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Case Number:24-000811-CI Filing # 192249935 E-Filed 02/19/2024 03:23:29 PM ***ELECTRONICALLY FILED 02/19/2024 03:23:27 PM: KEN BURKE, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT, PINELLAS COUNTY*** CERTIFICATE 0F SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy 0f the foregoing together with the original Interrogatories will be served by a process server upon the Defendant, GARRY V. BARLOW, along with a copy of the Complaint. A copy of the foregoing will be served by a process server upon the Defendafl, GARRY V. BARLOW. The Notice has been filed with the Clerk of the Court, 0n this day of February, 2024. :L TTORNEY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR PINELLAS COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION SO KY VO, Plaintiff, CASE NO.: v. GARRY V. BARLOW, Defendant. / PLAINTIFF’S FIRST SET OF INTERROGATORIES TO DEFENDANT GARRY V. BARLOW Plaintiff, SON KY V0, by and through his undersigned attorneys, hereby propounds to the Defendant, GARRY V. BARLOW (“BARLOW”), pursuant t0 Rule 1.340 of the Florida Rules 0f Civil Procedure, the attached Interrogatories, numbered one (1) through twenty—five (25), to be answered in writing under oath, within forty-five (45) days from the date 0f service. These Interrogatories may be answered in the spaces provided herein. If sufficient space is not provided, the answering party may attach additional papers with the Answers and refer to them in the space provided in these Interrogatories. DEFINITIONS Plaintiff, SON KY VO, hereby propounds the following First Set of Interrogatories to Defendant, BARLOW, t0 be answered separately and severally as to each of the numbered paragraphs, lettered subparagraphs, and clause by clause. As used herein: (A) "Document" means a source of information that is inscribed on a tangible medium 0r that is stored in an electronic 0r other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form and includes memoranda and notes 0f statements by 0r interviews with prospective witnesses in any matter involving the parties hereto in any capacity. (B) "Identify" or "identification" means setting forth to the fiJllest extent available 0r obtainable as to a (I) document -- (a) the document's stated title 0r description, (b) its stated subject, (c) its identifying date, (d) identification of its author, (e) identification of its addresses or recipients, (t) identification of the person having it in custody, (g) its length, and (h) the details of its contents unless a copy is attached to the answer to these interrogatories or identified by number as an Exhibit, Deposition Exhibit, or other document attached or submitted with any pleading or other filing heretofore served on any of the parties hereto 0r their counsel 0f record herein, and (II) person -- the person's name, title, last known and current residence and business addresses and telephone numbers. (C) "Referring t0" includes constituting, embodying or mentioning. (D) "Collision" means the motor vehicle collision involving Plaintiff and Defendant, which occurred on April 27, 2023, in Pinellas County, Florida, and which is the subject of Plaintiff‘s Complaint. (E) "Vehicle" means the vehicle driven and owned by Defendant, BARLOW, at the time of the subject collision. INTERROGATORIES T0 DEFENDANT GARRY V. BARLOW 1. Identify yourself, giving your full name, date 0f birth, and social security number. ANSWER: 2. List all former names and when you were known by those names. State all addresses where you have lived for the past five (5) years, the dates you lived at each address, and if you have ever been married, the name of your spouse or spouses. ANSWER: 3. D0 you wear glasses, contact lenses 0r hearing aids? If so, who prescribed them; when were they prescribed; when were your eyes last examined; and what is the name and address of the examiner. ANSWER: 4. Describe in detail how the collision, described in the Complaint, happened, including all actions taken by you t0 prevent the collision. ANSWER: 5. Describe in detail each act or omission on the part of any party to this lawsuit that you contend constituted negligence that was a contributing legal cause of the collision in question. ANSWER: 6. State the facts upon which you rely for each affirmative defense in your answer. ANSWER: 7. Do you contend any person or entity other than you is, or may be, liable in whole 0r part for the claims asserted against you in this lawsuit? If so, state the full name and address of each such person or entity, the legal basis for your contention, the facts 0r evidence upon which your contention is based, and whether or not you have notified each such person 0r entity 0f your contention. ANSWER: 8. List the name and addresses of all persons whoare believed or known by you or your attorneys to have any knowledge concerning any of the issues in this lawsuit; and specify the subject matter about which the witness has knowledge including, but not limited to, the name and address of any passenger(s) in the vehicle when the collision occurred and/or any person responding to the collision. ANSWER: 9. Have your heard or do you know about any statement 0r remark made by 0r on behalf of any party to this lawsuit, other than yourself, concerning any issue in this lawsuit? If so, state the name and address of each person who made the statement or statements, the name and address of each person who heard it, and the date, time, place, and substance of each statement. ANSWER: 10. State the name and address 0f every person known to you, your agents, or your attorneys