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  • Rafael Iturralde v. New Windsor Town OfOther Real Property - SCAR document preview
  • Rafael Iturralde v. New Windsor Town OfOther Real Property - SCAR document preview


FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 10/31/2023 02:57 PM INDEX NO. EF500567-2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 2 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/31/2023 ':SUPREME -COURT OF 'THE STATE OF NEW YORK .COUNTY OF ORANGE In the-Matterof STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT (Small Cairns Assessment Review INDEX #: EF500567-2023 Rafael kurraitle ASSESSMENT YEAR: 2023 Petitioner(s) MUNICIPALITY: Town Of New Windsor 61 Red Maple Way I1EPRESENTATIVE: Property Location Sokol Grotm Address: 228 East East° 59i Suite 330 Tel (845) 215,8100 Nanuet,4•Thr 109542095 E-Millthsoliol@retakteorit 0 Mtorney Noll-Attorney SECTION 90 BLOCK 3 LOT 13 — IT IS IIEREBY STIPULATED AND.AGREED by and between the above named Petitioner® or Authorized Rept esentative(S), ancl TtutAsSessing Nefunicipalitylhat the 2033 Assessment on,the referenced:tax parcel be:. ItEDUCEDTROVI: $594300 - - TO:: • $5.14000 A REDUCTION of: 4 $8300 ThIS EURTHER STEM:AT/ED AND AGREED that the Municipal officials having,custody of the asSessment rolls shall correct the asleslittleatt011t000nform to thisStipulation, If any taxes were paid kissed on the "reduced from,' assessment indicated above, a refund of the bites Paid on the amount of the redaction of the aboveLmentiooed assessment Shall bzmadzto The Petitioner, or to the Representative on behalf of the Petitioner(s) ifthe'RePresentative is an attorney, Who is to bold the proceeds Astrust funds for appropriate distribution, and who is to remain the fuurther jurisdiction of this Court with regard to its attorno?s lien, pursuant to Judiciary Law 1475. IT .IS FURTHER AGREED that this stipulation Constitutes for the purposes of the Section 755 of the Real Property Tax law. IT IS FURTHER AGREETIllutt this StiritilatiOn represents full settlement of this Small Claims Assessment Review proceeding and that no costs or allowances, shall be awarded or paid to, by, or against any of the parties. Dated: (0 ^)? —10 3 Pryge-r$okot Authorized Representative SO ORDERED: Yva- HEARING OFP :Sea term # 11084020) 1 of 1