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  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview
  • Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A. v. Sonja P. BrownCommercial - Contract document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/14/2023 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 612484/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/16/2023 Nassau County Maureen OConnell County Clerk llilililil|l ilt] iltiiililililil||ilIililil ilIil ilfli lill illiltil illll ilililllilr Mineola, NY 11501 ,:,1 tt:tJ_r Llr:tI75 jtitE, Ref lD#: EC 23 612484 lnstrument Numb er: 2023- 001 75386 As J67 - ELECTRON!C DEFAULT JUDGMENT Recorded On: parties: November 14,2023 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK NA TO SONJA P BROWN Num Of Pages: 4 Recorded By: LEONARD MARINELLO Comment: ** Examined and Charged as Follows: ** J67 - ELECTRONIC DEFAULT JUE 45.00 Recording Charge: 45.00 ** THIS PAGE IS PART OF THE INSTRUMENT -* I hereby certify that the within and foregoing was recorded in the Clerk's Office For Nassau County, NY File lnformation: Record and Return To: Document Number'. 2023- 00175386 Receipt Number: 3024107 Recorded Date/Time: November 14,2023 01 19:01P Book-Vol/Pg: Bk-K Vl-933 Pg-217 Cashier/Station: 0 DAL / NCCL-SKRYCS2 W 0'c,**{L tGorrnty Glerk lUlaureen O'lGonnell 1 of 4 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/14/2023 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 612484/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/16/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COLTNTY OF NASSAU X JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A., Index No,: 61248412023 Plaintiff, JUDGMENT 'against- SONJA P. BROWN, Defendant. X This summons and complaint having been served upon defendant, SONJA P. BROWN, and said affidavit having been duly filed with the Court, and the time for defendant, SONJA P. BROWN, to answer or otherwise move with respect to the summons and complaint having expired, and upon the annexed Affidavit of Facts of Ray Diamond Associate of the plaintiff, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., and upon the annexed Affirmation of Leonard P. Marinello, Esq.. and upon all papers filed herein; NOW, upon the motion of Bonchonsky &Zaino,LLP,226 Seventh Street, Garden City, New York I1530, attorneys for the plaintiff, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N,A., it is ADJUDGED that Judgment be entered in favor of the plaintiff, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., having an address at 270Park Avenue, New York, New York l00l7,and against the defendant, SONJA P. BROWN, having an address 607 E. 80th Street, 1't Floor, Brooklyn, New York 11236, in the amount of $1161835.35, together with costs and disbursements as taxed by the Clerk of the Court in the sum of $ '{to 60 making in all a grand total sum due in the amount of ll? 3f and that Plaintiff have execution therefore; and $ Plaintiff s second cause of action lor attorney's fees is waived. Judgment signed this l"/ day of Novemb er,2023. O'CONNELL, NASSATJ COTINTY CLERK 2 of 4 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/14/2023 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 612484/2023 rNDEX NO. 6L2484/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/16/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11 /10/2023 I I s6-a,l u,co,rr trr*, c,rLr rr,,*rr rk^r c,,n, r,r,, M Cr,'rntcii? I fr93 o, Jvr.u, t SUPREME COUNTY OF ...