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  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview
  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview
  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview
  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview
  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview
  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview
  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview
  • Universe Painting, Inc. vs. Lynn Bryant document preview


Electronically Filed Superior Court of CA County of Contra Costa 11/30/2023 3:18 PM By: S. Gonzalez, Deputy CM-110 ATTORNEY OR PARIY WITHOUT A1TORHEY ialame Slala sar a maar add address): FoR coURrusE DHLY DAVID B. STROMBERG, ESQ. SBN ¹88132 STROMBERG LAW FIRM, Attorneys/Mediators 1211 Newell Avenue, Suite 230 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 1ELEPHOHE Ho 023.037.0300 Eaanit ADDREss.strombergsgsuomberglew corn AyroRNEY FoR rmamal Defendant LYNN BRYANT, Trustee of the Bennett Trust; end LYNN BRYANT SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF CONTRA COSTA STREET ADDRESS 725 COUII Street MAILING ADDRESS cnv lwo ap DDDE Martinez, CA 94003 ERANCH NAME PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER:UNIVERSE PAINTING, INC. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT LYNN BRYAN7; et el. CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT (Checkonejr [Z UNLIMITED CASE (Amount demanded ~ LIMITEDCASE (Amount demanded is $ 25,000 CASENUMSER C23-00029 exceeds $25,000) or less) A CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE is scheduled as follows: Date cecember14, 2023 Time: S.SDe.m Dept; 10 Divd Room: Address of court (if different from the address above): ~x Notice of intent to Appear by Telephone, by (name)7 David B. Stromberg, Esq. INSTRUCTIONS: All applicable boxes must be checked, and the specified information must be provided. 1. Party or parties (answer one): a. ~x This statement is submitted by party (name): Defts. Trustee of The Bennett Trust; end ~ LYNN BRYANT. LYNN BRYANT b. This statement is submitted jointly by parties (names): 2. Complaint and crass-complaint (io be answered by piaintifls and cross-complsinanis only) a. The complaint was filed on (date): b. ~The cross-complaint, if any, was filed on (date)7 a. b. ~ 3. Service (fo be answered by plaintiffs and cross-complainants only) ~ ~ parties named in the complaint and cross-complaint have been served, have appeared, or have been dismissed. All The following parties named in the complaint or cross-complaint (1) have not been served (specify names and explain why nofjr (2) ~x have been served but have not appeared and have not been dismissed (specify names): Defendants have not answered the FirstAmended Complaint; they have demuned to the PlrstAmended Complaint (3) ~ have had a default entered against them (specify names): c. ~ The following additional parties may be added (specify names, nature of involvement in case, and date by which they msy be served): 4. Description of case a. Type of case in ~x complaint ~ cross-complaint Breach of Contract; Foreclosure of Mechanic's Lien; Common Counts (Describe, including causes of action): Pas I IS Cai film of Cc n. Fmm Aduplad fcr Mandalurv Uaa Judwiel 0 m'I al Cal fomm CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT 3.720-3 7 30 turne CMIIDIR Saplamba 1,2021I www au da ca eov PLAHtllFF/PElllloNEFc UNIVERSE PAINTING, INC. ( ovruuuumn DEFEEDrutTIREBPottDENl'YNN BRYANT, et al. C23-00020 ! 4. b. pwvlde a brief ststemsn1 of the case, indudlng any damages. (If personal Injury damages em sought, spec@ the brjury snd damages dsbnsd, bwkrdbrg medical expenses fo date Jbuferue seams snd srnaung esgms!ed Ibbus meScal expenses, bxrt earnings io dais, smf esSnated futum lost earnings If equbable rsfsf Is aegbt, describe Hm nstum of gxr rsgef.) Piatngg seek to enforce a conslruc5on conbset wHh del'andante, despbe lhe fact that Pkringg used an bnpwper and invaHd eorumct form; violated the 'Right to Repair Aer (Civg Code j)jj 805- 045,5) in mWHple ways; and seek to foredose upon a mechanids Hsn despke having fabed to record and sswe the required Notice of Pendency of Aetkm (Us Pendens). ~ ~nt ~ (lf mom space is neuter( cbscb Ibis bcn smf susen s page dssbprsbrd as 5. Jury or nonjury trial The party or paryes wquest ~u a Jury trtal B. Trkd date s jury bbrg: ~ 4b.) a nonjury