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  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC vs LYNCH, SHAWNARI LT Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview


IN ‘THE COUNTY COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY CIVIL DIVISION BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC, a Delaware limited liability company authorized to do business in Florida, as landlord of RETREAT AT CROSSTOWN, Plaintiff, CASE NO. 2024-CC-7857 vs. DIVISION: S SHAWNARI LYNCH, Defendant(s). / EVICTION SUMMONS/RESIDENTIAL TO: SHAWNARI LYNCH 10210 Casa Palarmo Drive, Apt. #3002, Riverview, FL 33578 PLEASE READ CAREFULLY You are being sued by BFM IV FL RETREAT CROSSTOWN LLC, a Delaware limited liability company authorized to do business in Florida, as landlord of RETREAT AT CROSSTOWN to require you to move out of the place where you are living for the reasons given in the attached complaint. You are entitled to a trial to determine whether you can be required to move, but you MUST do ALL of the things listed below. You must do them within 5 days (not including Saturday, Sunday, or any legal holiday) after the date these papers were given to you or to a person who lives with you or were posted at your home. THE THINGS YOU MUST DO ARE AS FOLLOWS: ay Write down the reason(s) why you think you should not be forced to move. The written reason(s) must be given to the clerk of the court at the County Civil Department, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Ist Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602, OR Plant City Branch Office, 302 N. Michigan Street, Room 12, Plant City, Florida 33563, OR at any of the satellite offices located in Hillsborough County. Q) Mail or give a copy of your written reason(s) to: CHARLES V. BARRETT Ill, ESQUIRE 307 S. FIELDING AVENUE, TAMPA, FLORIDA 33606-4121 G) PAY TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT THE AMOUNT OF RENT THE ATTACHED COMPLAINT CLAIMS TO BE DUE AND ANY RENT THAT BECOMES DUE UNTIL THE LAWSUIT IS OVER. If you believe that the amount claimed in the complaint is incorrect, you should file with the clerk of the court a motion to have the court determine the amount to be paid. If you file a motion, you must attach to the motion any documents supporting your position and mail or give a copy of the motion to the plaintiff/plaintiffs attorney. NO CHECKS ACCEPTED. MONIES DEPOSITED IN THE REGISTY OF THE COURT MUST BE IN THE FORM OF CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. A CLERK’S FEE OF 3% ON THE FIRST $500.00, AND 1.5% ON EACH SUBSEQUENT $100.00 MUST BE PAID IN ADDITION TO THE MONIES DEPOSITED. @) If you file a motion to have the court determine the amount of rent to be paid to the clerk of the court, you must immediately contact the office of the judge to whom the case is assigned to schedule a hearing to decide what amount should be paid to the clerk of the court while the lawsuit is pending. IF YOU DO NOT DO ALL OF THE THINGS SPECIFIED ABOVE WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS AFTER THE DATE THAT THESE PAPERS WERE GIVEN TO YOU OR TO A PERSON WHO LIVES WITH YOU OR WERE POSTED AT YOUR HOME, YOU MAY BE EVICTED WITHOUT A HEARING OR FURTHER NOTICE (5) If the attached complaint also contains a claim for money damages (such as unpaid rent), you must respond to that claim separately. You must write down the reasons why you believe that you do not owe the money claimed. Ihe written reasons must be given to the clerk of the court at the address specified in paragraph (1) above, and you must mail or give a copy of your written reasons to the Plaintiff/plaintiff's attorney at the address specified in paragraph (2) above THIS MUST BE DONE WITHIN 20 DAYS AFTER THE DATE THESE PAPERS WERE GIVEN TO YOU OR TO A PERSON WHO LIVES WITH YOU OR WERE POSTED AT YOUR HOME. This obligation is separate from the requirement of answering the claim for eviction within 5 working days after these papers were given to you or to a person who lives with you or were posted at your home. THE STATE OF FLORIDA 1O EACH SHERIFF OF THE STATE You are commanded to serve this summons and a copy of the complaint in this lawsuit on the above-named defendant(s). DATED on FEB 13 2024 2024 CINDY STUAR’ Pam heed? AS CLE Ol BY( ACh M\ As Deput & et 3 oe La iB ro (813) 276. 