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  • Accelerated Inventory Management, Llc v. Douglas LowderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Accelerated Inventory Management, Llc v. Douglas LowderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Accelerated Inventory Management, Llc v. Douglas LowderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Accelerated Inventory Management, Llc v. Douglas LowderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Accelerated Inventory Management, Llc v. Douglas LowderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview
  • Accelerated Inventory Management, Llc v. Douglas LowderOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Non-Card) Transaction document preview


FILED: GENESEE COUNTY CLERK 02/14/2024 12:00 PM INDEX NO. E71106 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2024 Exhibit A FILED: GENESEE COUNTY CLERK 02/14/2024 12:00 PM INDEX NO. E71106 This is a copy of an authoritative document NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2024 LOANSUMMARY Loan Id: 555 Primary Borrower Contact Information Full Real Name: Douglas Lowder Screen Name: Member_241880280 Email: Address: 18 SUNRISE PKWY OAKFIELD, NY 14125 Home Phone: 585-297-8502 Secondary Borrower Contact Information Full Real Name: Sheila H I -- -----j Screen Name: Memb r 24188 8 - - Email: sheilal a|lr@gmail.cÆnb#c4 Address: 56 Mill Rocheste FNYf4626 Home Phone: 585-738-2052 Loan Information Loan Issue Date: 2/10/22 Original Loan Amount: $28,000.00 Principle Balance: $27,125.20 Principle Balance Date: 12/27/22 Payoff Ba e: 55,5 6 -- - ---- 7 -IIIIIZIl Payoff D : 12/::7'22 I........... Document Name Dateltime Document Version Signed its I _. larm==e= The authoritative document is maintained by LendingClub Corporation and this copy was created Dec 27 2022 09:04:08 FILED: GENESEE COUNTY CLERK 02/14/2024 12:00 PM INDEX NO. E71106 LoanlD: DOC. NO. 555 2 This is a copy of an authoritative document NYSCEF RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2024 Date Signed: 2/ / 2 Truth in Lending Disclosure Statement Lender Co-Borrower . LendingClub Bank, National Douglas Lowder Association 18 SUNRISE PKWY OAKFIELD, NY 14125 Co-Borrower Loan ID: 55 Sheila Hall 56 Mill Rd Rochester, NY 14626 NUAL FINA E d NT FINA ED TM- F PERC AGE T The I ar m t the h amountof r dit MENTS The ffp r dr t wil st you idedto you 0 a he tr ountyou will . credit as a yearlyrate yourbehalf have paidwhenyou . havemadeall scheduledpayrnents 21.44% $16,791 $26,320 $43,111 Your payment schedule will be as follows: Number of payments Amount When payments are due . r hst pa ent will e one I nth r t issu be n r d the 0.nthl fier. P men . re e he s ate 60 h ontha f our ate s the th, 3 t or y nd 11 current . . s sho t r; y _ payrn will on t last .of th- ontit- Late cha ges:yoùr payment arrives after your15 day grace period, you will be charged a late fee equal to the greater of: 5.00% of the late payment amount or $15. This fee is charged only once.per late payment. F payment policy: If you pay off your aan early, you will not be charged a penalty. In.the event of a full prepayment, you ntay be entitled to a See your borrower g a n fo tional ti an abo-lit r ay , fault, r of r me s in to your loari. amount if it is not 100% funded by the end of the listing period. In the event the loan amount changes a new TIL will be provided. Total Loan Arnount: $28,000.00 Origination Fees: $1,680.00 Total Amount Pa d to You; $26,320.00 Unsuccessful payment fee. When a payment fails and is rejected by your bank, you will be charged an Unsuccessful Payment Fee of $15 to cover the cost incurred on the transaction by LendingClub Bank, National Association. Each attempt to collect a rnonthly payment is considered a separate transaction, so an Unsuccessful Payment Fee will be assessed for each failed atternpt. You are not required to complete this agreement merely because you have received these disclosures or signed a borrower agreement. .. . . .......... .... . .. ... . .. .. . The authoritative document is maintained by LendingClub Corporation and this copy was created Feb 10 2022 14:31:28