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  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview
  • PEREZ-V-KAISER FOUNDATION HOSPITALS ET AL Print Wrongful Termination Unlimited  document preview


LAW OFFICE ()F TWILA S. WHITE TMla S. White. Slam: Bur 5307424 “23 NOV 1 5 2 K) 26] 5 Pacific (bust Highuu}. Suite 325 Hcrmosa Beach. California 90254 Tel: (213) 381-8749 Fax: (2 3) 38 -8799 I I av ppnnosAnEPUW 069M Attorney for Plaintiff[iSPl-IRENZA PEREZ SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Case N0: CIVDSI920836 Av“ ESPERANZA PliRliZ. (Case Assigned t0 the Honorable Judge Thomas S Garza. Department $27) Plaintiff. Vs. DECLARATION 0F TWILA S. XVfl WHITE IN SUPPORT ()F KAISER FOUNDA'I‘ION HOSPITALS. a PLAINTIFF’S OPPOSITION TO California Corporation: KAISER DEFENDANTS’ EX PARTE FOUNDA'I'ION leAlfl'll PLAN. IN(‘.. a APPLICATION T0 ADVANCE California Corporation: and SUUI‘HI'ZRN DEFENDANT’S MOTION TO CALIFORNIA l’I‘IRMANliN'l‘l-Z MEDICAL VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV COMPEL PLAINTIFF’S GROUP. |N(‘.. u ('ulilbrniu Corporation: PRODUCTION OF MEDICAL TAWNA BRUl |N: un Indi\ iduul: 21nd DOES RECORDS llhrough 50. lncluxiw. [kibndumx [)atc: November l6. 2023 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept; $27 DECLARATION 0F TWILA S. WHITE l. Twila S White. dcclurc us follows: l. l am an unornC) dul) licensed to practice before all oflhc Courts ofthe Slate 0f California. and cuumcl for PlaintiffEsperanza Perez. l am familiar with this file and. ifcallcd as a witness. l could and \muld competently testify Io the following based upon my own pcrsonafl knowledge. 2. A Iruc and cm'rccl cop} 0f rclcmnt email correspondences bcmecn m) office and I l)li(‘|./\RA'I‘I()N ()F 'l‘Wll./\ S. WHITE opposing counsels‘ office dated November 15. 2023 is attached hcrclo us Exhibit l. 3. [-‘urthcrmorc. ()n or around July 28. 2023. Plaintifi‘scrvcd nearly I500 pages (Bales Stamp N05. PEREZMEDICALOOOOOI-P[iRIiZMEDl(‘/\l.001452) ot‘hcr medical records. 'l’hc parties had a first look agreement where Plaintiff‘s counsel could rcdacl information that violated Plaintiffs rights Io privacy ofmcdical conditions unrelated Io the matters ot‘this case. c Q. ob/gyn‘ nuunmograms. routine blood work. pap smears. and thc likc. Any redaction mudc Io Plaintit‘t‘d medical records arc restricted I0 her medical conditions outside this litigation and subject t0 hcr right Io privacy and privilege. 4. As Io Ihc 1500 pages ofmcdical records. PIaintit‘fis uilling Io mccl and confer. A protective order is n01 Ihc solution because wc cannot unring the bell. Plaintiffis entitled Io privacy in hcr medical records which exceed the scope 0f damages in this case. ()thcmisc. a fishing expedition is at issue as Io her medical records. Plaintiffhas right Io privacy and privilege over her medical issues not subject matter ot‘this litigation. Plaintiff is willing Io produce Ihc unrcdaclcd copies ot‘l’laintifl‘s medical records t0 Ihc court for in camera review. ifso required. l declare undcr penalty 0f perjury under Ihc laws of 1hc Stale 0f California that the foregoing is Iruc and correct. based 0n m)‘ mm personal kmmlcdgc. lixccutcd on November l5. 2023 at Hermosa Beach. California. H A 'I‘\\i|aS.-Whitc l DECLARA'I'ION ()F TWILA S. Wlll’l'li