nial. (If ream than ans pwty, provide the name ef escb perly m b. ~ ~u The trtal has been set for (date): No trial date has been seL Thkr case wgl be ready far nial within 12 months af the date of the filing of the complaint (lf nof, explain): c. Dates on which partie or attorneys wHI not be avsystue far trkd (spedfy dates and explain ressans for unsvsgsMly)r 7. atbnated length of trial The party or partie esgmate Huu the btal wgl huts (cbsek one): m ~» days ( fxrdfy number)r su b. ~ hears (shart causes) (~)r 8. Triel mpnmsntagon (labs snxnwsd foreacb fusty) Ths parly or parties wgl be repnuuurted at trhl m AHamey: fX by ths suomsy or psrS Hated in the espgon ~ by the foyawing: b. Rrm: c. Address: d. Telephone number. f. Fax number. e. E~H address ~ g. Refenmm AddNonsl repnumntagan kr desertbed in Altsehment 8. g. Party wpresentsd ~ Thkr case ls enyged to prefwwm (epedfy cade seegan)r ~ 10. Altemagve dhrpute nmolugon (ADR) (1) Far pargss represent by coummk counsel CE has 3'f a. ADR infonnsgon paekstpL Please note that dgfsnurt ADR processes are availabls in digsrent eourts snd commungies; read Hre ADR Infannsgon package pwvlded by lhe cmut under nde the Callfomhr Ruhw of Court for Infonnagon about the avaf abbr through the eaurt snd communily pwgnuns in this case. ~ hss not provided the ADR fnfcnnsk package uhmHHed (2) Forselfeqtesen& psrgsu Perly has~ ~ in rule 3221 to the dlent and reviewed ADR oplkms with the dienL has not ravknwdtheADR informaganpackage Idenggedinruls3321. (1) ~ b. Refensl to judicial arbhragon or dvg ac5on rnedlsgon (if avagable). This mailer is subject to mandatmy Judkfal arbklstkm under Code of CMI Pwcsdurs secgon 1141.11 or to dvH acuon medkrtkm under code of civH procedure sedkm 1775.3 because the amount In antwvsnw does not exceed ths (2) ~ statutoqr Emit. Plslngg sleds to refer this case to Judicial srbibsbon and agrees to Emit reoovery to the amount spedbed in Cods of Civg Procedure ssdlon 1141.11. (3) ~s This case is exempt fwm Judidal srbilragon under rule 3.811 af Hw Cagfomla Rules of Court or fram dvH acuan msdistkm under Code of Civg Procedure sscHon 1775 et ssq. ( Pedfy sxempNon)r The amount In eontwversy exceeds 850,000.00. eu.1 tv. sephedm e sml rvcoxwv 10 CASE HHANAIHEHHENT STATEHHENT PIAINTIPPIPSTITI045tb UNIVERSE PAINTING, INC. ! ~~~~"~'YNN BRYANT, et al. C23-00029 10 c. Indicate the ADR process or poossses that the pmty or psrdes are wlglng to psrddpate in, have sgmed to pmgdpals In, or have already pmtld pated In (chedr su Pmt apply end pnwlde the spscNsd intbmmdan)r The pmty ar parths compleang If the party or parties complethg this form In the cess have agreed to this form snr wlglng to pamdpats in or have already comphhm sn ADR pracess or pocesses, parddpate in the folhwlng ADR indicsh the status of the processes (sthch s copy af fhe psdhs'DR processes (checkay that apply): sgprdsdan)r ~ ~ Mediation session not yet scheduled Medla5on session scheduled for (dsh): (1) Mediation ~ ~ Agreed to complete medhtlon by {dsh): tlledisgon completed on (dsts): ~ ~ SeNement conference not yat scheduhd SeNement conference scheduled fcr(dsfe): ~ ~ Agreed to complete seNement conference by (date): SeNement conference completed on(dale): ~ ~ Neuhal evaluation not yet scheduled Neutral evalustkm scheduled for (dah): (3) Neutral evaiuathn ~ ~ Agreed to complete neutral evaluagon by (dale): Neutral svalus5an completed on (date): ~ ~ Judldsl srbltrsdon not yet scheduled (4) Nonbinding)udidal srbihatlon ~ ~ Judicial arbitration scheduled for (date)r Agreed to complete)udhlal arhha5m by (date): Judichl arbhrstlcn completed on (dats): ~ ~ Private arbltrsgon not yet scheduled Private arbhmgon scheduled for (date): (5) Binding private srbhagcn ~ ~ Agmed to complete private brttatathm by (date): Private arbilndon completed on (date)r I I ADR session not yet scheduled C3 ADR session scheduhd for (drte)r ~ ~ Agreed to comphh ADR session by (dsh)r ADR completed on (dsfe): pagesorv cu.110 pw. ssplsmlm v sun CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT FIAINrIFFIFETITIDNER UNIVERSE PAINTING, INC. DEFENDANTIRESFONDENT: LYNN BRYANT, et al. ! 