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  • Suffolk P.D. v. Alexander WhiteSpecial Proceedings - Extreme Risk Protection Order document preview
  • Suffolk P.D. v. Alexander WhiteSpecial Proceedings - Extreme Risk Protection Order document preview


FILED: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK 02/27/2024 04:32 PM INDEX NO. 604901/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/27/2024 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK Ucs-6342/N COUNTY OF SUFFOLK rev.02/2s/2020 Suffolk PD . Notification of Hearing for Petitioner Final Extreme Risk Protection Order vs. [CPLR§ 6342(4)(d)(ii) or CPLR§ 6342(s)] Alexander White Index Number: . 604901/2024 Respondent Check if applicable: O Petitione/s name is anonymous O Petitioner's address and contact information is confidential TAKE NOTICE that the petitioner has filed an application for a temporary extreme risk protection order, and the Court (select one): 0 Having granted the petitioner's application for a temporary extreme risk protection order, must hold a hearing within six (6) days after the temporary extreme risk protection order is served upon the respondent to determine if a finai extreme risk ·protection order will be issued [see CPLR§ 6342(4)(d)(ii)]. O Having denied the petitioner's application for a temporary extreme risk protection order, must hold a hearing within ten (10) days after the order denying the temporary extreme risk protection order is served upon the respondent to determine if a final extreme risk protection order will be issued IseeCPLR§ 6342(5)]. The hearing is scheduled as follows: SUFFOLK COUNTY COURT Court: Address: 210 CENTER DRIVE, RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 Room/Part: Date: 03/07/2024 Time: 10:00 0AM OPM Phone: (631) 852-2121 At the hearing, the parties shall have an opportunity to be heard, give testimony, call witnesses and offer eviderice to assist the Court in determining if a final extreme risk protection order will be issued. The respondent may request a later hearing date to prepare for the hearing. To request a later date, the respondent must contact the court BE FORE the scheduled hearing date above. The respondent may also seek the advice of an attorney, and the attorney should be consulted promptly. SERVICE (check one): O The respondent was present in court and provided with a copy of this notice, or O The petitioner shall serve a copy of this notice and any associated papers u pon the respondent through a third party on or before , or SUFFOLK COUNTY SHERI FF ' 0 The shall serve a copy of this notice and any a e papers upon the respondent n or LocalLawEnforcementAgency . . before 03/07/2024 ADDITIONAL SERVICE PROVLSION (check if applicaMe): O The Court having notice of the fact that the res ent is a patient in a certified Office o lity on the date of this notice, the Court has autho ed service upon the re such facility p 4 RR 22.2. 02/27/2024 Dated: Official Cc: Local Law Enforcement Agency: Acknowledgement of Service. SUFFOLK COUNTY SHERIFF NOTE: This section is for use by court officials and tow enforcement officers only. . SUFFOLK COUNTY POLICE DEPT Third-party process servers must attach a swom Affidavit of Service. The above-named responderit hereby acknowledges service of this notice and any supporting documents and/or reports: Date: Signature of Respondent . . Narne of Witness Title/Shield No. Date: Signature of Witness 1 of 1