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  • NorthStar RE, LLC vs Derek Carlson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • NorthStar RE, LLC vs Derek Carlson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • NorthStar RE, LLC vs Derek Carlson Eviction (UD) document preview
  • NorthStar RE, LLC vs Derek Carlson Eviction (UD) document preview


33-CV-24-83 STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF KANABEC TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT CIVIL COURT CASE TYPE: Eviction NorthStar RE, LLC, File No. ____________________ Plaintiff (Landlord), and ORDER FOR EVICTION Derek Carlson, and Carlson Consulting, LLC, d/b/a NorthStar Pontoons Defendant. The above-entitled proceeding came on for hearing before the Honorable _____________, Judge of District Court, at the above-named Court, Stearns County Courthouse, in the City of Saint Cloud, County of Stearns, State of Minnesota, on the ____day of _______, 2024. Plaintiff appeared with his attorney, Timothy R. Hrubetz, Jr., Toepfer at Law, via Zoom pursuant to the Minnesota Supreme Court Order AMD20-8001. Defendant appeared Pro se, via Zoom pursuant to the Minnesota Supreme Court Order AMD20-8001. The Court, having heard the evidence adduced and based upon all the records, files, and proceedings herein, makes the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order for Judgment. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Plaintiff, NorthStar RE, LLC (hereafter “Landlord”) leased 510 Highway 65, Mora, Kanabec County, Minnesota 55051, to Defendants Derek Carlson, and Carlson Consulting, LLC, d/b/a NorthStar Pontoons, (hereafter “Tenant”) 2. Landlord, having present right of possession of the residential property, has followed Minn. Stat. §504B.181 by informing the tenant in the rental agreement before the beginning of the tenancy the name and address of the person authorized to manage the property and a landlord or agent authorized by the landlord to accept service of process and receive and give receipt 33-CV-24-83 for notices and demands, and by posting an obvious place on the property a printed or typewritten notice that includes the above information, namely in the rental office were tenants pay their rent. 3. Tenant has not vacated the premises. 4. Tenant failed to pay rent, and fees in the amount of $7,900.00. 5. Tenant received proper notice of default under the terms of the lease and has failed to cure said default. 6. The lease does not preclude Landlord from seeking damages in pursuit of legal action as a result of Tenant’s default. ORDER 1. The Court Administrator shall enter judgment for a writ of recovery of the premises. 2. Landlord is awarded the past due rent. 3. Landlord is awarded filing fees, service fees, and reasonable attorney’s fees as damages incurred by Landlord due to Tenant’s default and failure to cure. ORDER FOR JUDGMENT Let judgment be entered accordingly and forthwith. Dated: _____________________ BY THE COURT _________________________________ Judge of District Court I certify the above Conclusions of Law are the Judgment and Decree of the Court. _________________________________ Court Administrator