-9ouRr oF NASSAU ?r,E s?Ara oF NEry yoBK ",..',,*.ilfrl.l8JIi. JP&,OR6AN CHASE BA NI(, N. A . , INDEX No. ; 6LZ4B4lZO23 PluinillJlt) 6,ssts nf pLArNrrpF SONIA P. BROWN, ,elnn( J, Cosrs before nore CPLR gs20J of is.s ruoa.'i"""' 20a 0a Fcc fur inr/cx numbcr CPLR gg0l 8(x) s 210 00 Costs ofter nore of issue Rrfcrce's fees CPLR 0Bl0l (oXl),8003(a) CPLR $8201 subO. 2 Commissioncr's compcnsolio n CPLR $Bl0t(rX2t,.. [nol of issuc Clcrk's fac, filingnorice of pcnd. or rrrach. CpLR gd02 l(uX l0) CPLR $s201.rtj. 5 '"' Entcring ond drckeing jwtgncnt CPLR I8l0t(o)(7), 80t6(r)(2) Paid {or scarchcs CPIR g8l0r(a)(t0) clD Allowancc by slolute ' Affidavic& t CPLR 0r8i02fr).'iili' Q Addilionrl ollorvrnce.. ocknorvlcdgmenrs CpLR 0800e Scrving copy ,u,runons & cornphinr CPLR 0g0t f (h)( | ). 8i0, u cPtR $8302 (d) """""" '' Rcgucst for )udiciol inrcrvcorion.....,,.. Iv{orion costs ....,........ Note of issuc CpLR f8020(n) CPLR olii'd hid rcfcrcc's rcpon CpLR g8J0l (a)(12) Ccrtilied ioirics of popcrs CPLR 9830t(oXa) Appaal to hppcllorc cPtR $8?03 (b) Tcrm a Salisfocti ori' piccc CPLR $5020(a).802t ppcllt Trooscrif ts on d lilins CPLR $802t A o_Apptlla tc Di v is f on CPLR 08203 (o) Ccnil?cd copy ofJurlgmenr CPLR 0802, Appcal to Court of Appcals CPLR 68?04 Costs upon frivolous cloims ond countcrclnints CPIR 08103.0 cosc! CPLR of Appcals' CPLIT $830t (u)( I2) p0Psrl CPLR CPLR $830r(b) CPLR CPLR CPLR 45 00 Rcfecc's rcport ...........- Atlcndance of wilnesses CPLR 0800t(rXbXc), gl0r(rXl)..,. Serwiie of Sr-urmons and ConplainE o0 Individual 15 00 Ll ADJUSGDAT nrs-JJ-DAY Iu* Cl€rlc, Cosrs s zoo DlsuunsrrvErrs 270, Toul +:47 $ 270 00 3 of 4 FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 11/14/2023 09:00 AM INDEX NO. 612484/2023 rNDEx NO. NYSCEF DOC. NO. 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF:6L2484/2023 11/16/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: Ll/10/2A23 Srerti Ol' NLn' \'{.rtrti, Courl1.1.'91 IBSSAU J.s. AT1'ult rtt r'5 Apl.tt6tr. ltox T(rc undcrsi6ncd. an a,tornc y adntittcd 1o pruclicc irtthc crrurtr of rhi.s st:rtc. ufiirrrr.r: thirl I unr a MEI"IEffi OF lHE FIFI{ OF DOIUCI ONSIfy zq.Ituo & LLP lirr nilofirr)'(s I ol rccorf fur lhc PL{IIWIFF ittthc lholr,cntitlcd rclaonlthu thu ftrrugolng dishurrcnrcnr.q ftarc hurrrur rrill ncecg;rrilr br' rtrnrl0 ur incuncd in rrris acrinn urrcJ un rcaronublc in itlrount ulrd lhl cuclt o[ thc pcnioni nrmcd trt u,itncstqs aL(endcd as suuh olr thc tritrl, hcaring or ex:rnlirrltiorr bc/orc tri;rl hcrcin thc nunthcr ol'duys set opposilr, lhuir rralrrcs; lhrl cnch otsi,id pcniu,rs rr:sidcd lhr nrrnrhcr ol milcs rcl oppo.situ thcir nanres fronr rhu placc of soid rirl, hearirrg or craminuritrn;and cuch of s:rirl pcrsons, ns such rr,itrreqs c.t lrforclcid, ncces.rtuily, travclcd llrc rrulrrhcr of milcs so scl oppo.titc ificir namcs in tnvcling lo, and thc tlistrnc llts rarrrc plrrcc til trial, lreorinB or rxlminrtionl and th:rr copics of rjocunrenl.l or prIcru 05 chirrgcd elcrn luull ccc.ssitrily otrtirirrerl for usc Thc undcn;ignrd al.firnr.s that lhe Iorcgoinp srnrtntunls rrc lruu, urrdcr th pcnrl Datcd: GqRDEI CfI1', ]Ef' yORi( ,! ! a rmr r,raac nr ( 13, il rh P T,NRINELTD, ESQ November L0,2023 Y. d o 1> m t>. t s l&, E oc o o I!(, E t- fr o .9 H t] t cn ! s IP .L{ o E tn xc, .t r-) s tr kl o t br, t-l V) q. -tJ E 5 a) u g o H o tn ,:3 sFl r,>/ E u U U 4 o cn FI z, uti El' o Lt E !,a, ,e ! 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