUBJECT INTEREsT BALANCE APR TOINTERESTRATE CHARGE Purchases 0.0000% 0.00 0.00 Purchases 0.0000% 0.00 0.00 Cashadvances 0.0000% 0.00 0.00 Additi dnal importâñt niessã¼ies ARQC MP Protecting your account from online fraud If you're shopping online and are asked to verify your purchase by confirming the last four digits of your (CONTINUED) - - - - ....- - ..- - - - ..- ..-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ..-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Please tearatperforation above Account number ****-****-****-4363 .. Newbalance Minimum payment $6,147.21 $102.45 994 Mailedpayments mustreachus by 6pmET Yes,I havemoved orupdatedmy Amount ¡ e-mailaddress- seereverse- enclosed: on01/04/2022. $ Pleasemakecheckpayableto: plul Ili lus II a I ilallips I: I Pleaseretumthisportionalongwithyourpaymentto: TAJAJESSAMY 3336WICKMANAVE. APT2 PO BOX 650113 BRONXNY10469 DALLAS TX 75265-0113 illlllihril'lilllil¹Illilll¹ill'r1111+ lirigiblrill"el FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 03/18/2024 10:12 AM INDEX NO. 804499/2024E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/18/2024 Keep thisportion foryourrecords. CREDIT REPORTING. Wemayreport information about youraccount to What ToDoIf YouThinkYouFindAMistake OnYour Statement creditbureaus. Latepayments, missed paymenIs, orotherdefaulls onyour account may b ereflected inyour credit report. Ifyouthinkthereisanerroronyourstatement, writetousat:Comenity Capital BankPOBox182620, Columbus, 011 43218-2620. NOTICE OFCREDIT REPORT DISPUTES IIyoubelieve theaccount . inlormahon: information wereporled loaconsumer reporting agency isinaccurate, you Inyourletter, giveusthelollowing may s ubmit adirect dispute to Comenity Capital BankPOBox182120, " Account information: Yourname andaccount number- OH 43218-2120. Your writtend isputem ustprovide sufficient " Dollar Columbus, amounh Thedollaramount ofthesuspected error. informalion lo identify theaccoun1 andspecily whytheinlormalion is " Description ofProblem: Ifyouthinkthereisanerroronyourbill, inaccurate: describe whatyoubelieve iswrong andwhyyoubelieve it isamistake· " Account Information: Yourname andaccount nurnber aftertheenorappeared onyour " Contact Information: Your address andtelephone number Youmustcontact uswithin60days " Disputed Information: theaccount information disputed and statement. Identify explain why youbelieve it isinaccurate Youmustnotifyusofanypotential errors inwriting. Youmaycallus,butif " Supporting Documentation: Ifavailable, provide acopy ofthesection of youdowearenotrequired toinvestigateanypotential errors andyoumay thecreditreport showing theaccount information youaredisputing have topaytheamount inquestion. ornottherehasbeen anerror, thefollowing We willinvestigate Ihedisputed information andreport theresults toyou While weinvestigate whether within30days ofreceipt oftheinformation needed forourinvestigation. If W c nnottrytocollecttheamount inquestion, orreport you as we firdthat i t eaccou f rmatNn w rerorted i sina ral we wII delmquent onthatamount. agency towhichwereported theinformation. " Thecharge inquestion mayremain onyourstatement, andwemay coolinue tocharge youinterestonIhalamount. Bul,il wedetermine that PAYMENTS MARKED "PAID INFULL". Allwritten communications wemade amistake, t youwillnothave payo theamount inquestion or reganling disputed amounts thal include anycheck orotherpayment orotherfeesrelated tothatamount. instrument marked "payment infulForsimilarlarn:uage, mustbesentto: anyinterest 3000 Kellway Drive,Suite 120 Carrollion, IX/S006. " While youdono1have topaythearnount inquestion, youareresponsibleN NOflJSEIHEENCLOSED REMI“1ANCE ENVEl.0PE, lortheremainder ofyourbalance' - Wemayaccept payment senttoanyotheraddress without losing anyof " Wecanapply anyunpaid amount against yourcreditlimit. ourrights. Rights It You AreDissatisfiedWithYour Credit Card Purchases - No payment shall operate asanaccord and satisfaction without prior Your wrillen approval. IIyouaredissatisfied wilhtheg(××js orservices thatyouhave purchased withyourcreditcard,andyouhavetriedingoodfaithtocorrect the CUSTOMER SERVICE. orcall1-856-269-1622 (My problem withthemerchant, youmayhave therightnottopaytheremaining BJ's Perks Mastercard) orI-844-2/l-2635(MyBJ'sPerks World amount dueonthepurchase. Mastercard) (TDDr Y1-888-819-1918). Tousethisright,allofthefollowing mustbetrue: TELEPHONE MONITORING. loprovide youwilhhigh-quality service,phone communication withusismonitored and/or recorded. t. Thepurchase musthave beenmade inyourhome stateorwithin100 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. The when mileso1yourcurrent mailing andthepurchase address, pricemusthave following designations, a ppearing been more than$60.