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  • Delvin Escalera v. The City Of New York, New York Police Department, New York Police Officers John And Jane Doe #1-10 (Intended As Police Officers Whos Names And Identifying Information Are Unknown)Torts - Other (Police Misconduct) document preview
  • Delvin Escalera v. The City Of New York, New York Police Department, New York Police Officers John And Jane Doe #1-10 (Intended As Police Officers Whos Names And Identifying Information Are Unknown)Torts - Other (Police Misconduct) document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 09/22/2023 09:46 AM INDEX NO. 718598/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 09/22/2023 Form 27 - AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE P9979881 GREENSTEIN & MILBAUER, LLP Shivang Patel SUPREME COURT QUEENS COUNTY STATE OF NEW YORK DELVIN ESCALERA Index No. 718598/2023 PLAINTIFF Date Filed - vs - Office No. 21169 THE CITY OF NEW YORK, ET AL., Court Date. DEFENDANT STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK :SS: DONDRE DENNIS being duly sworn, deposes and says; I am over 18 years of age, not a party to this action, and reside in the State of New York. That on the 12TH day of SEPTEMBER, 2023 2:10PM at 100 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK NY 10007 I served a true copy of the NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING, SUMMONS AND VERIFIED COMPLAINT, VERIFICATION upon THE CITY OF NEW YORK the DEFENDANT therein named by delivering to, and leaving personally with Ariton Marke, DEPUTY UNIT CHIEF, who provided verbal confirmation that he or she is authorized to accept by appointment or law to receive service on behalf of the DEFENDANT. Deponent describes the person served as aforesaid to the best of deponent's ability at the time and circumstances of the service as follows: SEX: MALE COLOR: WHITE HAIR: BROWN APP.AGE: 35-45 APP. HT: 5'9 APP. WT: 165 OTHER IDENTIFYING FEATURES Sworn to before me this 13TH day of SEPTEMBER, 2023 DONDRE 29 Lexita SHAWN D FORBES 1235 B OAD D Notary Public, State of New York NEW Y K 10001 No. 01FO6275296 Refere ce No: 7-GM7-9979881 Qualified in KINGS COUNTY Commission Expires 01/28/2025 1 of 1