62 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING AMIE ‘AKA me fie I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A COPY OF THE SUMMONS AND COMP MINT HIS CAUSE WAS SENT BY FIRST CLASS MAIL TO THE PREMISES INVOLVED IN THE PROCEEDING TO THE DEFENDANT(S) IN THIS CAUSE ON THE DAY OF a3 4 2024, AS REQUIRED BY SECTION 48.183, FLORIDA STATUTES. ke (ry By De aa US THE COUNTY COURT DOES NOT PROVIDE INTE ETE OR NSLATORS. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING YOUR OWN INTERPRE RS O) TR, ‘ORS. ashe LA CORTE DEL CONDADO NO PROVEE INTERPRETES O TRAD RES, USTED ES RESPONSABLE DE PROVEER SU PROPIO INTERPRETE O TRADUCTOR. Tf you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the ADA Coordinator, Hillsborough County Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs St., Room 604, Tampa, Florida 33602, (813) 272-7040, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled appearance is less than 7 days; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 711 oe pee eee NOTIFICACION DE DESALOJO/RESIDENCIAL SIRVASE LEER CON CUIDADO Usted esta si endo demandado por Dema_ndante/Abogado del Dem andante p ara exigirle que desaloje el lugar donde reside por los motivos que sc cxpresan cn fa demanda adjunta. Usted tiene derecho a ser so metido a juicio parade _terminar si se le puede exigir que se mude, pero ES NECESARIO que haga TODO fo que se le pide a continnaci on en un plaza de § dias (no i neluidos los sabados, domingos, ni dias feriados) a partir de la fecha en que estos documentos se le entregaron a usted o a una persona que vive con usted, o se colocaron en sue casa. USTED DEBERA HACER LO SIGUIENTE: (1) Escribir el (las) m otiva(s) por el (los) cual(es) cree que no se le debe ohligar a mudarse. Fl (Los) motivo(s) debera(n) entregarse por escrito al secretario del tribunal en 800 Twiggs Street, Ist Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602, O la officina de Plant City, 301 N. Michigan Avenue, Cuarto 1071, Plant City, Florida 33563. (2) Enviar por correo o darle su(s) motivo(s) por escrito a Demandante/Abogado del Demandante. (3) Pagarle al secretario d el tribunal el m onto del alquiler que la dem anda adj unta reclama co mo adeudado, como cualquier alquiler pagadero hasta que concluya el litigio. Si usted considera que e] monto reclamado en la demanda es incorrecto, debera presentarle al secretario del tribunal una m_ocion para que el tribunal determ ine el monto que deba pagarse. Si usted presenta una m ocion, debera adjuntarle a esta cualesquiera docum entos que respalden su posicion, y enviar por correo o entregar una copia de la misma al demandante/abogado del demandante. NO CHECKS ACCEPTED. (4) Si usted presenta una mocion para que el tribunal deterine el monto del alquiler que deba pagarse al secretario del tribunal, debera comunicarse de inmediato con la oficina del juez al que se Je haya asignado el caso para que programe una audienci a con el fin de determ inar el m onto que deba pagarse al secret ario del tribunal m_ ientras et litigio este pendiente. : SI USTEDS NO LLEVA A CABO LAS ACCIONES QUE SE ESPECIFICAN ANTERIORMENTE EN UN PLAZO DE 5 DIAS LABORABLES A PARTIR DE LA FECHA EN QUE ESTOS DOCUMENTOS SE LE ENTREGARON A USTED O A UNA PERSONA QUE VIVE CON USTED, O SE COLOQUEN EN SUE CAS A, SE LE PODRA DESALOJAR SIN NECESIDAD DE CELEBRAR UNA AUDIENCIA NI CURSARSELE OTRO AVISO (5) Sila demanda adjunta tam bien incluy c una reclamacion por danos _y