who has knowledge about, or possession, custody, or control 0f, any model, plat, map, drawing, motion picture, videotape, or photograph pertaining t0 any fact or issue involved in this controversy; and describe as t0 each, what item such person has, the name and address of the person who took or prepared it, and the date it was taken or prepared. ANSWER: 11. Have you made an agreement with anyone that would limit that party's liability t0 anyone for any 0f the damages sued upon in this case? If so, state the terms of the agreement and the parties to it. ANSWER: 12. Please state if you have ever been a party, either Plaintiff or Defendant, in a lawsuit involving a motor vehicle/truck other than the present matter, and, if so, state whether you were Plaintiff 0r Defendant, the nature of the action, case number, and the date and court in which suit was filed. ANSWER: 13. Have you ever been convicted of a crime, other than any juvenile adjudication, which under the law under which you were convicted was punishable by death or imprisonment in excess 0f one year, or that involved dishonesty or a false statement regardless of the punishment 0r that involved driving under the influence? If so, state as to each conviction, the specific crime, the date and place of conviction. ANSWER: 14. Were you suffering from physical infirmity, disability, or sickness at the time 0f the collision described in the Complaint? Ifso, what was the nature of the infirmity, disability 0r sickness? ANSWER: 15. Did you consume any alcoholic beverages or take any drugs 0r medication within 24 hours before the collision described in the Complaint? If so, state the type and amount of alcoholic beverages, drugs 0r medication which were consumed and when and where you consumed them. ANSWER: 16. Were you charged with any violation of law (including any regulations or ordinances) arising out of the incident described in the Complaint? If so, what was the nature of the charge; what plea, or answer, if any, did you enter t0 the charge; what court or agency heard the charge; was any written report prepared by anyone regarding this charge, and ifso, what is the name and address of the person or entity that prepared the report; do you have a copy of the report; and was the testimony at any trial, hearing, 0r other proceeding on the charge recorded in any manner, and if so, what was the name and address of the person who recorded the testimony? ANSWER: l7. As of April27, 2023, were you, BARLOW, employed? If yes, state the dates of your employment, the current status of your employment and the scope of your employment now and as of April 27, 2023. Were you acting within the course and scope of your employment at the time of the collision? ANSWER: l8. Have you 0r anyone 0n your behalf investigated the collision, which occurred on April 27, 2023, which is of Plaintiff’s Complaint? If so, state the name the subject and address of the party who performed the investigation, the purpose of the investigation, and the findings of the investigation. ANSWER: 19. Give your version of how the collision occurred, including the following: The exact time of occurrence. The place of occurrence. 9.9-9.5"? What you were doing at the time of the collision. Your speed at the time of the collision. Plaintiff’s location immediately prior t0 the collision and the location 0f any other vehicles. 1'“: Your direction of travel and physical location immediately prior to the collision. Plaintiff‘s actions at the time of the collision, if you know, and your actions at the time of the collision. Where you were coming from prior t0 the collision and where you were going. ANSWER: 20. At the time of the collision, was your vehicle experiencing any electrical or mechanical difficulties? If yes, state the reason why the vehicle was not properly operating. ANSWER: ll 21. When was the last time prior to the collision that the vehicle had any electrical or mechanical difficulties? Did you 0r anyone that you know 0f, maintain any type 0f logs 0r records regarding the vehicle, including, but not limited to, maintenance and repair work? ANSWER: 22. List the names and addresses of all persons, corporations, or entities who were registered title owners or who had ownership interest in, or right to control, the motor vehicle that you were driving at the time of the incident described in the Complaint; and describe both the nature ofthe ownership interest or right t0 control the vehicle, and the vehicle itself, including the make, model, year, and vehicle identification number. ANSWER: 23. At the time of the collision, or within fifieen (15) minutes of the collision, which is the subject of this case, were you, BARLOW, speaking and/or texting on your cell phone and/or using your cell phone for any other purpose? ANSWER: [2 24. What was your business and/or personal mobile/cell phone carrier(s) at the time of the collision? What was the telephone number for your mobile/cell phone at the time of the collision? ANSWER: 25. Describe any and all policies of insurance which you contend cover or may cover you for the allegations set forth in Plaintiffs complaint, detailing as to such policies the name of the insurer, the number of the policy, the effective dates of the policy, the available limits of liability, and the name and address of the custodian 0f the policy. ANSWER: l3 By: GARRY V. BARLOW STATE OF COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2024, by who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did/did not take an oath. Signature of Notary Public Printed Name 0f Notary Public My Commission Expires: 14