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  • Wigiolfer Bron Pedroza v. 39th Ave Holdings 2 Llc, Developing Ny State, LlcTorts - Other Negligence (LABOR LAW) document preview
  • Wigiolfer Bron Pedroza v. 39th Ave Holdings 2 Llc, Developing Ny State, LlcTorts - Other Negligence (LABOR LAW) document preview


INDEX NO. 719465/2023 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 12714/2023 03:50 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 7 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/14/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS pene nen n een nee nnn ee ene eee eee nen WIGIOLFER BRON PEDROZA, Index No. 719465/2023 Plaintiff, STIPULATION EXTENDING -against- TIMETO ANSWER 39 AVE HOLDINGS 2 LLC and DEVELOPING NY STATE, LLC Defendants. wenn ene nen nee ee ene een ee ene IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED and agreed by and between the undersigned that the time in which for Defendants, 39TH AVE HOLDINGS 2 LLC & DEVELOPING NY STATE, LLC, to answer Plaintiff's Verified Complaint, dated September 19, 2023, be and the same hereby is extended to January 16, 2024. Defendants hereby waives any and all defenses asserting lack of personal jurisdiction and improper service of process. Dated: New York, New York December 14, 2023 HARMON, LINDER & ROGOWSKY, GARTNER +BLOOM, PC ESQS. _ et Jordan Byrd, Esq. fVowungr shuld Namiman Subrati, Esq. Attorneys for Plaintiff Attorneys for Defendants 3 Park Avenue, 23" Floor 39th Ave Holdings 2 LLC & Developing NY New York, New Y ork 10016 State, LLC (212) 732-3665 801 Second Avenue, 11" Floor Email: New York, New Y ork 10017 (212) 759-5800 Email: lof 1