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  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview
  • Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Grimmius Default Judgment document preview


State of Minnesota District Court Murray County Fifttr Judicial District Court File Number: 5l-CY-2446 Case Type: Default Judgment Notice of Entry and Docketing of Judgment FILE COPY Midland Credit Management, Inc vs Lisa Griumius You are hereby notified that aju@enthas been entere aud docketed in the above entifled matter. Entered Date Marshl4,2024 Docketed Date lvIarch|l4.2024 p"gck-e1-e{fime- _ _ _" 9:03 AM De-btor(s) Lisa Grimmius. Creditor(s) Midland Credit Manaqement. Inc I&gelary_4rusdi=- .: Monetary Amount: $3.+12,1+ A true and correct copy of this notice tras Ueem lefved pursuaut to Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 77.04. Please beadvised that notiCes sent to attorneys are sent to the lead attorney only. Note: Costs and interest will accrue on any money judgment amounts from the date of entry until the judgment is satisfied in full. Dated: March 14,2024 Sheila pierson Court Administrator cc: Midland credit Management,Inc; Murray county Dishict court Lisa Grimmius; wILLIAM c HICKS z5oo2gthStreet, po Box 57 Slayton MN 56172 507-873-7001 MNCIS-JGM-I08a STAIE Notic€ of Enry and Docketing of Judgnent Revised: 09D013 page I of I