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  • Conti, John R Vs Unknown Spouse Of John R Conti Real Property/Mortgage Foreclosure $15,000 or < document preview
  • Conti, John R Vs Unknown Spouse Of John R Conti Real Property/Mortgage Foreclosure $15,000 or < document preview
  • Conti, John R Vs Unknown Spouse Of John R Conti Real Property/Mortgage Foreclosure $15,000 or < document preview
  • Conti, John R Vs Unknown Spouse Of John R Conti Real Property/Mortgage Foreclosure $15,000 or < document preview


Filing # 152356787 E-Filed 06/28/2022 03:51:02 PM IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA - A CIVIL ACTION LAKEWOOD VILLAS VIIT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation not-for-profit, Plaintiff, Vs. Case Number: 2021-CC-2422 JOHN R. CONTI; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JOHN R. CONTI, if married; SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; UNKNOWN TENANT #1; UNKNOWN TENANT #2, Defendants. AFFIDAVIT OF DISINTERESTED ATTORNEY STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Amanda Broadwell, Esq., who, after being first duly sworn, deposes and says of his own personal knowledge: 1 Tam a practicing attorney at the Bar of the Circuit Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, in and for Collier County, Florida, and, as such, have had experience in cases of this nature. 2 Tam familiar with the amount customarily charged by attorneys and allowed by the court for attorney’s fees or actions of this kind. 3 Iknow the reasonable value of such services and I have been advised as to the amount sought from the Defendants in the above styled cause and as to the extent of the services rendered by the Plaintiff's attorneys in the above styled cause. 4 I have considered the time and labor required in such an action, the novelty and FILED: COLLIER COUNTY, CRYSTAL K. KINZEL, CLERK, 06/28/2022 03:51:02 PM difficulty of the questions involved, and the skill required to perform the legal services properly. 5 Ihave considered the amount involved and the results obtained by Plaintiff in this action and I have considered the experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers performing the services. 6 This Affidavit is being made in order to confirm the reasonableness of the legal fees for services rendered in this action as billed by attorneys Robert E. Murrell, Esq. and J. Todd Murrell, Esq., of The Murrell Law Firm, P.A. and in representation of the Plaintiff, Lakewood Villas VII Homeowners Association, Inc. 7. In addition, a reasonable hourly rate for this type of action in this locality would be $300.00 per hour for attorney fees billed by J. Todd Murrell, Esq. and $350.00 per hour for attorney fees billed by Robert E. Murrell, Esq. 8 Ihave reviewed the file, the affidavits of the attorney’s involved in this case, as well as the time and billing records in ligh of the factors sct forth by the Florida Supreme Court in the Case of Florida Patient's Compensation Fund v. Rowe, 472 So.2d 1145 (Fla. 1985), and Rule 4- 1.5(B) of the Rule of Professional Conduct of the Florida Bar as related ot the services performed by the attorneys for the Plaintiff. 9 Inmy opinion, after reviewing all of the billing statements and documents filed in this matter, attorney fees in the amount of $4,375.00 is a reasonable attorney’s fee based upon the reasonable hourly rate and reasonable number of hours expended by Plaintiff's counsel in this action. undo well Amanda Broadwell, Esq. is personally known to me. i THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me by means of O physical presence or 0 online notarization, this O7__ day o: f Junes2022,.b' 2022, by-Amanda Broadwell, Esq., who (NOTARY SEAL) lg NOTARY RUBLICSIGNAGUREN, wp Public state Florida, Sala M. Delgado My Commission HH 013028 Expires 06/23/2024