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  • County Of Nassau v. Rikesh ParikhOther Matters - Civil Forfeiture document preview
  • County Of Nassau v. Rikesh ParikhOther Matters - Civil Forfeiture document preview
  • County Of Nassau v. Rikesh ParikhOther Matters - Civil Forfeiture document preview
  • County Of Nassau v. Rikesh ParikhOther Matters - Civil Forfeiture document preview


(FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 4/86/2026 14:35 RM INDEX NO. 605686/2028 NYSCER7D0C/2.NQ. 5 150 (5187462611 canpanelliandAssociates RECEIVEDyNY¥6GFon E 198d 26/2028 van P.001/002 SUPREME COURT O F COUNTYOF _Warssa THE STATE OF NEW YORK STATEMENT OF AUTH ORIZATION FOR (ianaging Attorney Aut horizin 8 Filing Agent 1 _Antey J. Campandly Entity) managt ns ig attorney of; attorney Atto mey Registration No, Samporclly f Associa ter in charge of wait fo r 2SHI6 Jam the tepresent that the attorn jeya in the the “Fi rm" ), I hereh, acknowledge and Electronic Filing System CYYSCE Firm who ar '@ auth rized users a the New York Sta time Procit Sevojee F") hereby author ize ay employ te who pos es sesses a NYSC! EF filing agent IDof their behalf and at their directia: to file documents on cou;unsscl ofRecord through NY: SC) in, as & filing agent, in any e-€led matter in which the EF, as provided in S ection 202.5. y lal 01 . +b of the Uniform Rulesaye for the This authorization ext previously consented to e-filingendors fomay any consensual matter 4 in which hh icreafter consent, to any these attorneys have they have recorded th elt represent ation, and to any matter fIn hich man dat ory matter in which agent to record conse! int or represent they authorize the filing atio n in the NYSCER, This auth orizatian extends tt ‘0 any and submit to the flh agent for filing in any such allmatt documents these attorneys er, Thig authorizatio generate and Si website as to each matter inwl n, Poated once on the deemed to acco mpany any docume these attorne are counsal of reco} attorneys, nt {n that matter filed hy rd, shail be the filing agen t on behalf of these Where Filing Rules, tha document int tended for fili In attorney will notify the fili 1 includes Secure inform: ation as set forth in the Re icument Ing agent and direct th 8 fil. ng age nt view auch Secure documents'SCEF system, These ato rneys further aut horize the to mark that @ in the agent for filing |in any such that they har V6 filed or tha t they generat fe and submitfiling agent to matter, ta the filing y debi n Sr efiling county orig by debiti ee Ing e agane t mait Th 0} eitherby yinent, which the fling age nt.may ntai ng an ace: ount the Pirm mai the Coun ty Clerk of any authormak nS wi th ize e authorized e-fili ing nta l ins with the County Cle d county, rk ofany This authorizatioi n authorization in writing on regarding this filin; 6 Agent shall continue until th ¢ a prescribed form deliverad to Fit revokes the the E- Filing Reg jource Cent er, Dated: Thrvfi L757 yrewith Me S73 ey Merman, ry 415ee Signature City, State and Zip Code Anta J, Companctly (519 74e-Hess Print Name Phone 1 of 2 INDEX NO. 615600/2023 NYSCEF pPha 5i1:50 5167482611 CampanelliandAssociates RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/27/2023 #3160 - 002/002 weriweuin vor An) P,002/002 ac ® Companelt Pe. cam Firm/Department E-Mall Addvegg 1757 mrevnids Kyewe Suk 04 Street Address (@ne2y 2 of 2