11. Insurance a ~ ~ ~ Insurance carrier, if any, for pmty Sling thhr shdmnsnt (name): b. Rsservadonofdghts: Yes No c. ~ Coverage Issues wlh signIScanay atfmd resoiugon of this case (explain): 12. Jurtsdtccon a Indicate any matters that may agent the courl's )udsdhSon or processing of this case and describe the shdua 3 n pmy ghdus: C]Othe (speoyy)r 13. Related a. ~ esses, consogdacon, and coongnagon There are companion, underlying, or related caseL (1)Name of casa (2)Name of ccurh (3)Case number. Status: ~ (4) Addtaonal cases are descdbed ln Athrchmsm 13s. ~ b. A motion to ~ consolidate ~ coordinate wgl be Sled by (name party)r 14. Blhncacon ~ The party or psrgss intend to Sle a mohon for an order bifurcating, severing, or coordinaang the «Slowing issues or causes of acgon (specffy moving party, lyps of mogrm, and reasons): 15. Other mottons ~n The party or parties expect to Sie the folhwlng mcacrw before trial (speciTF moving psrly, type ofmotion, end issues): Defendants lave s pending demurrer to PhrirSPs Fhsl Amended ComphrfnL 18. Dlsmwery m b. ~ ~n The party or parties have completed sll discovery. The following discovery will bs corn pleiad by Sts date specgled (dsscrtire sli andcgmted dascovacdr eaCh Dencrloucn Defendants Vaatm Cncrnnxy to Flainuy an Dspssgon of Rshrcy 43can c. ~ The following discovery hsues, inducing issues regarding ths discovery of eisctronhslly stmad Inhrmadon, sre anadpated (opacity)r on 1m yw. sephehe x usa rvsn4or a CASE MANAGEBIENT STATEMENT CM-110 PIAINTIFF/PETITIONER: UNIVERSE PAINTING, INC. CASE NUMBER: I YNN BRYANT et at C23-00029 ! t7. Economic litigation a. ~ This is a limited civil case (i.e., the amount demanded is $ 25,000 or less) and the economic litigation procedures in Code of Civil Procedure sections 90-98 will apply to this case. b. ~ This is a limited civil case and a motion to withdraw the case from the economic litigation procedures or for additional discovery will be filed (if checked, explain specifically why economic litigation procedures re(sling fo discovery or trial should not apply to this case): 18. Other issues ~ The party or parties request that the following additional matters be considered or determined at the case management conference (specify): I 9. Meet and confer a. ~x The party or parties have met and conferred with all parties on all subjects required by rule 3.724 of the California Rules of Court (if nof, explain): b. ~ After meeting and conferring (specify)r as required by rule 3.724 of the California Rules of Court, the parties agree on the following 20. Total number of pages attached (if any)r G Iam completely familiar with this case and will be fully prepared to discuss the status of discovery and alternative dispute resolution, as well as other issues raisedby this statement, and will possess the authority to enter into stipulations on these issues at the time of the case management conference, including the written authority of the party where required Date November 30, 2023 David B. Stromberg i1YPE OR PRINT NAME) ISIGNATURE OF P RTY OR ATTORNEY) ISIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) ~ (TYPE OR PRINT NAMEI Additional signatures are ahached. cM.I I c [Re s eetemeer I, 2021I P Sesers Y. CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT For your protection snd privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have printed the form Print this form save this form ! Clear this form! ! ! ! ! PROOF OF SERVICE I, David B. Stromberg, declare: 3 Iam employed in the County of Contra Costa; my business address is 1211 Newell Avenue, Suite 230, Walnut Creek, California 94596. I am over the age of 18 years and am not a party to the foregoing 4 action. On November 30, 2023, I served the following document(s): Case Management Conference Statement (by mail) on all parties in said action, in accordance with Code of Civil Procedure t11013a(3), by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope in a designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth below. At Stromberg Law Firm, mail placed in that designated area is given O the correct amount of postage and is deposited that same day, in the ordinary course of business, in t- a United States mailbox in the City of Walnut Creek, California. 10 m o (X) (by email) by transmitting a copy of the same, to the email addresses listed below. 11 e Brian D. Seibel, Esq. A™ a ( I 12 Seibel dc Finta 1401 Willow Pass Rd., Ste. 1010 13 Concord, CA 94520 M x bdseibei@gmail.corn W e 14 p(V O 15 Wz" 16 o M~ga c 17 Q & o 18 0 I- m 20 21 Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and 22 correct. Executed on the date first written abo W I C k C lif mia. 23 24 Dt(srfd3I. erg 25 26 27 28 Proof of Service