(Note: Neither ofthese isnecessary ifyourpurchase onthefront ofyourstatement, mean thefollowing: Vmeans variable rate wasbased onanadvertisement wemailed toyou,orif weownthecompany (1his ratemayvary); WVlNTPAY RQmeans WAIVE INTERESI, PAYMENI Ihalsoldyouthegoods orservices.) REQUIRED: WVINIEQPYmeans WAlVE INIEREST, EQUAL PAYMENI; WV INTLOW PMT means WAlVE INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT; DFINTPYRQ 2.You musthave used yourcreditcardforthepurchase. Purchases made means DEFER INIEREST, PAYMENI REQlilHED; DEFINIEQPYmeans withcashadvances fromanATMorwithacheck thataccesses yourcredit DEFER INIEREST, EQllAl. PAYMENI; DFINILOW PMFmeans DEFER cardaccount donotquality. INTEREST, LOW PAYMENT andLOW APR EQPAY means LOW APR, EQUAL 3.Youmustnotyethave PAYMENT. Ifyou have a variable rate account, your p eriodic rates may vary. lullypaidlorthepurchase. YoumaypayallofyomAccounI balance atanylimewithout penally. Ifallofthecriteria above aremetandyouarestilldissatisfied withthe Send allinquiries to:CUSTOMER SERVICE, POBox183003, Columbus, OH purchase. contact usin writmg at:Comently Capital Bank POBox18262O' 43218-3003 Columbus, OH43218-2620. thesame amount as Send a ll bankruptcy notices and related correspondence to Comenity While weinvestigate, discussed above. . . rules Afterwehnish .applytothe. disputed ourinvestigahon, wewilltellyouour Capital Bank, Bankruptcy Depaitment, POBox183043, Columbus, OH decision. Atthatpoint,il wethinkyouoweanamount andyoudonotpay 43218-3043 wemayreport youasdelinquent. NOTICE ABOUT ELECTRONIC CHECK CONVERSION. When youprovide a Yourduedateisatleast25days aftertheclose ofcach check aspayment, youauthorize useithertouseinformation Iromyour PAYING INTEREST. check t omake a one-time electronic fund transfer from your a ccountorto bilhng cycle.Wewhlnotcharge youinlemst onpurchases 11 youpayyour process thepayment asacheck transaction. When weuseinformation trom entirebalance bytheduedateeachmonth. Wewillbegin charmng mterest yourcheck tomake anelectronic fundtransfer, funds maybewithdrawn onbalance transfers andcashadvances onthetransaction date.Wewill hom your account assoon a sthe same d ay wereceive your p ayment,and begintocharge interestonnewpurchases made under aLowAPR, Equal youwillnotreceive yourcheck backfromyourlinancial institution. Payment orBudget Payment Planfromthedateofpurchase. Credit BALANCE COMPUTATION METHOD. Wecalculate inlerest separalelylor eachtypeofbalance onyouraccount using a'DailyBalance' todetermine interest charges loreachbillingperiod. Weliguretheinterest balance' chargeon youraccount byapplying theperiodic rate tothe 'daily balance" ofyour account toreachdayinthebillingcycle.logetthe'daily wetake thebeginning balance ofyouraccount eachday,addanynewpurchases, advances, feesandbalance andsubtract transfers, anypayments orcredits (treating anynetcreditbalance asazerobalance). Thisgives usthedaily balance. PAYMENTS, PayyourAccount bythepayment duedatebythetimelistedbelow. Ifwedonotreceive yourpaymentinacorrect format (outlined below)it maynotbecredited toyourAccount toruptofivedays, ormayberejected. Also,yourpayment mustreach usbythepayment cutotttimethatapplies to thepayment method youselect. Thiscardisissued byComenity Capital Bankpursuant toalicensefromMastercard International Mastercard !ncorporated. trademaik isaregistered ofMastercard Intemational incorporated. Correct Format. Correctlormattorditterentpayment methods include: orOvemight: Mailing Send a personalcheck,moneyorder,traveler'scheckorcashier's check payableinU.S.dollars,tothename andaddressshown