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  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview


51-CV-24-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/14/2024 4:48 AM CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF MURRAY FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Midland Credit Management, Inc Plaintiff, VS. SUMMONS Lisa Grimmius Court File N0. Defendant(s) THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED TO THE ABOVE—NAMED DEFENDANT(S): 1. You are being sued. The Plaintiff has started lawsuit against you. The Complaint is a attached to this Summons. Do not throw these papers away. They are official papers that start a lawsuit and affect your legal rights, even if nothing has been filed with the court and even if there is no court file number on his Summons. 2. You must BOTH reply, in writing, AND get a copy of your reply to the person/business who is suing you within 21 days to protect your rights. Your reply is called an Answer. Getting your reply to the Plaintiff is called seivice. You must serve a copy of your Answer or Answer and Coanterclaz'm (Answer) within 21 days from the date you received the Summons and Complaint. ANSWER: Youcan find the Answer form and instructions on the MN Judicial Branch website at under the "Civil" category. The instructions will explain in detail how to fill out the Answer form. 3. You must respond to each claim. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiffs Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you think the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say that in your Answer. 4. SERVICE: You may lose your if you do not send a written response to the case Plaintff. If you do not serve a written Answer within 21 days, you may lose this case by default. You will not get to tell your side of the story. If you choose not to respond, the Plaintiff may be awarded everything they asked for in the Complaint. If you agree with the claims stated in the Complaint, you don't need to respond. A Default Judgment can than be entered against you for what the Plaintiff asked for in the Complaint. To t u must se ve a of your L the 1'" IS! 11 _ signed Whtw "'D" ' this 1. .,; t; or" f". rat. -, rig: ""l) r' I' H 1 i1 7 .. i' P ,1 4 r lt:£l\r .,t .1 \ /' ,L MN70145 File No: 23—1060'75 1 of 5 51-CV-24-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/14/2024 4:48 AM 6. Legal Assistance. You may Wish to get legal help from an attorney. If you do not have an attorney, and would like legal help: ' o Visit and click on the "Legal Advice Clinics" tab to get more information about legal Clinics in each Minnesota County. o Court Administration may have information about places Where you can get legal assistance. NOTE: Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still serve a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case. 7. Alternative Dispute Resolution. The parties may agree to or be ordered to participate in an ADR process under Rule 114 of the Minnesota Rules of Practice. You must still sewe your written Answer, even if you expect to use ADR. MESSERLI & KRAMER PA /S/0m'g P. HWW) #04021q4 MN DATE: eSigned (m 12/20/2023 in Hennepin County, MN 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 Plymouth, MN 55441 Ph#: (763) 548~79OO Fax#: (763) 548-7922 This communication is from a debt collector and is an attempt to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. MNNOl-Lli File Nri: 23—106075 2 of 5 51-CV-24-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/14/2024 4:48 AM CONSUMER CREDIT CONTRACT STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF MURRAY FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Midland Credit Management, Inc Plaintiff, VS. COMPLAINT Lisa Grimmius Court File NO. Defendant(s) Plaintiff, Midland Credit Management, Inc, for its Complaint, states and alleges as follows: COUNT I 1. The original creditor, Comenity Bank, issued credit account number XXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 720 to Defendant(s). 2. Defendant(s) made purchases and/or received cash advances on the account. 3. Defendant(s) is/are in default for failing to make the required payments on the account. 4. The last payment made on the account was received on March 24, 2021. 5. The account was charged—off by the original creditor on November 30, 2021, with a balance of $610.1 1. 6. After applying post charge—off payments or credits, if any, the balance is $610.11. 7. Plaintiff purchased the account on December 23, 2021, and is attempting to collect on the debt. 8. Plaintiff owns the account as successor in interest to Comenity Bank (VICTORIAS SECRET). COUNT II 1. The original creditor, Comenity Bank, issued credit account number XXXXXXXXXXXXXX5459 to Defendant(s). 2. Defendant(s) made purchases and/or received caslt advances on the account. '5 at'isum, 3 :;; 4 19141: wilmm 2:2"1, m 'itll:;!1];:zt'ttt. ms?) :19. mm]: 4+. 111:: last payment mauc U11 the accouiit was receivcu U11 April 10, AMI. 5. The account was charged-~off by the original creditor on November 30, 2021, with a balance of' $913.93. MN_0145 File No: 23--10()075 3 of 5 51-CV-24-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/14/2024 4:48 AM 7. Plaintiff purchased the account on December 23, 2021, and is attempting to collect on the debt. 8. Plaintiff owns the account as successor in interest to Comenity Bank (MAURICES). COUNT III 1,. The original creditor, Credit One Bank, NA, issued credit account number XXXXXXXXXXXX1999 to Defendant(s). 2. Defendant(s) made purchases and/or received cash advances on the account. 3. Defendant(s) is/ae in default for failing to make the required payments on the account. 4. The last payment made on the account was received on May 29, 2021. 5. The account was charged-off by the original creditor on Novembe1' 04, 2021, with a balance of $803.10. 6. After applying post charge—off payments or credits, if any, the balance is $803.10. 7. Plaintiff purchased the account on December 30, 2021, and is attempting to collect on the debt. 8. Plaintiff owns the account as successor in interest to Credit One Bank, NA. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff demands judgment against Defendant(s) for the amount of $2,327.14 for a total amount of$2,327. 14, plus Plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein, and for such other and further relief as the court may deem just and equitable. MESSERLI & ICRAMER PA /S/CVOML9 I7. Hat/WWW #0402194- MN DATE: eSigned on 12/20/2023 in Hennepin County, MN 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 Plymouth, MN 55441 cc— Ph#: (763) 548—7900 Fax#: (763) 548—7922 ACKNOWLEDGMENT By presenting this form to the court, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, the following statements are true. I understand that if a statement is not true, the court can order a penalty against me (such as to pay money to the other court costs and/or other penalties) and party, pay LL LL-L , "A-LLL-LLLL-LLL-, LLLL-J LL--- ._--- ALA-J u'vAvvat/VVAVIvsuLi; .1v1innesom E [HIUIGS 86011011 I. 1.. The information I included in tb1s form is based on facts and supported by existing law. 'v v 1 ,I IIIIIIIII 1 IIII rLII , IIII\ III IIII II I III II IIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIII'xt I ,'IIIIIIIIIII IIIU IIII IIIIIIIIII IT, u-LJuL-V, r I ' ("'-'~III\./ III'II\ 1 III II'IIIII' 1, II '* IIIIIIIIIIINU III I MN_0145 lilcl\ \Izo 23106075' 4 of 5 51-CV-24-46 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/14/2024 4:48 AM 3. No judicial officer has said I am a frivolous litigant. 4. There is no court order saying l cannot serve or file this form. 5. This form does not contain any "restricted identifiers" or confidential information as defined in Rule ll of the General Rules of Practice ( rules/gp/id/11/) or the Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch ( rules/rule/ra—toh/). 6. If I need to file "restricted identifiers," confidential information, or a confidential document, I will use Form 11.1 and/or Form 11.2, as required by Rule ll. MESSERLI & KRAMER PA /S/0Va»i,g P. Hat/Wm #0402144 MN DATE: eSigned on 12/20/2023 in Hennepin County, MN 3033 Campus Drive, Ste. 250 Plymouth, MN 55441 Ph#: (763) 548-7900 Fax#: (763) 548—7922 MN_Ol45 liilc No: 23—100075 5 of 5