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  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Shannon Lavina Tiso, Petition for Declaratory JudgmentSpecial Proceedings - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview


FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 02/26/2024 04:20 PM INDEX NO. 57654/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/26/2024 EXHIBIT F FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 02/26/2024 04:20 PM INDEX NO. 57654/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/26/2024 . 1544..4446M , alk % . . STATE OF NEW YORK flidavit for License to Marry STATE OF 'I W YORK .- Cutmty o .. . ,\ 4 applicants for a hcense Mr ma r ru rtally marre, depm and m, that to the let of thek knowledge and telief the fonowst externent regectively m:tel by them is true, and itat no !cga mmediment ea a to 4 r h: of the gvies..ia, to t oa.. tk::-:.m;× at I wov m Granr Faou Tun Ban6 w thin 1m dy or n uq ra d hm L. m 4 ut r n q a.sted ullage Age . T*n, of L*rth be c 17 n Place of b rth M1 C f ** " 3, P ·* 1 ¦ lhr of Lu T Name ni 1 t:M A 0me of f n & * otmtty *,f i.uhe r bn T A f t .a.qr y of fathe N ft / N4 T 1& C mtry ..f ni &c* Un h 1 4' f of n"oir t "mn"n Nrth Numlwr of uoyGrd narrage ( 0rntxt of un y ad m rn.we Emem,r wn• in m k mmes husrAm*t or nustomis nvmg or Geno . !s apgicant a dnorted recon o .Jf L 4,racartr pm ma 5 H Q if m, when no, wtcri a damrmi ad where. and .wame wh*n dou.nx y itoms and eere aw3 minst whom J.vom m divorces were granted .. . . .... . .. . were granted -- designot tient Ine kgel M4hra .5bet ate $egn) All mþimust edsts as to aty temsNVhtmthe 5tate3 ridNN ater tatothe roardage state. unoun asutta $ebeeribed and *worn to me tb .y. v . must m as Aamettes we., M I B TO TOWN OR CITY CLERK. Une as treat mar ^ 4:enne and eacti6mte wsth aflusent for tisemes wed meanovat, ement be (ded to ths eace w the mats --kh on or bedere the &fth w eeck tooeth. Mame of theme docernments sheaid be Aled until the smeame 4 returned :-A tlan serti&eases ahewists that the to win6th they refer has heen actunh perforvened. annerings age" Su rmru of Nemk for "downtary trwl af regwirtsment FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 02/26/2024 04:20 PM INDEX NO. 57654/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/26/2024 . mrs a enu it safel iru .Fe s.*feminatwet ahei sun / do, s fm 4 marr iage is WW Uk St.Uc aq, the da of tuuartee. The brnge ,t d C pr Av the Ckrgo..v. Cert½cate or: the reverac side sF..u:d E<. .' he or 844g:nt ,ne. wdh the Town or n ".. City Clerk wb.* ten the 1:anw See q .n nm c.rmast.. ur vsK sTA12 mmainMr.u so m 9estoMa or n,.,- ,....,Mount MARRIAGE UCENSE ernon Know all Men this by Cntincate, n.a an la mm .ne r .. Prank cent Echael 1130 .5 M Net.utt Vernon n .. ·· . cut ñestchester N.a ana Lucy Fast! EE! . f Idount Vernon in Testimony Whereof. b.m.! ,e l . Mount Vernon 13th .in.... Sept. 14th , . , Sept. p 47. á n,a3 rm 12th d ..: 50 47 ... . rank Vinem!t :iso !chael run na·i·e Fnsti '..ucy * .hi e ??ostchester Mount Vernon est::.ester otat W Ye:rncn MG ·os t .frd btreet I- essm . c'it !ctb A enue !. ..U ·· 4 . . mth * D.a. i i.,a, Jan. 5,188 . ... . okkeeper n.., or r ace clerk unt .Y. Vernon, alitri, Italy r r,r d inhey vincent Tieo . .. xi.:hael Faatig,1 con a h Italy conam a mberums Italy . M¾}rU tumt 4d :& tht7 I dr4 94pe Ad itss4ber . ..... ..,., s. 3104...140&3ML . . w.. .-.-,44%94M$$e$í% 2nW49t%4 . us & owther½urtit .. Italy irefclasgnAmttLM417 ,g..nwri, 18 - wé« damem num, let ing m Jnd Fr,rnvt intµud e.r hu¾nA h¾É d.4 NOD t p o a 4 d:u.*ad ;m..r: lic It ,:n ..4 h so 1 it.sÆwwd pem ' NO b " o:1.. >nd nwn.: wom. ¾re, w dmnn ed whrre, ed gon... An h"*". ...". . . . .. s , - . .a.t wt.. ½c nm r ,.g.- 4 r. * a 6.3 o ;.6 her n t. * r trr in > 99 t .e - -tr,u:. t .rs· 1,, f.6 . , ..wm W4r DO t tursternstem and br£th r i br*,ir 587 40 FILED: WESTCHESTER COUNTY CLERK 02/26/2024 04:20 PM INDEX NO. 57654/2024 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/26/2024 h wDuen convnv of the Parmt Gnudam. m Pmom under whwe care and governmem the Minor or hr s c. he Eme b«u fid in A ur dr0 orke in I ved&cd praf vt age wn mbmima h povided by Ac~n 15, ArMe 3 of the Damegic Rekion. law MARRIACE CERTIFICA'lE TO CLERGYMEN AND MAGISTRATES The licmsc and the certHicate du!y égned by the peron who shall have whmnimi the narriage ttv·rem auth-wizcd sh£1 be rdurned by hen to the otine o: the nmn or city erk who iaed i.he eme withm five dap suanding the