on thisStatementinthepayment stubareacontainingyourbalance andminimum payment amount. Besuretoinclude yourpaymenI sIub,donotslapleor clipyourpayment tothestub,include youraccountnumber onyourcheck, usetheenvelopeprovided withyourStatement,sendonepayment withone paymentstubanddonotsendanycorrespondence withyourpayment. Youshouldovemight apayment 1o3000Kellway Drive, TX SuiIe120Carrollton, 75006 andtheadditional tormalrequirementsarethesame asothermailed paymentsunlessthereisadispute,inwhich caseyoufollowthePayments Marked'PaidinFulFsection above. Donotsendcashorgiftcertificates.PayByPhone: Youcancallustofffreeat I-855-269-1622 (MyBJ'sPerks or1-844-2/ Mastercard) l-263S(MyBJ'sPerks WorldMastercard) (IDD/l1Y:1-888-819-1918)tomake a payment bylelephone, whichmayinclude afee. Online: Youcanmake apayment online PaymentCutoff Times.Payment cuto11 forustoreceive times/deadlines paymentsarebytheduedateonthisStatement inthepayment slubareaatthe limes: following Mailing andOvemight: By6:00pmEastern lime(El); PayByPhone:By6:00pm(EI);Online: By6:00pm(Ei). NewInformation Title(optional) FirstName MI LastName Soc.Sec.No. StreetAddress Apt.No. RR POBox City State ZipCode Foreign MapCode HomePhone WorkPhone EmailAddress FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 03/18/2024 10:12 AM INDEX NO. 804499/2024E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/18/2024 3 OF4 PAGE A-daitichal!irñ órt nt esse dåItiniTed ErdQ1 [!i Q$2PM MQîEO.¾ mobile phone number, this is a security step we've put in place on your behalf - it is safe to provide this information. Once you confirm it, we will use the mobile phone number on file with your My BJ's Perks Mastercard credit card account to send you a verification code via text message. Effective February 2, 2022. the cutoff times for payments to be credited on the same day when the payments are made over the phone and online are changing. Telephone and online Account Center payments made by 5:00 pm Eastem Time will post on the same day. Please see the information provided on the back of the first page of your statement for more details about payment cutoff times. Important Reminder: If you make a purchase with this credit card using a promotional plan. the promotional plan expiration date and payment due date may be different. This means that if you have any remaining promotional plan balance after the promotional plan expiration date, the balance and any accrued interest (if applicable), will move to your regular revolving plan on the next billing statement. How to avoid or minimize interest charges: Be sure to pay any promotional plan balance in full on plans" section of or before the plan expiration date shown in the "Details of your your statement. Please also keep an eye out for notifications of when your promotional plan(s) are nearing their expiration date-you'll see them in the red box on page 1 of your statement. If you have questions, please call us toll-free at 1-855-269-1622(TDD/TTY:1-888-819-1918).To leam more about how promotional plans work, visit We're always happy to help. Affected by COVID-19? Comenity Capital Bank Offers Support As the bank that manages your credit card, our hearts go out to those affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The support we're extending to you. If you're experiencing financial hardship because of COVID-19, please call 1-855-269-1622 (TDD/TTY: 1-888-819-1918) to discuss how we may be able to help. Account Center is available 24R for you to manage your My BJ's Perks Mastercard account online. You can make payments and view your balance. transactions and statements online. Not yet registered? Visit, enter your My BJ's Perks Mastercard credit card account number and ZIP code. then verify your identity. We're looking out for you. We remain focused on the health and well-being of our customers and associates, and we'll continue to stay on top of what's happening during the pandemic so we can best support you. Protect yourself against mail and phone consumer fraud. FILED: BRONX COUNTY CLERK 03/18/2024 10:12 AM INDEX NO. 804499/2024E NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/18/2024 4OF4 PAGE