perjuicios pecunarios (tles como el imcumplimiento de pago del alquiler) us ted debera responder a dicha reclamacion por separado. Debera exponer por escrito los motivos por los cuales considera que usted no debe la suma reclamada, y entregarlos al secr etario del tribunal en la direccion que se especifica en el parrafo (1) anterior, asi como enviar por correo o entregar una copia de los mism os al demandante/abogado del damandante en la direccion que se especifica en e! parrafo (2) anterior. Esto debera llevarse a cabo en un plazo de 20 dias a partir de la fecha en que estos documentos se le entregaron a usted o a una persona que Vive con usted, o se coloquen en su casa. Esta obligacion es aparte del requisito de r esponder a la dem anda de lesalojo en un plazo de 5 d asa partir de la fecha en que estos documentos se le entregaron a usted o a una persona que vive con usted, 0 se coloquen en su casa. a 4 CITATION D'EVICTION/RESIDENTIELLE LISEZ ATTENTIVEMENT Vous etes poursuivi par Pl aignant/Avocat du Plaignant pour exiger que vous evacuez les lieux de votre residence pour les raisons enumerees dans la plainte ci-dessous. Vous avez droit a un proc es pour determiner si vous devez dem enager, mais vous devez, au prealable, suivre les instructions enumerees ci-dessous, pendant les 5 jours (non compris le samedi, le dimanche, ou un jour ferie) a partir de la date ou ces documents ont ete donnes a vous ou a Ja personne vivant avec vous, ou ont ete affiches a votre residence. LISATE DES INSTRUCTIONS A SUIVRE: (1) Enum erer par ecrit les raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez ne pas avoir a demenager. Elles doivent etre remises au clerc du tribunal County Civil Department, 800 Twiggs Street, Ist Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602 OR Plant City Branch Office 301 N. Michigan Avenue, Room 1071, Plant City, Florida 33563. (2) Envoyer ou donner une copie au Plaignant/Avocat du Plaignant. (G) Payer au clere du tribunal le montant des loyers dus comme etabli dans la plainte et le m ontant des loyers dus jusgu'a la fin du proces. Si vous pensez que le montant etabli dans la plainte est incorrect, vous devez presenter au clerc du tribunal une demande en justice pour determ iner la somme a payer. Pour cela vous devez attacher a Ja demande tous les documents soutenant votre position et faire parvenier une copie de la demande au plaignant/avocat du plaignant. NO. CHECKS ACCEPTED. (4) Si vous faites une demande en justice pour determ iner la so mme a pay er au clere du tribunal, vous devrez immediatement prevenier le bureau de juge que presidera au proces pour fixer] a date de I' audience que decidera quelle somme doit etre payee au clerc du tribunal pendant que le proces est en cours. SI VOUS NE SUIVEZ PAS CES INSTRUCTIONS A LA LETTRE DANS LES 5 JOURS QUE SUIVENT LA DATE OU CES DOCUMENTS ONT ETE REMIS A VOUS OU A LA PERSONNE HABITANT AVEC VOUS, OU ONT ETE AFFICHES A VOTRE RESIDENCE, VOUSA POUVEZ ETRE EXPULSES SANS AUDIENCE OU SANS AVIS PREALABLE (5) Si la plainte ci-dessus contient une demande pour dommages pecuniaires, tels des loyers arrieres, vous devez y repundre separement, Vous deves cnumeter par ccrit les raisuas pour Iesquelles vous estim ez ne pas devoir le m ontant demande. Ces raisons ecrites doivent etre donnees au clerc du tribunal a I'adresse specifice dans fe paragraphe (1) et une copie des ces raisons donnee ou envoy ee au plaignant/avocat due plaignant a l' adresse specifice dans le paragraphe (2). Cela doit etre fait dans les 20 jours suivant la date au ces documents ont ete presentes a vous ou a la personne habitant avec vous, ou affiches a votre residence. Cette obligation ne fait pas partie des instru ctions a suivre en reponse au proces di'eviction dans Jes 5 jours suivant la date ou ces documents ont ete presentes a vous ou ala personne habitant avec vous, ou affiches a votre residence.