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  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview
  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview
  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview
  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview
  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview
  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview
  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview
  • HUGHES, HELEN v. HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORPORATION Et AlT50 - Torts - Defamation document preview


DOCKET NO. FBT-CV22-6120277-S HELEN HUGHES : JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF Plaintiff, : FAIRFIELD : V. : AT BRIDGEPORT : HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORP. : ET AL. : Defendants. : MARCH 13, 2023 OBJECTION TO PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR ORDER AND NUNC PRO TUNC MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DEFENDANTS’ MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Defendant Hartford Healthcare Corporation (“HHC”) and defendant SVMC Holdings, Inc. (“SVMC”) (collectively, “Defendants”) hereby object to Plaintiff’s Motion for Order Disqualifying Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment (“Motion”) and move nunc pro tunc for permission from the Court to file their Motion for Summary Judgment. I. RELEVANT FACTUAL AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND. On or about January 26, 2023, Plaintiff filed her Amended Complaint with this Court alleging claims of defamation and negligent infliction of emotional distress against Defendants. Dkt. No. 101.00. Approximately one month later, Defendants filed their Answer and Special Defenses. Dkt. No. 102.00. In response to an order from the Court, on September 6, 2023, the parties filed their proposed joint scheduling order. Dkt No. 108.00. The Court declined the parties’ suggested dates and scheduled a trial date in late June 2024. Since the commencement of this action, Plaintiff and Defendants have been actively, but cooperatively, litigating this case. Defendants served discovery requests on Plaintiff on or about April 6, 2023. Plaintiff did not respond to Defendants’ discovery requests until five months later, on September 15, 2023. Despite the significant passage of time, Defendants did not object SG-21055497v2 to the three motions for extension of time filed by Plaintiff, all of which were granted by the Court. See Dkt. Nos. 104.00, 105.00, 106.00. Regarding depositions, Defendants noticed Plaintiff’s deposition for November 21, 2023; upon request from counsel, Defendants renoticed Plaintiff’s deposition to one month later, on December 21, 2023. Similarly, Plaintiff originally noticed four depositions of employees or former employees of HHC and/or SMVC in December 2023, but those depositions were marked off and took place on the following dates with the consent and coordination of Defendants’ counsel: January 11, 2024 (Margaret Dwyer); January 22, 2024 (Katie Mee, Joseph Laveneziana); and January 25, 2024 (Cheryl Gill). Upon completion of these depositions, Plaintiff issued notice of a fifth deposition, which took place on February 12, 2024 (Dale Danowski). The parties received the transcript of the fifth deposition on or about February 20, 2024. In accordance with this deposition schedule, Defendants worked diligently to draft and finalize the motion for summary judgment in this action. Two weeks after receiving the final deposition transcript, Defendants filed the motion for summary judgment. Dkt. No. 118.00. II. DEFENDANTS SEEK LEAVE TO FILE THEIR MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT. As noted above, Defendants worked cooperatively with Plaintiff’s counsel on the scheduling of discovery and depositions, and the dates of those depositions necessarily delayed and impeded Defendants’ ability to file a motion for summary judgment before March 2024. Therefore, Defendants request that the Court deny the motion to disqualify and grant this motion for permission to file a motion for summary judgment. “The purpose of requiring the filing of summary judgment in a timely manner is to save the parties the expense of preparation for trial. The purpose of requiring court permission to file requests for summary judgment after trial assignment is to review the legitimacy of the delay in 2 SG-21055497v2 filing the request.” Mips v. Becon, Inc., Docket No. CV 970575373, 2000 WL 1196497, at *1 (Conn. Super., Aug. 3, 2000, Booth, J.). Whether to grant a motion for permission to file lies within the sound discretion of the trial court. See Honan v. Dimyan, 52 Conn. App. 123, 127, cert. denied, 249 Conn. 909 (1999). Here, the delay was legitimate and there is good cause for granting permission. Although Plaintiff asserts that Defendants should have filed their motion for summary judgment on or around “January 18, 2024”, see Dkt. No. 120.00 at 2 1, four depositions noticed and postponed by Plaintiff had not yet occurred. These four depositions provided a significant source of information for Defendants’ Motion, as demonstrated by the transcript pages attached to the Motion, Plaintiff also would have objected if Defendants initiated their motion for summary judgment before her attorney was able to depose the Defendants’ employees. Moreover, Defendants needed to observe and review the witnesses’ deposition testimony before moving forward with a summary judgment motion to ensure their testimony supported such a motion. Defendants filed their Motion for Summary Judgment only two weeks after receiving the final deposition transcript, and believe that, rather than delaying this matter, Defendants moved appropriately under the circumstances. Furthermore, the depositions demonstrated that there are legitimate grounds for the motion for summary judgment, which was not clear before the completion of the depositions, and that granting the motion in whole or in part would serve the interests of judicial economy by allowing the Court to assess these good-faith arguments before trial proceedings. Therefore, the motion should be considered by the Court prior to trial in this case. 1 Even if the notice entered by the Court constitutes a scheduling order, Defendants note that Plaintiff, too, has failed to comply with the Notice as Plaintiff never filed her certificate of closed pleadings, which is required one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to trial. 3 SG-21055497v2 Lastly, Defendants note that previously the parties jointly requested that the Court extend the trial date out past September 2024 due to conflicts with the previously-scheduled June date. The Court granted that motion, but only moved the trial date to July 2024. Defendants will seek leave again to move the trial date to Fall 2024 to account for the fact that Defendants’ counsel, Sarah Niemiroski, has recently announced that she will be on maternity leave beginning in late June 2024 through October 2024. Attorney Niemiroski defended almost all of the depositions in this case and was the lead drafter of the Motion for Summary Judgment, and Defendants will ask for an extension of the trial date so that Attorney Niemiroski can participate in the trial. Plaintiff previously initiated and joined in the request to extend the trial date to September or beyond, but now indicates that she objects to any extension of the trial date. The Court should grant Defendants related request to extend the trial date through November, which would provide the Court with ample time to address Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment as well. This extended trial date would still be less than two years from when the Complaint was filed. III. CONCLUSION For these reasons, Defendants request that the Court deny Plaintiff’s Motion and grant Defendants’ Motion for Leave to File their Motion for Summary Judgment. 4 SG-21055497v2 DEFENDANTS, HARTFORD HEALTHCARE CORP., AND SVMC HOLDING, INC. By: /s/ Peter J. Murphy Peter J. Murphy Sarah N. Niemiroski Shipman & Goodwin LLP One Constitution Plaza Hartford, CT 06103-1919 Tel.: (860) 251-5950 Fax: (860) 251-5316 Email: Email: Their Attorneys 5 SG-21055497v2 CERTIFICATION OF SERVICE This is to certify that on this 13th day of March 2024, a copy of the foregoing Defendants’ Objection to Plaintiff’s Motion for Order and Nunc Pro Tunc Motion for Leave to File Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment was served via email upon the following counsel of record: Daniel T. Angelone Angelone Law Offices, LLC 799 Silver Lane, 2d Floor Trumbull, CT 06611 /s/ Peter J. Murphy Peter J. Murphy 6 SG-21055497v2