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  • Firstservice Residential Vs The Plaza GrandeContract/Commercial Transaction document preview
  • Firstservice Residential Vs The Plaza GrandeContract/Commercial Transaction document preview
  • Firstservice Residential Vs The Plaza GrandeContract/Commercial Transaction document preview
  • Firstservice Residential Vs The Plaza GrandeContract/Commercial Transaction document preview


MON-L-000331-24 01/23/2024 Pglof2 Trans ID: LCV2024227318 MON-C-000167-23 2024-01-15 16:01:29.470 Pg 2of3 Trans ID: CHC2024 15647 FILED David W. Merritt, Esq., 090382013 JAN 23 2024 McGovern Legal Services, LLC 850 Carolier Lane David F. Bauman, P..Ch. New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (732) 246-1221 Attorneys for The Plaza Grande at Old Bridge Condominium Association, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE PLAZA GRANDE AT OLD BRIDGE NEW JERSEY CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., CHANCERY DIVISION GENERAL EQUITY PART Plaintiff, MONMOUTH COUNTY DOCKET NO. MON-C-167-23 MON-C-172-23 FIRSTSERVICE RESIDENTIAL MIDATLANTIC, LLC, JOHN DOES 1-20, fictitious defendants whose identities are CIVIL ACTION unknown, XYZ CORPORATIONS, fictitious corporations or entities whose entities are unknown, fictional defendants CONSENT ORDER whose identities are not presently known to Plaintiff but who are liable to Plaintiffs for the causes of action set forth in the Complaint, Defendant(s). FIRSTSERVICE RESIDENTIAL MIDATLANTIC, LLC, Plaintiff, Vv THE PLAZA GRANDE AT OLD BRIDGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., Defendant. These consolidated matters having been brought before the Court by McGovern Legal Services, LLC, attorneys for The Plaza Grande at Old Bridge Condominium Association, Inc. (the “Association”), via Verified Complaint; and by Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP, attorneys MON-L-000331-24 01/23/2024 Pg2of2 Trans ID: LCV2024227318 MON-C-000167-23 2024-01-15 16:01:29.470 Pg3of3 Trans ID: CHC202415647 for FirstService Residential MidAtlantic, LLC (“FSR”), by way of Verified Complaint with Order to Show Cause for preliminary injunction; and the parties having amicably resolved their various demands for injunctive and equitable relief; and for good cause show, it is hereby ORDERED: 1 The Order to Show Cause application filed by FSR and currently returnable February 8, 2024, is hereby withdrawn without prejudice and without costs. These matters are hereby transferred to the Law Division, all pending Chancery Division issues having been resolved, The Association and FSR shall file their respective Answers or other responsive pleadings or motions within sixty (60) days from the date this Order is posted by the Court to the eCourts case jacket for this matter. A copy of this Order shall be deemed served on all counsel of record upon its posting by the Court to the eCourts case jacket for this matter. McGovern Legal Services, LLC Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani LLP Attorneys for The Plaza Grande at Old Attorneys for FirstService Residential Bridge Condominium Association, Inc. MidAtlantic, LLC igitally signed by: Dante! DiMuro Daniel DiMurojf CN = Daniel DiMuro email = C= AD py: LL DavedU) Where; Cap. By: Date: 2024.01.12 10:30:10-0600" David W. Merritt, Esq. Daniel J. DiMuro, Esq. Dated; January 12, 2024 Dated: January 12, 2024 x Li Dated: f~ 23-24 A Ap AA Thé Hon, David F, Batman, P.I.Ch. Page 2 of 2